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Healy Arms

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Posts posted by Healy Arms

  1. By the way...


    The Mighty Atom has the capacity on the Micro SD card to hold ~1000 sounds (sound file size could impact that number slightly).


    Wildlife Technologies has about 320 sounds available for purchase at this time.


    There have been some rumblings from the manufacturer about a way to download other sounds to their machines. IF that becomes a reality, you will be able to remove your SD card - put more sounds on it - put it back in your WT unit and your remote will que the sounds based on the numbers you've assigned each new sound.


    You will not be able to access the WT sounds and put them on any other machine.


    Best regards,


    Mark Healy

  2. Clay is right, that wildlife tech call is awesome!! And besides a friend of mine owns the company :)

    But they are not cheap, so if you don't want to spend a bunch of money, I hear great things about those foxpro callers.


    He may be donating one to the AZ Deer Assoc banquet along with a 1/2 day of calling with him showing the lucky winner how to use the call.



    Since you have an in at the company will you be stocking them at the CWT.com store?



    I put a call in to him today to find out ;)


    I hope to know more soon.





    Good Afternoon Everyone,




    I finally made it on here!! We have been swamped with the Wildlife Technologies Mighty Atom parts shortage problem, and I can report it is OVER as of today. UPS delivered a fresh supply of electronics to the manufacturer and we're back to processing orders on the day they are received and can help anyone on here with theirs.


    The guys on here who say the sound quality of the Mighty Atom machine is outstanding are absolutely correct. The sound quality is so good you can tell over the phone, so don't heitate to call us for a demo.


    THANK YOU Jason for the referrals & kind words.


    We will also be talking with Amanda about how we can support the Deer Banquet this summer with a caller and a demo hunt - looking forward to meeting more of you.

    Good calling to everyone,


    Mark Healy


