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Posts posted by 111

  1. After figuring out a plan of the best way to sneak in and set up on buck #2 for opening morning we were off to sleep and up early opening morning. We drove into the area and I began my walk in the dark to a high point above where I thought this buck might walk by after daylight. After setting up next to a tall bush I sat and waited for daylight. As it slowly started to get lighter I began scanning the flat below with my binos without seeing anything. I could hear an elk bugling in the distance and cow elk all around just as the sun started to come up. I then continued to scan the flats when suddenly I spotted an antelope trotting across the flat below at 400 yds and then it laid down quickly. As it got lighter I could see two more antelope laying next to her, but they were does as well. Suddenly I caught movement to my right at 350 yards and noticed it was a buck coming in quick towards the does. Right away I noticed the prongs and knew it was the buck I was after. He continued to move around below at 350-500 yards as I tried to set up for a good shot. The buck continued back and forth across the clearing, but would not stay still very long. I laid down to steady the rifle for a downhill prone shot and dropped the buck. I'm very happy to harvest this buck and hope to someday have a chance to hunt antelope again. Gross: 84 3/8" net: 83 2/8"...L-16 6/8", B-6 5/8", P-5 0/8". (Also note after the shot the scope came back and got me in forehead.)






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  2. I was down to my last week before the hunt and I had 3-4 bucks that I felt were definite shooters come opening morning. I arrived to the area two days before the opener to look for the number 1 buck. After glassing every flat and hill I could around where I had seen the big buck I was unable to locate him before opening day. Also with the increase in pressure from scouters arriving during the week I think it might have pushed the buck out of the area. I decided I would try to hunt my number 2 buck, the buck I felt confident I could find and was lucky to locate him at 270 yards the day before the opener. This time I put the 15X56 swaros on him and wanted to get a real good look at him. He looked big to me so I decided he would be the one to go after opening morning.

  3. It was down to the last week before the hunt and I wanted to see if I could find another buck to go after. After seeing this buck five days before opening day for the first time in all my scouting trips I decided he would be my number 1 buck to chase. My #2 buck I would go after was going to be the buck I had seen multiple times in the same area and I felt would be close to the location I saw him while scouting. Pics taken from 400-600 yards.




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  4. A few more bucks from scouting...First pic of buck taken through 15X56 swaros at 400 yards making it difficult see the buck. Only saw him once or twice, but a very nice buck. Last two pics were taken the day before the opener. First time I saw this buck and thought he looked pretty good, but as you know antelope can be very difficult to judge.






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  5. I was now down to my last few weekends to scout and was still trying to decide which buck I would want to go after opening morning. There was one buck I saw 3-4 times near the same location on multiple scouting trips. This would be buck #2 and everytime I saw this buck he wouldn't stay around long making it difficult to get a pic. He would take off running full blast and escape behind a hill and that would be the last I would see of him on many scouting trips. Pics from 600-800 yards.





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  6. I finally drew an Arizona antelope tag after applying 20 years and accumulating 22 pts. We began our scouting at the beginning of July and continued to scout almost weekly until the season started. Our first scouting trip we saw quite a few antelope and nice bucks running together, but only one buck that stood out and he had 1-2" broken off one horn (never did get a pic of this buck). As the rut started up the bucks began to gather does which made it a little easier to locate the herd bucks. As the weeks went on I continued to scout and take as many pictures as I could while trying to locate a buck that l wanted to hunt. Here are a few bucks we located while scouting. Top two pics buck 4, middle pic buck 5.





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  7. EAS that's a big buck! It looks like he's standing in the same spot as the previous year with the tree behind him being the same. He does seem a little behind this year, but maybe you can get a pic of him in a few weeks and that will give you a good comparison.


    Buglethemin that buck has great front forks, I would think he's somewhere in the 170's..I think the 5x4 in the first photo is different than the 4x4 in the last photo. I think on Sep 13th he would have shown some type of nub or small point on his right side before turning into a 4x5. Both bucks do have very similar frames and point length though.
