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About onlycoues

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  1. onlycoues

    2006 Raptor

    New price $3000.00...if your interested i will send pics 520 390 2247
  2. onlycoues

    2006 Raptor

    2006 Raptor for sale-- $3500 OBO
  3. onlycoues

    Neat little creature

    Do these things bite? I got bit yesterday by something that looks like that and it hurt
  4. onlycoues

    looking to relocate to tucson area

    Trust me, the market in Tucson is bad. I worked in remodeling for 8 yrs and I cannot find a job. Good luck to you though
  5. onlycoues

    FREE D'Backs ticket

    Hey guys. I watched the game on tv. Sorry it was such a horrible game
  6. onlycoues


    got my tag for 32 mule deer yesterday
  7. I used to love to hunt 30a for whitetail but my son is getting older now and I dont want to take him down there. I am afraid we will run into smugglers, illegals or who knows what.
  8. onlycoues


    My brother and I got 32 mule deer. He got early hunt and i got late hunt. My dad didnt get drawn
  9. onlycoues

    Hunters Safety Course

    Thanks, its no hurry. He has plenty of time before he turns 10 Chris
  10. I would like to get my son set up for a Hunters Safety Course. I checked G&F website but there is nothing in my area. I live in Benson but there was nothing in TUcson or Sierra Vista last time I checked. Does anyone have other suggestions? Chris
  11. onlycoues

    Arizona SCI

    Is this in Tucson, How do I go about getting tickets?
  12. onlycoues


    No elk tag , that makes 8 years in a row
  13. onlycoues

    Let it snow,let it snow, let it snow

    I live in Benson and it was 20 degrees outside this morning and snow covered the mountains all the way to Tucson. Too bad I have to work.
  14. onlycoues

    December Tags

    Im heading out to 30a tomorrow, good luck to you all
  15. onlycoues


    Katkiller I was in area 32. I believe I heard you talking about the lions on the radios. Just so you all know, looking back on it now, it makes sense that they didnt have a tag and thats why they left it but it really didnt occur to me at the time. I guess I was just caught up in the moment and I really wish I had gotten thier plate. My buddy may have run into the same people. That is why I asked the unit you were in. How did you do in 32 for deer? I really have taken a liking to unit 32 and 33. Katkiller Unit 32 was a disaster this year for mule deer. I only heard of one person getting a buck over a 2x2. Most hunters I know didnt even see a buck. My dad is hunting whitetail in 32 dec hunt and I am hunting whitetail 30a dec.