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About CoolArrow

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  1. CoolArrow

    My Arizona Buck

    Opening day, but we had been looking for a couple days already. I glassed my buck up at 330 yards. While watching him, I saw there was another buck behind him. My partner got set up for the shot and was supposed to shoot my deer because it was on the right, he was on the right (old agreement). It bedded down and you could only see about five inches of his back. My partner was trying to get settled in over a couple of jagged boulders and could not get rock solid. He asked if I would shoot the bedded one and he would take the other buck, which was still standing. I said "heck yes" and told him I was letting go on his shot. I had to stop him from shooting for a second and put my IPOD plugs in because we were aweful close together (safe but I knew it was gonna get LOUD). Told him to go for it and waited. And waited. And waited. Probably was five seconds but it seemed forever. His gun BOOMED (300 WBY)and I saw his buck rearing up and out of my scope. I fired (6.5x284) and when I came out of recoil I couldn't see any deer. Uh-Oh. Waited a bit and took half an hour to get to them. Found mine, then found his where it slid down the hill about 50 feet. WOO HOO. His probably scores better than mine but I am way happy with him.
  2. CoolArrow

    My Arizona Buck

    Great hunt, fun by all.