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Everything posted by fx4hauler

  1. fx4hauler

    backpacking hunts

    Mini Bull Designs has some good alcohol stoves. Try not to wear or bring cotton clothes. King Camo has some great camo clothes. Good water filter. Just remember ounces make a pound pretty fast. So try to keep it as lite as you can. Take a look at some of the backpacking forums they can give you some good ideas. Have a great time.
  2. fx4hauler

    Football Season Starts Tonight!!

    Sooners and the Boys
  3. fx4hauler

    First time out!

    Enjoy the hunt. Treat other hunters as you would like to be treated and if your treated badly by another hunter than blow it off and move to another spot.
  4. fx4hauler

    Tree Stand Hunting

    Hunting from a tree stand does have it's advantages. You have a much greater field of view. If a deer comes in from behind you, you may still get a shot. As for the pee bottle I use a old stile ice pack bottle. The kind you can get at Walgreen's for about 9 dollars. I've seen the research that says you can relieve yourself from the stand and it will not scare the deer. But I prefer not to leave anymore scent then necessary. We scare more deer when we are not on the stand than when we are, by the scent we leave behind.
  5. fx4hauler

    Tree Stand Hunting

    Shooting from a height is a little different. Your right to practice. Just remember to bend at the waist when shooting and not at the shoulders. A 3D target would be best so you can tell if the arrow is at the right trajectory to take out the lungs. As for lunch I like trail mix and water. Hope this helps
  6. fx4hauler

    Hunting out of a blind

    How far will you carry a blind? I will be doing a backpack hunt in January and would love to hunt from some sort of ground blind. Thinking that a burlap/brush blind will be more practical.
  7. fx4hauler

    Backpack hunting for coues

    What size do you like to cache? I'll be going on a 5 day hunt not sure how relible the water is.
  8. fx4hauler

    Backpack hunting for coues

    What kind of contianer do you cache your water in?
  9. That looks like it works. Going to get it on order. Thanks for the info.
  10. I have a JanSport external backpack that I plan to use for some deer hunting/backpack trips this winter. Was wandering how some of you attach your bow to your backpacks.
  11. A sling sounds good but with a 60# pack (5-6 day hunt), hunting rough country, and being fat and old, two bad knees (ok that's all the excuses i have) I use two treking poles so my hands need to be free. I've tried using a sling before but seems a little clunky with the treking poles.
  12. I was thing of using the compression straps but was not sure if that would be enough. Looking at some of the backpacks that are made to carry bows and most have some sort of device that holds the lower cam. Some even have straps that also holds the upper limb.