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Everything posted by mbiewer

  1. We stumbled upon this , in plain sight if you’re out n about. Of close it stuck out from the landscape like a sore thumb. Our curiosity got the better of us. taking a long shot to see if anyone here might be able to shed a little light onto the mindset of what the heck the plan was lol IMG_0198.MOV
  2. mbiewer

    Any ideas?

    You don't have to officially answer.... Must be some good hearty deer in there after all the predator track we found. Seems like everything under the sun (predator wise) was hitting that big tank the rancher was rehabbing just below where the you found the weather balloon. And the amount of coyotes we seen was insane.
  3. mbiewer

    Where am I, and what was this???

    See, i knew someone here would know the "paul harvey" version. Thanks Azhunter
  4. mbiewer

    Any ideas?

    wish i would of seen your post while we were out there. we got skunked
  5. mbiewer

    Where am I, and what was this???

    Yup... you win... But since you had a 37a tag also, think thats technically cheating. ha ha just kidding. On the eastern slopes of the picacho range. Was out scouting and from Pecan/Deep well ranch...it sticks out quite a bit. We were trying to work our way around to new ground to see if a different strategy would help for HAM... The road we chose took us right to it. Was more posting, becuase it looked like they dumped alot of money into it. 6' chain link around the outside of the parcel. A steel building. 10' berm around what seemed to be a yucca plot. And then additional "fields".... on Onyx it just comes up as "robert walker dynasty trust"... Looks like they spent a lot of money on it, and a lot of effort... Up until you get to the living quarters. An old 27' travel trailer, built into a concrete "adobe" type walled structure. Like they literraly parked the trailer, and then built the rest of the building around it.
  6. mbiewer

    Where am I?

    Behind the CAP canal in 37 a, on the west slopes of the Picacho mountains No water, nothing else around. Virtually inaccessible except from one direction. Walled up by the Piacaho range on one side, and comes to a pinch with the CAP fenceline.
  7. mbiewer

    Anyone heading down to Tucson?

    You’re a weekend too late. Hung out with Ben for the ham hunt
  8. mbiewer

    Any ideas?

    how did your hunt in 37a go? we seen that too, but wrote it off as trash....
  9. mbiewer

    CC hits

    should be a good hunt. i spent all weekend in there looking for javelina.... seen plenty of elk being ridden by chupacabras... go otc for both.
  10. mbiewer

    Lost or Stranded/FUBAR scenarios while hunting.

    story 3... technology only helps if you know how to use it. Got a hand me down used garmin from my brother (fitting after the first two stories)... knew the basics of using it, and that it took a truck load of batteries. out for a quail walk one day with a buddy... Fired up the garmin, loaded the pouches, marked the truck on the gps, turned it back off,... and walked around for a while. (as a pair, no big deal). area was a bust, so we fired the unit up, went back to the truck and drove a couple miles down the road to find a new spot. Same routine... mark, load, walk, .... we decided we were done for the day and fired the unit back up to work our way to the truck. were following directions to the pin, and then got to the top of the hill to where the truck was...only to find out the pin didnt save and it was the first spot. Had to hike back on the road to the truck. contemplated a few times of making a stash spot with all the ammo and the shotguns to lighten the load,... since we were dang near out of water and day light to speed things up. but we figured we would never see our stuff agina...even if we dropped another pin. ha ha
  11. mbiewer

    Lost or Stranded/FUBAR scenarios while hunting.

    story two, my bull hunt deep under the ridge of unit 22. drove in, parked in a valley and parked at a t. brother went north, i went south but i had a tag along. Hiked for a ways... then as the road curved up to cross a saddle, seen the flash of rump and the sound of hoof beats above. We went to the top of the ridge. We spit up up there to see if we could catch a direction to see what we could find. No big deal, walk this ridge, if i get blanked, turn down hill and find the jeep.... nope no road at the bottom, so up and over the next ridge thinking maybe there was a finger i missed in between and "its in the valley of the next one" nope... found overgrown two track, and walked it out then wound up a couple of miles on fr 29 away from where i started did my little happy dance in my head when i found decent maintained road. thinking i was heading east, i took to the road and walked. Had an additional moment when i realized none of the surroundings looked like fr 64, went around one bend and seen the shelf ridge that has the 300 road on it...finally figured out where i was
  12. mbiewer

    Lost or Stranded/FUBAR scenarios while hunting.

    story 1: last day of bull season, before my cow tag started.... Went up with my buddy to "take over" camp for my buddy's brother who had a bull tag and had been up all week. drove in, and parked one road... 4 adults and a kid (think he was about 10). We hiked and crossed the first ridge and in the shallows down below there was another road with a fence line alongside it (all 3 parrallel) well when we hit the fence line the kid decided he needed to pee, so we all fanned out and walked "straight" in to see what we might come across. can't tell you how far we went, but it was easy walking so probably an hour. Got a phone call... them: "were turning around".-- Ok, straight 180 and back the way i came. never found the fence line again. got another phone call... them again : "where are you, were at the truck"... ME: well, "im at the road where we all fanned out, but im more to the left of where were because i never hit the fence.". them ok well send the rhino around to get you... (moments passed,) hes where we split apart but youre not there Me, thats bs, i will start walking his direction, have him stay there (was simply of turning 90 degrees and walking down the road to where we fanned out) found myself walking back over to we original started, on the first side of the ridge
  13. mbiewer

    Point guard question

    and i thought only the person filling out the app could purchase the point guard
  14. mbiewer

    So who’s air frying?

    the wife got me one for Christmas. ihavent really run it through its paces yet. so far ive made pickles, tenders, waffle fries, "boiled" eggs, shrimp, and roasted chick peas in mine. I got a basket fryer, from the groups on fb that i found, there's some bigger makes out there (toaster oven size). Its a challenge, i made fries, then chicken...then had to rehaet the fries, then do the second batch of chicken
  15. mbiewer

    Must be the full moon

    i submitted the request to my wife,... and she said "denied"
  16. mbiewer

    Parker concord crossbow

    I can vouch for the seller... stand up guy. this is a nice set up.
  17. mbiewer

    2020 regs

    sweet....what unit is my bonus point going to come from this year?!?!?
  18. mbiewer

    Javi tag in mail

    Like someone else above said, they "publish" the list a few times.... We put in for 37a, mailed our stuff friday, Co worker mailed his on friday, and another guy in our group mailed his in saturday. I checked the protal and seen we were drawn. The "walk in" list stated that there was 64 tags left for 37 a, but one of the guys didnt have anything posted to his portal yet. He was "rather upset" about being an individual draw, without any success. He called game and fish to find out what he did wrong. They said they continue to open envelopes until they either run out of tags or they run out of envelopes.... way befroe the walkins are actually accepted
  19. mbiewer

    Who am I?

    been rumored to be seen around payson and young
  20. mbiewer

    Xmas Tree Cutting In Tonto?

    NOT IN ARIZONA, AND NOT A RESTAURANT, but i know of someone that did something similar. This person in particular "found the perfect tree"... Was out at night, got caught in the dark, found the tree and cut the desired length he needed. Went back a few weeks later in the day light, and turns out it was a landscaped tree on a piece of DNR property
  21. mbiewer

    Youth javelina 22/23

    Sorry my mistake... I wasn't thinking. I read "close to the valley" and my bran went in auto. In 22 we head up to rye/mt ord...for 23 we go down a-cross
  22. mbiewer

    Javi tag in mail

    Havent seen mine yet
  23. mbiewer

    Payson People Road Conditions?

    honey hole spot for trees on colcord? yes i'm cyber scouting for trees. ha ha... Help me out man, its my only tag i get to fill this fall. lol
  24. mbiewer

    Xmas Tree Cutting In Tonto?

    Where'd you go? get any good trees?.... I need to know man, it's my last chance to fill a tag this year... and the only tag i got all fall! ha ha