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Posts posted by azcouesandelk

  1. Going into the draw this year we decided to apply for some premium tags without success. With no success in the draw we went after some leftover tags and were lucky enough to draw our 5th choice. With all our friends having tags for other hunts or not being able to make it down this was going to be the first time since 2007 that it would be just my dad and myself on a deer hunt! We knew the odds were against us since we had not hunted this unit for deer before and the last time we had hunted this particular area was 18 years ago for javelina, but we mainly wanted to spend the time in the field together and if successful it would be an added bonus.


    We got down and setup camp Thursday midday and were able to get out for an afternoon of glassing. Due to my elk tag this year I had no vacation time left so we only had the afternoon before the hunt to scout. We setup and were fortunate enough to find a group of 4 bucks way up a canyon. We had a plan for opening morning and were anxious to get out there and see what we could turn up.


    Opening morning we setup overlooking a couple of big canyons hoping to find the bucks from the night before. We glassed for several hours turning up some does when we finally found our first buck around 930. We continued to glass finding more deer and several more small bucks. We saw that the first buck we found had bedded down near the ridgeline at 725 yards. With near perfect conditions we set my dad up for the shot. I watched as the bullet hit the buck hard, he only made it 25 yards before expiring.




    Day 2 we decided to glass a new area that had a some amazing looking northern slopes and a massive canyon. We glassed for a couple of hours without finding a doe. At this point we talked it over and decided to go back to where my dad harvested his buck and spend the rest of the day there. We made it to the point around 10 and within 5 minutes I had 3 bucks found. We dropped off the hill and setup at 380 yards. The rest is history as we were able to make it 2 for 2 in 2 days.




    This was an amazing hunt and I can promise that it will not be 10 more years before me and the old man have another hunt with just the 2 of us again.

    • Like 19

  2. Before I dive into the story I need to thank a lot of people for the help on this hunt. When they found out I drew an early rifle tag they all jumped in and helped out in a big way. It truly amazes me how great of friends and family I have that they are all willing to drive from all over the state and take time off of work just to help me. Tyler, Rob, Jay, Jeff, Matt, Jesse, Josh and of course my dad. Without all of you this hunt would not have been possible and we would not have had such a great time!


    Now onto the story...


    Imagine the surprise when seeing that $135 charge on my card back in March knowing either my dad or myself drew an early rifle tag in one of our favorite units or I possibly drew one of the most coveted archery tags in the state. Waiting the next couple weeks was brutal to say the least! When results came out we found out that I had drawn the early rifle tag with only 5 bonus points!!! Talking with friends that knew the unit well we discussed areas to focus on and realistic expectations. Going into the hunt I knew the opportunity to harvest a great bull was possible, but I wanted more than just antlers on the wall. The expectation was set that we were going to have a fun camp and if a bull better than my last or something unique presented itself I would attempt to harvest him.


    Leading up to the hunt I was able to get around 8 days of scouting in and was feeling confident with the quality of bulls I was seeing. The Tuesday before the hunt came fast and my dad and I were on the road to setup camp and do some final scouting. After camp was setup Tuesday I went to an area I had not scouted yet in hopes of finding a potential shooter and boy did I. Within a couple of minutes I found an amazing bull and watched him the rest of the night. I ended up going back and watched him all day Wednesday and Thursday also! The plan was set that we would have eyes all over the valley and ridges to locate this bull and hopefully get me a shot opening morning.








    Opening morning came and everybody was in place about an hour before light. It was an eerily quiet morning as we sat waiting for first light. Rob and myself moved in to the ridges awaiting the call that they had located the bull. The entire morning was spent looking in his bedding areas and rut areas in hopes he would show. Sadly he never presented himself and we backed out that morning in hopes that he would show that afternoon. We went back early in the afternoon and got setup again with spotters all around looking for the bull as Rob and I sat in a cut I had seen him feed through the previous 2 evenings. It did not take long before we got the call that they located the bull nearly 2 miles from us. We packed up and made a beeline to where he was. We ended up working up the ridge and setup approximately 600 yards from where we found his cows bedded. Now the wait began! We sat there with the cows looking in our direction periodically for nearly 90 minutes before he decided to stand. We watched him push a cow into an opening at 575 and I setup for the shot. I wish I could say the bull dropped in his tracks and the hunt was over, but sadly I can't. I ended up pulling my shot and grazed his back. We ended up tracking the bull on minimal blood and his tracks for a long ways before he bedded. In his bed was only a dollar size spot of blood and after that nothing! The entire second day was spent searching the area on the ground and with guys on hills glassing in hopes of turning him up with no luck.


    Sunday morning we decided to have 2 guys sit and glass the area where the big bull was and the rest of us would go looking for new elk. It did not take long and we had a mature bull located pushing a group of 5 cows. We bailed off the hill and booked it across the flat in hopes of heading the heard off. As we were pushing across the flat Rob saw his antlers in the cut to our left. After looking at his top end through the 15's I told him if I had an opportunity to harvest him I would. We continued across the flat to head off the bull when we saw his antlers again, this time he was a mere 175 yards out! I set up while Rob watched through the 15's. We could tell at this point he had a twisted pedical and broken or weak G3 on his left side but it did not matter to me. The bull presented itself after a couple of minutes and he went down. As we walked up on the bull we realized that this was an old bull that had amazing character! The fact that everybody was still in camp and able to be a part of the harvest made it even more special to me.


    Again I cannot thank everybody enough for everything they did for me on this hunt. One day I will be able to make it up to each of you!



















    • Like 14

  3. Well I'm still waiting. The hunt I put in for according to the updated list this afternoon still has tags available???? Mailed in Friday. Oh well 😓 Only one left so no secret what I applied for. Hahahaha

    Aren't you to old for youth javelina?

  4. By the way, the updated lists of leftovers are obviously outdated before they're even posted. The list they put out yesterday evening showed no change since the prior day in the number of tags for the javelina hunt I put my girl in for, but this morning her portal was updated as having received the tag. They probably update the list early in the day, but keep processing applications until closing time. So, by the time the updated list is actually posted they've already burned through quite a few more tags.

    The updated list is a day behind. If you look at the date on top it will say updated 8/2 for today




    Anybody get hit that uses bank of America? I'm getting a little worried!

    I got a hit for $90 from Bank of America so I know that my two kids that I put on the same app are drawn. However, I put myself in for a hunt that I should be guaranteed to draw and I haven't gotten hit for the $45 yet. Making me a little nervous...
    Thought you were guaranteed that draw Kenny?

    Hope you get it

    Thought I was. 8 points for 3c



    Based off last years data you should have drawn. Only 1 of 12 people with 8 or more points did not draw last year.
