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Healy Arms

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Posts posted by Healy Arms

  1. I've gotten way off track. Last year I was doing great. I had early archery bull, wife and oldest had late bull rifle, two other boys had deer and javelina. Started eating better working out, them BAM!! Umbilical hernia while doing leg curls 3 months before my hunt. In between recovery and the hunt, we bought a new house and moved in just two weeks before my hunt. The rest of the year was spent running around on everyone else's hunts. After the last one, motivation dropped off.

    This year, no tags except two junior pig tags next month. I have been trying to exercise and eat right, but its hard when I live out of a suitcase on the road half of the year. I need to figure it soon, getting a little too out of shape.


    Hey - start back with something - easy walks or light days lifting.. Ramp it up as you can. Just quit telling yourself "tomorrow"


    I had a buddy who needed to lose over 100 lbs FINALLY meet me for a workout. He's fighting his way back - day by day. So far he's stayed motivated and lost over 40 pounds.


    The whole country is too big. Now is the time to re-calibrate for so many people.

    • Like 1

  2. Beat the sun out of bed. Humid as heck and pretty warm already. Need a gym with AC. Still sore from yesterday. 90 minutes - get it over with.


    Hey - it ain't all about the deer tag: Half of US Adults Diabetic or Pre Diabetic- Most is Type 2


    "Almost 40 percent have pre-diabetes, meaning elevated blood sugar levels that could lead to full-fledged disease. Studies have shown lifestyle changes can delay or prevent diabetes in these people."


    Combine this with the fact that 75% of the country is overweight or obese and being more focused on fitness is a good thing.


    I supposed the deer tag is just an excuse to do more. A good excuse.

    • Like 1

  3. let's see how "CROSS FIT" work's when all you all yupp's are packing in altitude that is above 4500 ft. I'll take a REAL COWBOY, concrete finisher, iron worker or carpenter and see how cross fit works against them. Just my opinion :D


    cw4192 - Man... I just don't know. That's a weighty assertion. I'm not a CrossFit guy but the hunters I know who are - religious about the workouts and the Paleo lifestyle - are freaking hillside rock stars. Lean, light endurance machines. I know a few other guys that don't CrossFit but have different, but similar functional workout & eating styles and they too can pound out the miles - day after day. Task driven outdoorsmen who prepare.


    The guys that drive me nuts are the guys that have one good day in them. Raring to go Friday and ready to roll over & sleep in Saturday morning. Totally unprepared for the long haul.


    Uhhmmmm... before you go back to sleep, can you tell me again where you said you saw that 375? ;)

  4. With less than 70 days to my hunt I've decided to take on a 7-day a week regimen - I know how bad it sucks to spend the hunting day yelling at yourself for not getting physically ready to hump hills, So I'm all in for the next 2+ months.


    I have been pretty religious about a 5-day a week workout schedule combined with a way too lackluster gut building eating program. I'm putting an end to that as well. No days off - no pizza - no cheeseburgers - no burritos.


    But hey - what about a rest day? Your body needs time to recover. There is a rest day. Sunday is an easy day - but you MUST do something. A leisurely 4 mile walk (4 little ol' city blocks). A low resistance hour jaunt on a elliptical machine. A bike ride. Something that is not damaging but is good movement. The other 6-days are purposely tough - lots of cardio - even while lifting.


    I started Saturday the 5th.


    This was my warm up:




    33 minutes on a Stair Master - consistent 60 steps a minute - 500 calories. Then 100 sit ups - and 15,000 total pounds of random hi-rep presses, pull downs, etc. Good form and full functional range of motion is essential - we're training to do a task - no jerky gonna be injured soon lifting. Rest in between? No - not really.


    Sunday - easy day - 5 miles on an elliptical machine - heart rate in the low 130's - just under 600 burned calories - nothing extra that day





    Monday - back at it. Spent an hour at a new place in Scottsdale - 130 degree torture chamber - functional fitness strength & relentless high cardio type workout. Then went to my regular place and blasted through another 18 minute 1000ft vertical climb on an incline hiker and 100 sit ups.


    Tomorrow will look a lot like Monday.


    My hope is I get a few more of you on this thread in the mix. I think this will be beneficial to anyone who decides to participate and push against their norms. Remember - you're competing ONLY with yourself and what you could do yesterday.

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  5. Its time for a jump start anyway, the ole Monday deal is dying slowly. Hit it hard and good luck.


    We need to keep the Monday thing alive.




    I'm not starting from where I was approx 2 years ago and this forum had a lot to do with that. I have been far more aware of my fitness because of the emails generated by these threads. It's a simple reminder - don't slip.


    Was I perfect? Heck no. Never intended to be. Did I both gain & lose ground at different times. Yes. But fitness and making my workouts has been top of mind. For the most part I have maintained and and gained.


    This will be a good hunting year for me. I'm going to bust my tail for the next 60ish days and really roll thru the hills.


    For my hunting buddies that sit around? Not so much. And yes - I will hunt solo because of it.

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  6. I have a late November mule deer tag that I fully intend to fill with the best buck I can find. That being said, personal fitness and weight dictates - to a very large degree - how much ground I will cover and how many bucks I will discover, judge and hopefully find one to shoot. I have made a personal commitment to being in even better shape than I was last year after losing 45 pounds of lard (and that was a darn good hunting season compared to several before it).


    I am inviting anyone with the same/similar short-term ambition to join in and talk about their preseason journey to being ready for opening day.


    Now then, you might only have 4 weeks (or less) to your hunt. That doesn't matter - you can cover a decent amount of better-lungs ground in 20-30 days. And, if you have a December tag, you have over 90-days and PLENTY of time to push and make progress.


    ***what makes this different from MULEPACKHUNTER's Monday check in?***


    This is all about short-term push & gains. We will stop posting after our 2015 tags expire or are filled AND anyone is free to post any ol' time. If you jog a mile and cut a half-minute off your time - POST it. If you jog that same mile the next day and cut another 20 seconds off - post it. Cut weight - post it. Got an eating plan that's new and working - post it. Killer cardio routine - post it. Go on a lung-busting elevation hike - post it. In short - if you're doing a hard final push right now - something different from the norm - to really improve this year's hunt experience - put it here. Once your hunt is over - go back to the Monday Check In and keep up with it until your next tag. (yes, that's not always easy with the lives we lead, but a worthy annual goal)


    Keep in mind, unless you're one of those gifted mountain goat people - ANYTHING - you do will be better than doing nothing.


    All the best this season,


    Mark Healy

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  7. Dove Season Opens Tuesday Morning. So, today, Sunday the 30th and tomorrow, Monday the 31st CW members can mention this post to take another 5% off our already low in-stock shotgun prices.


    We've got youth shotguns in 20ga as well as full-sized models in different brands in both auto-loader and pump to fit different tastes, budgets, and purpose.


    Remember: Buy a new Remington 870 Express and get another $25 cash back discount from Remington - CLICK HERE FOR REBATE DETAILS


    And don't forget the shotgun shells - we have them on sale too.







    applies to all in-stock shotguns - not special orders - can't be combined with any other offer, all local, state, and federal laws apply

    • Like 1

  8. Stopped in at lunchtime today on a whim after seeing the OP. Have ordered off their website before but never visited the store. The new store is really nice with a lot of inventory, and the people could NOT be nicer! If you're in the area I'd highly recommend stopping in and checking it out.


    Thank you for stopping by today and taking a look around. I saw you had a few pounds of powder on the counter - glad we had what you needed.

  9. It's time for a sale and some Grand Opening Specials. And it's happening this weekend from Friday the 28th thru Monday the 31st.


    However - Coues Whitetail members will be able to take advantage of the savings TWO DAYS EARLIER than the mailer indicates


    Come in starting today, Aug 26th, to take advantage of these specials:




    Just in time for Dove Season - We're matching or beating the big box stores on your favorite dove brands




    Special Buys on CCI and Remington brass cased 9mm




    Feed your AR with quality brass cased ammo for less!




    In-Stock Powder on sale too:






    • Like 2

  10. I have had a really bad 24 hours. I received 3 traffic tickets in the last 24 hours. I truly believe all of them are b.s. tickets. I'm sure a good attorney could get them dismissed, just not sure how much that will cost. If you know or suggest a attorney please send me the info.





    Hi Adam - I was a traffic cop for several years. If you'd like to give me the rundown I'd be happy to listen and give any insight I can.


    Off the top of my head - here are a few points:


    • Civil traffic court is a 51% sway to get the judgement in your favor - not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Tip the scale of proof/evidence your way and you're deemed not responsible. Provided you're not sitting on some criminal tickets, you have a reasonable shot.
    • I did not see the civil bench in Tempe or any other city I appeared in, favor one side or the other - any party that came prepared to make a logical case based on the law purportedly violated was given good & fair consideration
    • I never had a citizen with an attorney win their case against my charges. But the people who self represented with a case of logical explanations and evidence surrounding the statute(s) charged did occasionally sway the hearing officer. In my experience, the hearing officers are prepared to give plenty of weight to educated & logical statements made by defendants.
    • Emotional ranting to the judge is pointless (i.e. sorority girl blathering and repeated use of the work "like").
    • Study the statue(s) charged, take the time to prepare in advance and present reasons and evidence as to why you're not responsible and you have a reasonable shot in traffic court.



    Call me at the shop 480-621-5555 on Monday if you like.


    Thx - Healy

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  11. Good week. Ate right and had some hard workout sessions.


    Down just over 3.5 lbs and my lung endurance is already improving. Any worry of needing 38" lardo pants is gone. Goal: Get back to the 34's ASAP



    Backslide was minimal. Focused & headed in the right direction.

  12. Just saying you should give away free decals for CW members when they visit.. ^_^


    I'd gladly represent you guys on my vehicle


    Perfect - That's an idea I can get rolling today.


    I have the decals at the gun counter - so any CW members that want one just ask for one.


    I have 2 different sizes available.

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