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Healy Arms

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Posts posted by Healy Arms

  1. Purposely lost my fitbit and locked myself our of MyFitnessPal - went hunting for a couple days and then a birthday weekend - both included too many calories. But I stayed on the workout schedule, walked a boatload of miles and managed to only gain JUST ONE li'l ol' pound.


    Back at it this week. Ratcheted up and changed up the workouts and back to clean on the eating. I have a some long & steep hikes coming up in May (just 5 weeks away) and that Unit 23 elk tag on my mind. My cardio was good while out hunting & walking hills but I'll always take an improved set of numbers.

    • Like 2

  2. Not only do they usually have everything FlatLine makes in stock, you're missing the boat if you haven't stopped by their new(er) store location (SE corner McClintock/Baseline in Tempe). Bigger store with lots of inventory of everything shooting related, with helpful, knowledgeable employees! Nice to have a locally-owned firearms business support CWT ...

    You are very kind. Thank you for your support and recommendation. We strive to exceeed the expectations of all guests to our store. I enjoy hearing we're doing just that.


    Mark Healy

  3. If you're one of the lucky ones drawn for elk or antelope and you need a map, please stop by. We carry all the units Flatline currently has in print and Unit 24A is almost available. The guys in our store use the Flatline product and have come to really like the detail on these outstanding maps. We've just boosted our inventory to keep up with spring and summer demand.


    We carry them for a reason - come take a look.


    Questions? Give us a call at 480-621-5555








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  4. Got back after it this last week - changed up a few things to keep the workouts from getting mundane. Workouts were solid effort - every time. I Used the MyFitPal to track my eating and workouts and didn't lose a single pound. Looks like getting the train going again might take another week of physical effort and some extra calorie cutting.


    Being sick is a stupid setback no matter how you look at it.


    No worries. I have time to get where I want to be for elk season and It's already my focus. All I need to do is cut 1 to 1.5 a week and I'm golden.


    Be back here in a week...

  5. Had to take more days off than I anticipated for the flu and related fun. I know people argue the pros and cons of flu shots, but this is the first year in probably 18 years I didn't get one and got slammed with Strain A. Out of commission with that alone for over a week.


    Back at it this week and building up steam quickly with the workouts. Didn't lose much ground.


    Weight - no loss - no gain. I can work with that and likely drop one by week's end.


    Talk to you all Monday.

  6. So far so good. Another pound down.


    Little eating changes and logging food & drink (logging everything without fail) = calorie deficit = continuous weight drop.


    Best part for me is logging food and tracking calorie intake meant I got to keep eating most of the things I like, just less. The waiter at the restaurant gets the eye roll thing going when I split entrees with my wife, but whatever, most entrees are too much food. Log an entree in MyFitnessPal and you'll see what I mean. I've found single appetizers that have a full day's calorie load.


    Workouts are great. That part of the commitment has been easy. Habit's there.

    • Like 2

  7. Ok everyone who is brave enough to venture into this new sub forum, here is the challenge, Every Monday starting on the 18th we "WILL" list quickly and briefly our accomplishments for the past week on this post. No excuses allowed only plans to overcome. Remember even if all you could muster was walking the dog around the block that is absolutely better than watching a tv show, it will lift yours and your dogs spirit and raise your heart rate. Good luck.

    I'm back in


    It's easy to get lazy about the check ins - but they work. I'm dropping just over a pound a week. I had a guy in the store say - "well what's the point then" - the point from my perspective is if I get an elk tag in the fall and I have been dropping just 1 pound per week since the beginning of the year I will be over 30lbs lighter for that hunt.


    If I don't get drawn - I will STILL be over 30 pounds lighter in the fall. Uuuuuhhhhmmmmm, what do you mean by "what's the point"


    So far so good. Just need to stay focused on results and progress.

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  8. Taking it off right at a pound a week. Down slightly more than 4 for the month. I'll take it - it's progress in the right direction.


    Cardio is solid with positive gains. That's been a long standing focus and it's meeting expectations. Progress to be made but no issues.


    Lifting is coming along nicely. That's not been my priority so glad to see quick positive results.


    Better than a couple of years ago? Yes - by a mile. Glad I made the effort.

    • Like 1

  9. Looking forward to Monday - good week of physical activity. Tracking calories on myfitnesspal is easy once you get a few foods programmed in. That little app makes it very easy to say no if your calories are getting close to the daily limit.


    I did another 100 burpee challenge. It sucked - again - but it was easier this time.


    Headed to the gym. progress...

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  10. We're almost 3 weeks into 2017 and I've been killing the workouts - and some of the workouts have dang near killed me. Great cardio day today. Best of 2017 so far - I wish everyday felt like today.




    A guy (me) doesn't really realize how the extra dead weight of fat impacts you (even a little too much) until you do make plans for a reality test. You have to make a plan with yourself and fumble through 100 burpees.


    So late last week I executed the plan. Warmup with 3 minutes of jump rope, 50 situps, 50 pushups. And then - begin...


    I felt like a 25yr old commando for about 10 maybe 15 - then reality set in - by the time I hit 50 I was drowning in reality and doing it by sets of ten. Onward!! (slowly) 60... 70... 75... (the Great Wall of Pathetic has been reached when you start going by five's) and then finally 98... 98 and a half... 98 and three quarters... 99... 100... Bam - finished. I wasn't worried about the time as much as I just wanted to complete it. Mission accomplished. I will repeat the test in 4 or 5 weeks.


    Keeping in mind that I just did this at ~1200 feet of elevation - not the 3500 to 6000 zone that I like hunting in - there was huge room for improvement. I also reminded myself that 2-3 years ago this test would have been a 25 burpee event (maybe).


    2017 is off to a great start. Room to improve? yep. Willing to do it? yep. Already made improvements? yep.

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  11. Yes - the raffle was in in-store display - and we sold A LOT of tickets. All for a good cause as you can see in the photos below.


    I worked with Nate years ago at Tempe PD and he was an active foster parent back then. His dedication to staying with the foster program, adopting kids into his family and helping people has spanned decades. We're glad to have helped him into a new and much-needed van.


    Here's a link to the story in the AZ Republic: RYBERG FAMILY DONATIONS






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  12. BAM! the lbs are dropping. Amazing what a myfitnesspal reminder will do (if you actually use the darn thing). If you're eating too much - you know it - immediately.


    I've logged EVERY meal, snack, drink (which has been just water, tea and coffee since 12/31) and every single cardio & strength exercise and the downward trend in just a week is promising.


    I must now tell myself over n over - stay the course - no yo-yo stupidity - stay the course.

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  13. We couldn't do it without our customers, their family and their referrals. Thank you again for making 2016 an outstanding year. We sold a TON of first guns to people. People who would have been otherwise intimidated by the gun buying process and the hoooraaaah gun counter attitudes that keep people from exercising their second amendment rights.


    Your referrals reassured people that they'd be treated to a better experience. When they were, they were confident to buy a gun - take a class - buy a hunting license - go on a hunt - etc.


    We're pleased to have been a resource. When we're backed up by the knowledge of the CW community people learn new things. Most importantly, they go do things they might not have ever done, but really wanted to.


    Thanks again.


    Mark Healy

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  14. Pushed myself the last 4 days - checking the baseline. Not too bad. I've kept up with cardio for many months now. BUT...


    Instead of my regular cardio routine of hill hiking for miles and miles I tossed in a few dozen burpees and ground calisthenics - WELLLLLL crap - found the issue. Too dang fat. I was right 3 days ago. Need to cut some butter off.


    Always room to improve. Direction affirmed.

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