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Posts posted by reganranch

  1. From what I understand, BLM was going to allow an energy company come in and run fracking for natural gas. A ploy to run a local off for a huge payoff.

    A Chinese "green energy" company, this administration would not shoot people over a couple of oil/gas wells. They would however do it for a solar energy plant. If this administration was on good terms with the oil/gas industry don't you think the Keystone XXL would've happened by now?

    • Like 1

  2. We need to stop taxing earnings and savings and start taxing spending. The more you spend, the more you pay.

    Abolish the IRS by collecting at the cash register instead of from the paycheck.

    No filing taxes, keeping receipts, paying someone to do your taxes, etc.

    Everyone pays. No loopholes, tax shelters, shady deductions, etc.

    This! This country used to be one of the most economically free nations, not any more.

  3. />

    Did you notice that the USFWS says the open corridors between Mexico and the US is critical? Which means no fences / walls.


    Not sure if you are aware, but most of AZ does not have a wall... most places have just a barbed wire fence and in a few places there isn't even a barbed wire fence...

    Yep this is true like off the Geronimo Trail east of Douglas.

  4. Obamacare gets passed with flying rainbow colors, and the Keystone XXL (vital to national security) is still in limbo, and may not happen under this administration. There are 1000's of miles of pipelines across the country moving natural gas,diesel,jet fuel, and other petrol underground. Raw crude pipelines are under the ocean in the gulf, but building extensions to Houston (The Mecca for Oil & Gas) is not part of the liberal agenda.National Security/Energy Independence should take precedence over fixing a few flaws in healthcare policy.

  5. rclouse do you teach Kinematics or E&M?
    For my general and pre A.P. classes we do both, and just mechanics C for the A.P. class.


    Mechanics is fun, E&M on the other hand is a different monster all together. I have 4 more weeks of Electricty and Magnetism than I'm off to Statics. I would bet teaching AP physics would be enjoyable since the students in it are more interested?
