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Everything posted by hunter07

  1. hunter07

    Food for thought

    All you need is couple bags of jerky, some cans of cambles soup,deviled meat, veanna sausagues, and crakers. those always work, and or course lots of water.
  2. hunter07

    Opening day Quail hunt

    I went out to Horse shoe bend today (sunday) for 4 hours and didnt see or even hear a quail. judging by the sign in sheet ( about 25 hunters) and all the hulls lying around i think they all got shot up yesterday .... .oh well. did see 4 does.
  3. hunter07


    What area looks the most promising for quail this season. Some say its going to be the best season in a while, but i just havent seen to many around lately. Well other then in my back yard and running down the middle of the street?
  4. hunter07

    elk draw

    Every one knows that the dead line to put in for elk for 2007 is febuary....... something right? I think this is a good idea to allow for more time to prepare if drawn and stuff, but what i was wondering is how are they going to know how many tags to put out when they write up the regs with some elk hunts ending in december? do you think this will be a problem or will they stay around the same amount of the year before? how are they going to get a count so fast. all i can say is they better start sending out hunter surveys now. They will have alot of work to do.
  5. hunter07

    Coues Mounts

    Nice bucks. Heres my first and only coues so far.[/img] And this is how i want my next one to look. HAHAHA[/img]
  6. hunter07

    Scouting 24A

    well i wasnt really scouting but i managed to see some nice deer anyways. Me and a couple freinds were out pigeon hunting and ran into a group of 3-4 deer we barely got a look at after a shot from the 12 gauge spooked them. then maybe a mile away we spoted what i thought was a very nice 3x3 coues until we saw the monster buck that came out of the bushes behind him. And we were in an area that isnt really known for that big of a buck. then a little later on we spotted a doe. Pretty good trip considering that we were out there for only 3 hrs and were looking for pigeions. Good luck everyone.
  7. hunter07

    575 elk a hoax

    you wouldnt belive the stories that are going around my school with this bull. this picture is every where. simply amazing!
  8. hunter07

    Pic's of Moose Hunt

    That has to be a hunt of a life time but what i want to know is how much did it cost you? If i could pick any hunt i think it would either be moose or grizzly.
  9. hunter07

    this is getting ridiclous

    With all the deer ive been seeing lately i cant wait. Quail season is going to have to take care or that then on the 20th i think duck season opens.
  10. hunter07

    Al Miller's 2006 rifle bull

    Wow awsome bull Al. I only wish I could draw a bull tag early or late....
  11. hunter07

    Scouting 24A

    Well i went back out this morning looking for a bear, i didnt find one but did see alot of deer. 14 in all. 4 stupid spikes and i do mean stupid they were right off the road and just standing there staring at us and when i hit my predator call to scare them away they took a couple steps in our direction and casually walked off. I will bet those deer wont last long on opening morning. The rest of the deer were does and 2 fawns. The hunt starts in exactly 1 month. Im Excited!!!
  12. hunter07

    Scouting 24A

    Yes i have the tag, and the pressure might be a problen but i have a pretty good idea where they will be inless the weather changes and it gets real cold then it might be a bit different.
  13. hunter07


    I Drew the early whitetail hunt for 24A.wich has 550 permits. I thougt to myself thats alot of people for that area but theres quite a few nice deer in there so i didnt think much about it. Then later i realized that its the same time as the mule deer hunt, and there will also be a javelina hunt. i think that is way to many people to be in that area. and its giong to be over crowded. what do u think????
  14. hunter07


    Tines, My bads i messed up and went off of what someone else told me. i didnt check intill i read your comment. no javelina hunt..
  15. hunter07

    late hunt 24b

    HI, I Got Drawn this Year For The Late Hunt Dec 17-31 i Live in Globe So i Dont Have Much Of A Ride To Get To The Unit Wich Is 24B. I Am Planning On Doing A lot Of Scouting and Spending Alot Of time on the hunt . Any Suggestions On some spots???? 2 yrs ago a got a nice 4x4 On The Back Side Of Lavines Wash And I May Try that Again But I Would Like A Few More Option Please Help me thax
  16. hunter07

    late hunt 24b

    thanks for all the info ive heard alot of good about the montana mtn so ill definatley take a look there thanks again