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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. I can't find those trail cam pics of that lion stalking that deer, anyone got them. I'm looking for both pics. Of the lion mere feet behind the deer as well as the next pic where the lion is looking in the direction of the camera sans the deer. Can anyone help. Email me the pics at antlerboy@commspeed.net if you could please or list the link to the site where it's posted. Thanks
  2. OK I'm lost here BASS, what are you proving? I don't know what I'm looking for here in your pics. Crazy elk butt in the one pic though.
  3. GRONG

    gonna try shed hunting

  4. GRONG


    I heard the buck is a typical 139"....SONOFA!!!!!! The guy that told me said he took his recent carp archery kill into his butcher and he had a picture of it in there. Sounds like the same butcher to me.
  5. GRONG

    gonna try shed hunting

  6. HMMM, innersting! I hadn't kept up on all the mumbo-jumbo. Thanks anyway boys and girls.
  7. GRONG

    Unit 33 Monster

    Holy crap that buck on the left is awesome! Any better pics of him? Sheesh!
  8. GRONG

    Some cool bear pics

    Interesting, I've spent most of my life in the woods and I've never seen a "herd of bears". The most I've ever seen is 3 together and that was a sow and 2 cubs. I've seen that several times but never a herd. You might want to pat down your buddy as he may have a crack pipe on his person somewhere. Just messing!
  9. GOOD GOD is right!! ...dream a little dream with meeeeee. That side view of that right antler is sickening! If I was that dude I'd have that thing with me 24/7, the potential value of that thing is rediculous(although I'd never part with it if I shot it)! I'd like a chance at dealing with that kind of stress. YIKES!! OUCH!! Aye dios mio!!! WOW, thanks for posting those last few pics man those are awesome!
  10. GRONG

    Treestand Hunting For Coues

    Manamal, In my experience with treestands I just use ones that I can strap onto a pine tree or just cut some limbs in a juniper tree somewhere, nothing too fancy but safe of course. In the summer I place them near water holes that don't get much human traffic, if any, and over salt licks. I'd say if you want to establish a salt lick for Aug/Sept then get out there now and get that puppy going. The longer it's there the more deer will know about it when it's time to hunt them. I don't use climber stands cause most all trees in AZ have way too many limbs in the way to get up at the height that I'd like to be at. I only have 2 trail cameras now and I put them in places that nobody would think to look for them. Maybe in a saddle or over a salt lick or a seep/spring. I get to worried about someone stealing them so I couldn't stomach them being in a high human travelled area. I usually have mine anywhere from 1/2 mile to 3 miles off any roads. The last bit of advice I'd give is that the more time you spend on stand or blind the more chances you'll get to see what's going on in your hunt area. A trail timer/camera should give you a good idea of what's going on and when though. That's my $.02, take it for what it's worth.... oh maybe $.05.
  11. GRONG

    Big archery buck?

    Thats it!! Sweet man that is so freakin cool. I kinda felt like that deer had to shown off a bit more instead of hidden in some unknown thread. Thanks guys. Good luck in the rest of January. I just got some pretty nice pics off one of my trail cameras of a nice 3pt buck. I'm just waiting for Amanda to give me the url so I can post them. Later and congrats again on one heck of a gorgeous buck.
  12. GRONG

    Some cool bear pics

    BASS, they were taken during the Dec Coues hunt in 21. Jim took them right after that giant storm we had.
  13. That is one heck of a deer az4life but I wouldn't buy any of the stories you've heard of it just yet. Looks to me that the antlers don't have the tine length and overall size to be near 288" but that's just my opinion. I'd sure be lobbing arrows, lead, rocks, bricks, whatever I could at that deer though. Killer drops!!! SON OF A-!!!!! Which talk forum did you get that off of?
  14. GRONG

    SE AZ December Buck

    That's awesome!! I videoed a buck real similar to that in 31 a couple years ago. What unit was that taken in? Look at the head on that beast! What a brute! Gorgeous!
  15. GRONG

    Looking for a good taxidermist

    I've seen a lot of Taxidermy work and the two best I've ever seen is Mark Plunkett and Dan Lee from Dewey AZ. The only drawback with Dan's work is that he's the only one that works there and the turnaround takes over a year and the cost is almost $700 I think. That's OK by me though cause I've had my 132" buck mounted by him and it is the best mount I've ever seen. I've got another big buck being mounted by him right now and I'm sure it'll take a while too, but the wait is worth it to me. Here's a pic of one of his mounts of a freakin HOG buck taken a couple years back that grosses 138" I think. I think his attn to detail is amazing. Like I said though, Mark is unbelievable too.
  16. GRONG

    Pm problems?

    Interesting, I check my messages from time to time and they always say I have 0 messages. I went into my controls to change my avatar photo and found that I actually had 3 PM's in there, some dating as far back as Nov 7th but yet it always told me I had 0 of them. One of them was from you Amanda, I hope people don't think I'm rude cause I don't reply, I just never was notified that I had any PM's. The best way to get ahold of anyone is just a good ol' email I think.
  17. GRONG

    Interesting Article

    Oh there's probably something brewing with those nutcases.
  18. GRONG

    My first coues was NOT 110!!!!

    Unit 8 buck, NICE!!! Rifle hunting from a stand for Coues deer.... don't hear of that very often. Cool story and thanks for the pics man. What was that lady doing? Just randomly parked on a spot on the side of the road to read? Interesting. Thanks for the pics that is awesome.
  19. GRONG

    Unit 27/28 Hunt

    Son of gun this is one heck of a awesome post Scott!!! Thanks for taking all of us hunting with you man that is way too cool. Congrats to 300WSM and his nice buck. Man that deer you guys got looks bigger than 92" in the pics. That giant buck thru the scope is AWESOME!!!!!!! You killed me with that one! It's awesome seeing a deer like that but even better when you get to take a little piece of him home with you in the pics. What a beauty! I hate the wind, have I ever told you guys/gals that?
  20. GRONG

    Unit 33 Monster

    Nice buck there dude! Freakin awesome actually! You gonna give some props to Andy or is he full of it by saying he sent you in there to hunt where he'd got pics of that deer hitting his salt lick? Just messing.
  21. GRONG

    First Big Coues Deer !!

    Send them pics to Amanda and post them puppies!!! Congrats man that is awesome. Clay does dang good whiteys too. Can't wait to see them pics man!
  22. GRONG

    Scoring coues racks

    Splitting hairs now are we Treestand man? Amanda why wouldn't P&Y accept a freak head if I shot it with my rifle? Josh
  23. Man that's awesome. Thanks for posting all them pics. I thought the comment your wife made about your "truck of death" was hilarious!! Must be a good lady. Josh
  24. GRONG

    biggin in 21 today

    Thanks again guys. Hunterdude, happy birthday to you too. I hope you get a crack at that biggin, sounds like a freakin monster. Well the guiding has taken a hiatus since all this rain. I'm glad we didn't go out cause we'd be miserable today. Maybe if it's not flooding to bad manana we'll be able to give it a look on the last 2 days Josh