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The Coues

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Everything posted by The Coues

  1. The Coues

    junior buck

    Congrats to both of you!!
  2. The Coues

    October hunt success!

    That is one sick looking buck! congrats!!
  3. The Coues

    Fall Turkey on San Carlos

    Very nice turkey! Congrats!
  4. The Coues

    My First Lion

    HUGE congrats!!!
  5. The Coues

    My boy and his new bow

    Way to get them out and early!
  6. The Coues

    Wife's first deer hunt

    Sweet buck!!
  7. The Coues


    Very cool! Congrats!!
  8. The Coues

    just some cool pics

    Very cool pics!! Thanks for sharing them!
  9. The Coues

    Recent Big Blacktail Kills....Must See!!!

    Those are some cool deer! Congrats!!
  10. The Coues

    Colors of West Fork

    Those are awesome pictures!!
  11. The Coues

    2010 Buck

    Sweet buck!!
  12. The Coues

    KAIBAB Bucks and "HD" 200+" 7x7

    All great bucks! Congrats!!!
  13. The Coues

    2 for 2 down south

  14. The Coues

    Lion, buck and fawn mounts from Weller's

    Very cool mounts!!
  15. The Coues

    Shed chandelier project

    Very cool!!
  16. The Coues

    deer shot in the antlers

  17. The Coues

    Grey Fox Rodeo

    Great job!! Way to get rid of em!!
  18. The Coues

    Our two 2010 Bucks

  19. The Coues

    Grandpa's deer

    Here are some pics.
  20. The Coues

    bull elk
