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Everything posted by Viper

  1. Viper

    Finally got a lion picture

    I like it OK. It is the only one I've tried, so I don't really have anything to compare to. It is the 4.0 model, which I believe is their cheapest one. I don't want one too expensive in case it gets stolen or burns in a fire like my 3.0 model. It is small, light and runs on 4 AA batteries. It comes with a plug-in remote that is used for programming and picture viewing. The screen is too small to see much detail in pictures, so I carry a camera to view pictures....just slide out the SD card and put it in the camera. It seems to have good battery life and takes decent pics. The programming takes some getting used to, ie, which button to push for what, but not too difficult. I believe Amanda sells them on this site.
  2. I got a deal on a package of Bloodrunners. I tested them tonight. They seem to fly well and hit where I aim, at 20 yards. However, it appears the blade slices in the target (entrance and exit) were the same width as the closed width, as if they didn't open much. Do they open fully inside the target, then close as it exits? It doesn't appear to perform as advertised. I was surprised that the blades are spring loaded to the closed position. Anyone have any experience with these heads? This is my first experience with expandables. Thanks for your input/advice.
  3. I hiked in to the Mazatzal Mnts, in the Sunflower Fire burn area yeaterday to see if anything was left of my trail camera. About 8 miles round trip. Sadly, nothing was left of it but the security box and camera circuit board. The canyon the spring is in is about 98% burned. Here are a few pics of the area. My "camera" on the tree: Only thing left was the security box and camera circuit board: Tall grass and new growth since the summer rains: Water still flows in a creek bed...life will return:
  4. Thanks for the input Redman. That's a good idea, to shoot fruit. I have grapefruit hanging on the neibhors tree....good practice too. I guess no one else has experience with these. Maybe that says something about this BH.
  5. Viper

    spring results

    Pig - HAM, 22. No ground-buzzard tag.
  6. Viper

    Few more hunting items FS

    "North Face Outrider 75 pack. Used once. Basically brand new. Retail for this is $269 Sent to you for $120 Face to Face $100" What size is the pack? It appears they came in S, M, and L
  7. Viper

    My camera didn't make it....burned up.

    That's what I'm thinking! I guess it's better than having it stolen. Those coverts are good cameras...but not fireproof I was hoping the SD card survived so I could get some pics. It was amazing to see that the whole camera body melted and ran out the bottom holes of the metal box. It only left the circuit board and batteries in the box. At least the box is still usable. I still have one camera to play with.
  8. Viper

    Pack animals??

    I happen to bump into southernxpress and his goats that evening, at Jakes Corner...headin' home. He took the time to talk for a while and shared some photos. Nice guy, and very cool goats. The black one was very friendly and loved the attention. It sure peaked my interest....I'm not getting any younger.
  9. * SOLD * I have a Triclawps for sale. I have only used it a couple times at the range, but have not had the opportunity to use it on a hunt. It works OK with my medium weight tripod, but would be better with a heavier tripod. These are currently selling for $100. I would like to get $75. Preferrably FTF, but will ship if necessary. I live in Mesa and work in west Chandler, so am somewhat flexible for meeting location. Please PM or reply to this post with questions. Thanks, Brad
  10. Viper

    Remember to be thankful for your spouse!

    AMEN!! I have a wonderful wife! She has tolerated my hunting addiction for 30 years. When I am feeling guilty for a week long hunt coming up, and think she's going to let me have it....she turns around and helps me with grocery shopping and food prep. I'd be suspicious that she's eager to get me out of the house for a while, but when I return, she has shampooed all the carpet, or rearranged the furniture, or painted a room, or.... She helps me unload the truck and park the trailer when I return. Probably the most painful thing for her to endure is listening to my stories but she does anyway. I love that woman!
  11. Viper

    How to Transport an Elk Shoulder Mount?

    I have hauled one down from Cottonwood to Mesa in the bed of a pickup. Tie it in place with rope/straps, support it with blankets stuffed where needed, carefully cover it with a tarp. No issues.
  12. Viper

    Unusual elk sighting

    I hunt unit 22 a lot. The elk range has expanded into that area, down to Sunflower, Mt. Ord, 4-peaks....all through the Mazatzals. We glassed way more elk than deer on our deer hunt. Saw alot of smaller bulls and cows.
  13. That's a pretty good picture from video! Could decrease the brightness with the software. Great buck! Here's a spike muley I got from around 500 yards through a Zeiss scope.
  14. Wind can be your friend for finding deer (maybe not for shooting). I've found a lot of deer on the lee-side of hills in 20+ mph wind. Just standing around, out of the wind. I hate the wind...makes my eyes water bad, but can be used to your advantage.
  15. Thanks...I have a Droid. I think I'll stick with the Tinesup for now.
  16. I have the setup from Tinesup....works great! Very easy and quick to set up. Light weight too.
  17. The other day, I glassed up a doe and spike in our WT area. I thought for sure I was looking at whitetails, but did notice the large ears. What do you think? Then they showed me the rope tail. I've heard the hybrid theory from several people, but have not seen the evidence. I haven't hunted muleys in a long time, but the facial markings on this spike looks whitetail to me. What do you think?
  18. Viper

    Whitetail or muley....or...?

    The muzzle markings are what got me. The white ring around the nose and the black splotch on the lower jaw look just like my WT mounts. The tail and ears are definitely muley. Better be sure before the shot. Spike My mount
  19. Viper

    Rattlesnake Bite

    Holy smokes! Where do you live? Years ago we used to hunt around Tombstone...lots of snakes....big ones. That got a little spooky sometimes. I was struck on the bottom of my boot as I was about to step on a rattler in tall grass. I bought a pair of snake gaters and wear them when in areas with a lot of snakes. They work great for Shin Daggers too! If I am bitten, I think I would kill the snake and take it with me so medical can identify what type it is....then make a hat band.
  20. Viper

    .270 Effective Range

    coues hunter - "Know these arent .270 bullets but still illustrates the difference in bullet construction. 2000-1500 fps are the minimum velocities where most bullets may fail to expand. Doesnt mean they cant kill still. Just probably wont be as quick". coues hunter, I am interested in the chart you posted, but it is too small to read, even after saving. Can you post the link? Thanks
  21. Wow! Tremendous rack! .......what deer?
  22. Viper

    Dutch oven in the ground Pot Roast

    Daaang! That sounds great! Let us know how it turns out. I have a bunch of cast iron cookwear, but hardly ever use it. I would like to try this kind of cookin'.
  23. Viper

    Sighting in a 270 for elk hunt

    Use ballistic charts to plot scenarios (zero, target distance, etc). I use Strelok on my Droid. Ammo manufactures websites have them. If you will be hunting open country, then site in at 200, or even 250. If you are hunting in thicker timber, then site in at 100, or 150. It realy comes down to shooting enough to know the tragectory at various ranges.