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Everything posted by Pixman

  1. So the other day myself and a buddy put up a few of his cams and put some salt in front of them and some salt in front of my cam as well. He said that deer can smell from a long ways off. I don't have any idea, so I will ask you guys on here and see if anyone has any idea!
  2. Pixman

    not a coues but archery buck down.

    congrats on your buck but I would like to have seen him when he was done growing his velvet.
  3. Pixman

    Bulls rubbing.

    I saw 3 smaller bulls together on Saturday and the smallest one had its velvet rubbed off. I tried to load a pic but it isn't working right now.
  4. Pixman

    Bull, Bucks, and Bear

    Great pics Kidso! I am thinking of using your idea in my deer spot, want to help dig a hole and haul water? lol
  5. Pixman

    Bow season

    does this help any?
  6. Pixman

    Last years bucks

    nice pics thanks for sharing and yes that doe looks very prego!
  7. Pixman

    High Country Bugler (video)

    I agree, it is my favorite time of the year when the bulls are bugling, nothing better than that! I enjoy your posts you always have awesome pics and videos of nice bulls!
  8. Pixman


    2 years ago I went up to help a buddy with his bull elk hunt. He had his son and another friend there as well. We got up at 3am to get ready and we had a half hour or more quad ride to his spot. We are riding down a dirt road on quads my buddy about 10-11 o'clock in front of me and the other friend behind us with his son in his Rhino. It is pretty cold so riding a quad makes it colder and it is still very dark sometime before 4am. All of a sudden I see a moo cow come running from my right and I hit the brakes and manage to not go over the handlebars. The cow runs right in front of me and hits my buddy on his right side he saw it at the last second and braced for impact! It nearly knocked him off his quad and his bow case was barely hanging on as well. After the shock of what just happened we had a good laugh and the other friend said I have never seen a cow run into a quad before! He did have a sore shoulder for a couple of days!
  9. Pixman

    checked the cam

    I went and checked my cam and was sick to my stomach when I saw it was not there! Well after the shock was over I started looking around and found it laying on the ground all dirty and muddy from the rain about 20 feet away! I don't know what knocked it off the tree because my card was full but I think it was more likely an elk then a bear or human. I am just glad it wasn't stolen and is working fine!
  10. Pixman

    checked the cam

    Thanks I really like my spot! My card is usually full before I can get back up to check it! I do get deer and a few bears too but there are a lot of elk in that country!
  11. Pixman

    Finally got something on the cam...

    At first I thought it was a lion but when I really look close I think it is a coyote and we are only seeing the white parts of its tail/body! I don't know for sure but that is my guess, it's def. not a bobcat!
  12. Pixman

    Finally got something on the cam...

    Nice pics, looks like your new spot is working better for you. I am surprised you got a bear on your cam during the summer in this area. Keep us posted on what you get!
  13. Pixman

    Young rd. off of rim

    I was wondering if anyone knows if Young rd. coming off of the rim is closed? Thanks and pray for rain!
  14. Pixman

    Colorado trip

    Nice pics thanks for sharing. I have wanted to go to Estes park for a few years and film the elk there!
  15. Pixman

    Young rd. off of rim

    Thanks for the info I appreciate it, I was planning on going up there next week!
  16. Pixman

    Young rd. off of rim

    Thanks, I will check it out
  17. Pixman

    The bulls of summer...

    These elk come in to my cam all hours of the day, I am tempted to sit for as long as I can one day and see what comes in! Pixman
  18. Pixman

    Pretty pictures

    Ok I will add a few of mine!
  19. These are some of the "different" bulls I have seen over the years!
  20. Pixman

    trailcams in 24b

    On monday morning I saw 2 guys putting up at least 2 trailcams in 24b. One cam was up in a tree about 15 feet off the ground. I was wondering if it was anyone that belongs to cwt.com. I don't want to be to specific about where exactly but if this sounds like you pm me!
  21. Pixman

    No luck shed hunting...

    Well I had the afternoon off and decided to do some shed hunting. I live in the Valley so I didn't know I would be shed hunting in the rain and even got some hail. I had to hide under a tree several times and got soaked from walking through wet brush.I didn't hike as far as I wanted but being soaked and a little cold kind of zapped my energy, so I only went on a 4 mile loop. So I wasn't able to find any sheds. On the way home I saw 2 guys standing on the shoulder of the highway looking at something, I was thinking a deer or coyote but when I drove past I realized it was a Mtn. lion so I had to get a closer look. It was pretty beat up from being hit by a car doing 70 mph or so. When I got up close it was a little intmimidating at the size of its paws and teeth.I know some people don't like Mtn. lions because they do kill other animals but I think they are beautiful and an amzing animal to see!