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el diablo

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Posts posted by el diablo

  1. It can be a tougher hunt. Most of the area is in the burned area. It's also a longer hunt than usual so if you have the time you'll obviously increase your odds. The one time I put in for it we had 3 people put in and 2 drew tags so I'd say it's fairly decent draw odds. Both tags went unfilled but there were a couple of missed opportunities. A lot of access points off of the rim road. Remember there is no scouting aloud except for a couple days before the hunt which you have to buy a seperate permit for. I would def do it again. Especially from what I learned the first time.

  2. I used to out them in a seperated drawer. About 20 yrs ago I had an archery cow tag ( back when you could get drawn almost every year) and got all the way to camp when I realized I'd forgotten my tag. Had to miss opening morning waiting for my cousin to get there with it. Ever since then as soon as I get a tag in the mail it gets signed and goes into my wallet til I hopefully get to use it.

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  3. Archery only. Do yourself a favor a thoroughly read the regs. azgfd.com. Don't take this the wrong way but judging by your questions I would do a lot of reading on regs and hook up with someone who knows what they're doing before you go anywhere.

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  4. if its not required by law then i dont feel the need to do it. if i meet someone and they seem shady i wont sell/buy. like i said thats just me, i just follow the law.

    I agree. Not required by law because we have very lenient laws. We need to keep them that way. I have never done a bill of sale and wouldn't do one if someone asked. It's not required by law.




    If they dont have the money they shouldnt put in then.

    well thats a poopy statement are you saying only the rich should hunt, that would be just great . the heck with the under payed. nice
    Im not trying to tell people how to live but if you want to do something bad enough you find a way....
    Um that's exactly what your doing. Telling people how to live. They did find a way. They put it on their card and hoped they'd have enough when the draw came. Who gives a $hit? Let em. Why the heck should they just not put in. Just so you can get your results a few days earlier? That's rediculous. So all of you peoe saying "just save the $. You know it's coming" have never had an unexpected expense? Truck break down or some crap? Seriously. How bout you handle your finances and they'll handle theirs.

  6. There are errors made by AZGF too. It's not always the card holder or bank. I know this first hand. Agree, charge it all up front. We had to front the money with paper apps.

    They won't do that because it's a lot easier for people to just pay the app fee up front especially when it just gets charged to a cc instead of having to fork up all the $ up front. I'm sure they get a lot mor applicants and collect more app fees. Also more non res can put in.

  7. In deed the costco coolers will work. I have 3 of those big coolers from Costco and every one of them cracked on the bottom inside within a couple of years. Now when I put meat in them the bloody water soaks into the insulation in the bottom of the cooler and is tough to clean out. I just soak them in bleach water for a couple of days and make sure the lid stays open for several after to completely dry. I also have a yeti and it does hold ice longer and will actually freeze sodas and drinks the first day it's packed. That being said I agree with you as far as getting a couple of those vs having to fork up the $ for two yetis. You can buy a whole lot of the $100 coolers.

  8. I'm a firm believer in you get what you pay for. Whichever route you go with stick with the frozen water jugs or bottles or whatever. You don't want your meat getting wet (I know it goes against what all us men have believed in our entire lives) or sitting in melted water. It needs be be dry. The dry layer of meat on the outside keeps the meat from spoiling.

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