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Posts posted by Coffeeman

  1. Just got back from a week at Alamo, kids had fall break and love it there. First couple days were hot but it cooled off pretty good midweek. Had a good buzzbait bite early first couple days, after that it was mostly Texas rigs with brush hogs and lizards. We caught between 15 and 30 per day amongst the three of us that fished. Good times. Also saw this buck one morning he was probably 125 yards away and this was the best pic I got of him. Sorry pic of deer is sideways.



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  2. I stepped over one on the backside of Roosevelt when I was about 12 quail hunting with my dad it started buzzing and that sound haunted me for months. Still have its skin around here somewhere. The two that have given me nightmares were with each of my kids. We were hiking the Glassford hill trail three years ago and my daughter just 8 at the time got about 20 feet in front of us. The tumbleweeds were pretty thick and the trail was overgrown. About a minute later she screamed and came running back she almost stepped on a black tailed rattlesnake. We watched it slither away it was about 4 feet long. Last October we were at Alamo lake and the kids wanted to stop at the shore and swim. We have a little cove that we have done this in for years and never had any problems. After the kids swam we were looking for lost crankbaits and my son luckily saw a rattlesnake about 6 inches from his foot in 8 inch tall grass. The snake never rattled and we got lucky he didn’t get bit way out there. Still have nightmares about it.

  3. Just got my hair on mule deer hide back from the tannery, it came back in a box and its a little lumpy and he hair doesn’t want to sit right. I’m not sure what the best way make this look better. Just time out of the box? Is there a better way to orient the hair? Right now looks like a cat that got petted backwards… 


  4. Used to catch a bunch when I lived up there just threw a 3” chartreuse Berkely power grub on a quarter ounce jig head. Swam it close to the bottom like a crankbait. Points, flats with stumps, cuts/coves all were good. And yes very good eating 

  5. On 11/7/2021 at 6:40 PM, 5nRamirez said:

    Definitely a struggle up here in 12 East and the wind isn’t helping I have only seen maybe 10 deer in the last 3 days glassing. Still have yet to see a buck and my 12 year old is getting itchy

    Hey man that was a tough hunt, I think I talked with your kids on Sunday morning at Jacob lake and if they were, awesome kids. We were seeing 40-50 does a day Wednesday-Friday all up high. Only saw 2 spikes and a forky on Friday morning and tons of does. Ran into a small 4x on Friday night on telephone hill and hunt was done. Hope you guys get it done.


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  6. Had the late hunt in 2017. It started the day after thanksgiving that year and it was pretty warm. Killed on the first day and had to buy ice to keep the meat cool. The roads really are about as good as they get in Arizona. And the food at Jacob lake should not be missed, especially the sweets! Just be careful on the paved roads lots of tourists, cows, and deer. I’ve got the 12ae muzzleloader hunt starting 11/5/21… can’t wait! Taking the kids for the first 5 days hope to get done with them there

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