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2 Full Curls

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Everything posted by 2 Full Curls

  1. 2 Full Curls

    Happy 4th of July

    Well said! God Bless all military families and God Bless the USA. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness..... We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
  2. 2 Full Curls

    Obamacare Upheld.....thoughts??

    I just lost the right to be left the HE*L alone. This gives me a huge pit in my stomach
  3. 2 Full Curls

    Thoughts and Opinions.......

    Went out last weekend, and as was said before, it was a little too breezy. Heard gobbling from 4:45 to 5:15 am, but after that the woods were silent. Covered a lot of ground, in some of my favorite turkey spots. The birds were there.... they were just quiet (even in the late evening when the wind finally died down). The wind did make for a nice, mid-day nap in the back of the pickup though
  4. 2 Full Curls

    Muzzle Breaks?...

    Hey guys, I am doing work upgrades to my huntin' rig and would like some general input on the benefits/drawbacks to having a muzzle break. I have heard mixed opinions, but thus far it seems to be a personal preference sort of thing...? Thanks for your comments SW
  5. So its that time of year when my Dad and I go into a mild depression... again not drawn. My Dad has now been waiting 38 years to draw an antelope tag. He has never missed a draw. I have only 16 points, so my frustration really is for my pops. With this said, I would like to see AZ adopt a BP system like that of Nevada's, where they essentially square the amount of bonus points you have. This dramatically increases your chances of getting drawn from year to year (especially in comparison to Arizona's draw system). If you have ever looked at Nevada's statistics you will see that fewer (I say this relative to AZ) applicants reach max bonus points on Antelope and Sheep. In fact there are units in Nevada where you are almost guaranteed a Sheep tag (as a resident) within the first 10-12 years. I would like to see a system that puts more emphasis on waiting another year to hunt. It has never set well with me that guys who have been residents of this state for 30-40-50+ years (I know some of each) have not drawn either a goat tag or a sheep tag. I know that the luck of the draw is the luck of the draw (and my family has had luck with other species) but I believe changing the BP system would help avoid this from happening. Congratulations to all who drew tags! Best of luck in scouting and on your hunts.
  6. 2 Full Curls

    What do you think about the BP system?

    Guys thank you for the comments and solid discussion. This is what I love about this forum. To address the comment earlier about "pick a different unit"... My dad has done just that (over the years he has put in for "lesser" units with supposed better chances at getting drawn but with no luck. And to be honest, when you wait that long he has no desire to settle for anything less than a tag from one of the premier units. Gr8 White Jr gave a nice example of how squaring the bonus points would dramatically increase draw odds from year to year. I love always having a chance to draw but I certainly wish the system helped those in waiting. I certainly believe our bp system bests those of other states, but... I guarantee if you didn't cap the bonus points and squared them, then Hawkeye and TLH's dad would have been drawn for antelope by now.
  7. 2 Full Curls

    Hunting on TV

    Into the High Country with Jason Matzinger (on the Sportsmans channel). He's from Montana and does DIY hunts on public land (almost entirely). Best shows I have seen on tv... by far. He did one where he came down to AZ for archery pig in January. Cold turkey.. traveled down and scouted as he hunted. Glassed up pigs on the last day of the hunt and was successful with a harvest. There are a couple things that I love about his shows: 1) He doesn't rock you out with ACDC as he stalks. I hate watching hunting shows that pretend to be rock concerts. 2) He whispers when he needs to, and talks normal when he can 3) He films while glassing. I love seeing someone film the scenery and then pan into a located animal. Cant stand it when the animal suddenly appears and all the events leading up to the shot are neglected. 4) He backpacks in off the roads too... Just my $0.02
  8. 2 Full Curls

    If the draw comes out today call me with your hunt numbers

    Phone lines are also busy... but only the spring results are available still
  9. 2 Full Curls

    News 3 report on HB2072

    Awesome. Thanks Chef!
  10. 2 Full Curls

    Mulie In Town

    Crazy. Lived out there for the past 20 years and have never seen a mulie. Buck or doe?
  11. 2 Full Curls

    News 3 report on HB2072

    I missed it! Can anyone give a brief over view of the report?? Thanks! and great job to those who got this to happen!
  12. 2 Full Curls

    Arizona Republic

    Excellent job. Thank you for your efforts. I have been working on the republic myself the past couple of days and its good to see that someone made it through!
  13. 2 Full Curls

    Lisa Love

    I was the first skeptic of the new football coach hiring... but with that said, I have been nothing less than impressed with him thus far. He has been out on campus meeting students and promoting Sun Devil spirit. He was decked out and cheering in the student section during one of the last basketball games before the season was over. I have heard his goal is to meet the same number of new people in the community as it would take to fill the stadium... all before the season starts. I was not a fan of Erikson, and he certainly never had a presence on campus or in the community. My hope is that this new guy will bring some pride and discipline to a squad that needs it a lot.
  14. 2 Full Curls

    Mary Stine

    I didn't know Mary, but my sincere thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends. How wonderful for her to have enjoyed the outdoors with the strength and spirit she had. It looks as though her smile lit up a room. God bless you Mary
  15. 2 Full Curls

    Questions regarding used Utility Quads (ATV)

    In my opinion Honda is the best you can go with. My family has used Honda quads since the early 90's and they are unbelievably reliable machines. The earlier comment about the 1992 Honda Fourtrax being the best machine ever made... was on point. There are still several in the family that run like bats out of heck. We have a couple big boys in the group, and those 300 Fourtrax have handled their weight+gear+game well in 4x4 terrain. We have newer fuel injected fourtrax ranchers now and I wouldnt trade them for the world. As a side note, I have family members that used suzukis and artic cats with not much luck. Cant say anything negative about Polaris. Just my $0.02. Best of luck!
  16. 2 Full Curls


    How do you get Rudy Carpenter to own your house? A: Paint it red and blue.
  17. 2 Full Curls

    More emails I received

    DesertBull thank you for posting the updates... I just sent Carl an email,
  18. 2 Full Curls


    How do you keep U of Eh football out of your yard? A: Put up a sign that says "Rose Bowl."
  19. 2 Full Curls


    I sent an email to Commissioner Richards today expressing my support and hope that he maintains his firm position. The email and mailing addresses for the commission are below if you are interested in doing the same. Even though the addresses are general, I hope that my message reached his desk: Mailing Address: California Fish and Game Commission P.O. Box 944209 Sacramento, CA 94244-2090 Email: fgc@fdc.ca.gov Phone Number: (916) 653-4899 Fax Number: (916) 653-5040
  20. 2 Full Curls

    Romanian AK-47 - TONS of upgrades

    Sent PM
  21. One of my Rem 7mm mags has a stainless steel manufacture stamp on the barrel, yet the barrel is blued. The gun was given to me not long ago and I never noticed the stainless stamp until recently. I was always under the impression that a stainless steel barrel could not be blued. Is this the case? If so, is there a chance that the core of the barrel is stainless and the outer is regular steel? One way or the other, how can I tell? Thank you for the insight SW
  22. 2 Full Curls

    Cleaning out the Safe and the safe goes to

    PM sent
  23. 2 Full Curls

    36-c is overrunnnnn with em

    Amanda, As azcouesfanatic said... every time I see a lion I am looking to take him down. Unfortunately, of all the lions I have glassed over the last couple of years, only one presented a shot opportunity. I still have a pit in my stomach that I didnt get the job done, but man are they tough critters to put on the ground. Best, SW
  24. 2 Full Curls

    Gunsmith Review

    I would like to get some opinions on the gun smith work at Guns etc. I have always gone to that store for parts and odds and ends (and received good help), but I have never used the gunsmith (although I have been told that he is good). I have read the other topics here on CWT.com about other quality gunsmiths in the valley (Whitecloud, etc.), but I am curious about the Guns etc. work? Please send me a P.M. if you would rather tell me your personal opinion without the world seeing it Thanks for the input.
  25. 2 Full Curls

    Bipod Preference?

    I received such useful input about muzzle breaks that I thought Id keep the questions rolling... As I mentioned in my previous post, I am doing some upgrades to my rifle set up in an effort to help myself become a more accurate marksman (although I know the main factor in doing so is putting time in behind the scope). I shoot a 700 7mm Rem Mag and would like to put a bipod on it. To this point I have shot from the prone position while using my pack for a rest. I have done some research and know there are a lot of bipod options out there. What are your opinions on the bipods to choose from? Are there good bipods out there that are lighter weight but that I could easily remove while hiking and then reattach when getting ready to shoot? Thanks again for the comments! SW