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Everything posted by Hyperwrx

  1. Hyperwrx

    Tree stand or ground blind?

    With as good as a bear can smell I went out today and purchased a tree stand.
  2. Hyperwrx

    New pics

    The coatis pics are great and a wide variety of animals using that path. Is this a choke point in the area or is water close by?
  3. Hyperwrx

    Bear Nuggets

    I had a butcher make summer sausage out of mine. They had to of mixed in a good amount of pork meat and it was palatable, but I can't say it was something I would seek out to eat when hungry.
  4. Hyperwrx

    Tempura fried yucca flowers

    That terrain in the background screams grey fox and bobcat.
  5. Hyperwrx

    your thoughts?!?!?! part 2!!!!!

    This last trapping season I had a trailcam in a location that got a few great pictures of a badger. I set up some traps in the area and never could get him in one. I wonder how far they travel at night. On the flipside I caught a badger in a cage trap in an area I would never guess would hold a badger. I have called in a few and skinned them (plus this one from this last winter). Good luck! They don't skin like any other predator. You'll be beat afterward.
  6. Hyperwrx

    lots of bears!!

    Yeah that lion is slicked down for summer. Somebody get him a sandwich or something.
  7. Hyperwrx

    first bear!

    OTC archery is 8/22. Nice sized bear.
  8. Hyperwrx

    Toyota AC help

    My trapping truck, 1991 Ford Ranger, was R12 and I looked into getting the parts to convert it over. Too much money to do it right. On a suggestion from a mechanic I just bought the new inlets and dumped 134A in it and we're going on 2 years trouble free.
  9. Hyperwrx

    New varmint gun

    OK I don't have the same model as you but I looked and they look very close. There is some wiggle room when installing these so they don't have to be the exact diameter but I bet we're very close if not exact same diameter. Mine are the 1" tube as opposed to your 30mm but the magnification dial is what we're putting the lever on. I have the Crossfire II models in a few different configurations and they all used Switchview 1655SV2. I purchased them through Brownells online. It makes changing the magnification much quicker than the regular twist. Here is one installed on my Vortex 4-12 x 50.
  10. Hyperwrx

    Tree stand or ground blind?

    I am in a ground blind but if I had the cash to purchase a quality tree stand I'd be up a tree.
  11. Hyperwrx

    New varmint gun

    No, I purchased mine online somewhere. The diameter of the magnification ring has to be specific to the scope so you need the Switchview model number. The device is about $60 I believe. If you are interested in purchasing one I can go look on my packaging and get you the model number for your Vortex Crossfire scope. I think that's the model you have.
  12. Hyperwrx

    New varmint gun

    I own 3 Vortex scopes on 3 different rifles (.223, .17 Remington, and 7mm-08) and they perform great for the price. I purchased Switchview magnification adjusters for the 2 scopes on the AR platforms. Look like this. 2 stage RRA triggers.
  13. Same bear as a few weeks ago. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/49445-trail-cam-bear/ I have a few trail cams on paths leading down to a tank and this bear visits every few days. Some of the dates are messed up on the cameras. The bear goes down and swims in the tank periodically, hence the wet fur in some pictures. Those of you that know bear, I'd like your opinion of his size. 1 to 5 scale. 1- Small- 0 - 100 lbs. 2- Small/medium- 101 - 175 lbs. 3- Medium- 176 - 250 lbs. 4. Large- 251 - 325 lbs. 5. XLarge- 326- up Whitetail deer on same trail for scale. Look at the deer's feet in relation to the rocks on the ground. She is in front of them, just like the bear.
  14. Hyperwrx

    Trail Cam Bear... again

    Here is the size comparison to scale.
  15. Hyperwrx

    A Trick of Fate

    From left to right- 1. 2 parts from different calls? Tone board resembles a primos call. 2. Weems call? 3. Circe single reed 4. ? Circe something 5. Woodwise open reed 6. Tally Ho 7. Critr Call- standard 8. Verminator something or other
  16. Hyperwrx

    A Trick of Fate

    Post a picture of it please.
  17. Hyperwrx

    A Trick of Fate

    No he said an open reed call. An open red call is one where the reed is exposed on a tone board. Tone board leads into the barrel of the call. There are literally hundreds of open reed call on the market today from old wooden ones in the 60's all the way to the hundreds of plastic mold injected ones you can find at Bass Pro. Very few open reed call do anything new or innovative. I believe I called in my bear with an open reed Critr Call Peewee made by Major Boddicker. I was just curious if he is using some old school call he has had forever or if it was a newer call.
  18. Hyperwrx

    A Trick of Fate

    Very entertaining read. You are a very good writer. In the end, what hand call was used?
  19. You can't legally set up a typical wire snare in AZ. Oh, I see you're in TX.
  20. Hyperwrx

    Wondering if this is possible...

    Whats that?
  21. Hyperwrx

    Wondering if this is possible...

    Called in half a dozen. Electronic call in thick bushy rocky mountainous country.
  22. Hyperwrx

    and for shooting coyotes...

    Shoot coyotes in big numbers and you'll change your tune. Not true. I contest hunt enough to know that nobody shoots a contest with a light load. Time is of an essence in a contest and you don't want to waste time chasing a coyote down. In typical contest hunts you don't get your coyotes anyhow so why care if the pelt is picture perfect. heck.. who cares fi you have to drag it back in 2 pieces. When I've hunted the Worlds, guys are shooting to drop them in their tracks. .223 is the minimum you'll see an accomplished contest hunter use. Generally they'll go bigger. I hunted with Les Johnson a ways back and he pulled out a .22-250 and got the job done... at a distance the .223 guys wish they could. I just picked up an AR in .17 Remington from Carey Custom Rifles. Curious to see how it does on recreational coyote shooting. was referring to the pelts for $, hence the statement about the pelts. I guess I should have said people who want to save the pelts for $ James Hardly anybody in AZ hunts a coyote for its pelt. They're worth almost nothing, even out 7k hides. AZ average last year was probably $12.
  23. Hyperwrx

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    I hate to break it to you but there are several jaguars roaming southern AZ, not just 1. I know that at one point AZG&F had 5 collared. I know the guys that chase lions down there with dogs have treed many but purposely don't post picture of it nor talk much of it. AZ does not want any land in Southern AZ deemed habitat for jaguars. If the feds recognize it as natural habitat for a roaming jaguar then it becomes a non-huntable protected area and we're screwed. This is actually not correct. I made a similar post a while back when the critical habitat rule was first published. As I said then, I rarely talk about my job because I know there is so much ant-Fed sentiment on here, but I work for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Arizona (northern AZ). I also spend most of my free time hunting and fishing and teaching my kids about hunting, fishing, and conservation. I try hard to use my status as both an endangered species biologist and hunter to educate folks about what Federal protections really mean. AGFD has not had 5 jaguars collared. We'd have been briefed on that and it would have been a big deal. There was one collared. Its entirely possible that there are multiple jaguars running around southern Arizona and they haven't been brought to the attention of AGFD or FWS. But if lion hunters are treeing them incidentally to their normal lion-hunting activities, they will not get in trouble for harassing an endangered species. If that were the case, you'd have heard about Warner Glenn and Jack Childs getting in trouble for treeing the three (2 in AZ, 1 in NM) jaguars they have treed over the years. They didn't get in any trouble and have been great conservation partners over the years. Unless a FWS Special Agent can prove that a jaguar was intentionally treed, the FWS can't and won't prosecute. We're really not bad to work with, I promise. As for habitat becoming non-huntable if it becomes federally protected, that's not true either. I guarantee you that 1000s of hunters in AZ hunt in land designated as critical habitat for some species protected by the FWS and they've been doing it for decades. A critical habitat designation simply means that that particular habitat is deemed essential for the recovery and conservation of the species, but does not, in any way, stop private land owners or, in this case, hunters from doing ANYTHING. All it means is that Federal land management agencies have to come talk to the FWS about their projects and how those projects can still be carried out, but in a way that ensures habitat remains intact. I hunt in critical habitat all the time when I'm off duty. Again, it has NO BEARING on hunters. I'm not posting this to start an anti-Fed debate or discussion. I'm simply trying to do part of what the American People pay me to do every day and educate folks as to what the ESA does and doesn't do. Anytime anyone wants to sit down and look at the ESA and talk about what it can and, more importantly CAN'T do, I'm happy to help out. Like I said before, once you take the time to listen and learn, you'll find out that (for the most part), biologists from the FWS, especially those who hunt/fish or understand hunitng/fishing, are great to work with. And to the original post, that's definitely a bobcat. Patrick Jr. nailed it on the head as to why. I appreciate you posting and clearing up what I had been told. I might have cut some corners of the specifics but the way it was explain to me by the AZG&F biologist who just retired this year was at one point in time we as a state were in possible jeopardy of losing huntable land due to the feds determining that a portion of Southern AZ was part of the jaguar's natural habitat. This is how it was explained to 100 hunters at a local predator hunters meeting back when the macho B incident occurred. He also told us that macho B was not the only jaguar they were keeping track of. I personally know of a very successful and well-known houndsman whose dogs have treed many jaguars. I sold him some confinement cages and we sat and spoke at length. They pull the dogs off and the jaguar is free to go. Those dogs can't tell the difference between a bobcat, lion, or jaguar. They give chase to any and all. Once the animal is IDs I'm sure they back off. I am positive they want no bad PR.
  24. Hyperwrx

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    That ain't gonna happen. You guys need to stay current on news. AZG&F already submitted their report based on their findings to the Feds recommending Southern AZ to not be included in protected area. Feds bought it and we're out of the quagmire. AZF&F stated that the AZ area equaled less than 1% of the roaming territory of the jaguars. All this is public knowledge. Jaguars are treed in Southern AZ consistently. They let them go as they are protected in the US. No biggy. There are literally dozens of pictures of treed jaguars on houndsman forums and generally across the internet. Most come to AZ and NM. Back in the old days we used to be able to shoot them here in AZ,
  25. Hyperwrx

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    I hate to break it to you but there are several jaguars roaming southern AZ, not just 1. I know that at one point AZG&F had 5 collared. I know the guys that chase lions down there with dogs have treed many but purposely don't post picture of it nor talk much of it. AZ does not want any land in Southern AZ deemed habitat for jaguars. If the feds recognize it as natural habitat for a roaming jaguar then it becomes a non-huntable protected area and we're screwed. Ocelots have long tails. It's a goofy colored variant of a bobcat. That ain't no jaguar