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Everything posted by naturebob

  1. naturebob

    46A East?

    Then there's always Me too Buddy.. I might hollar at Ya.....................BOB!
  2. naturebob

    57 years ago

    Bill Clinton Killed Kennedy. Its true. I was in 2nd grade and remember it well. The US Gov. didn't want Kennedy to live . Its simple!....................BOB
  3. naturebob

    2nd year in 20b

    What a dumb Post!....................BOB
  4. naturebob

    Late Kaibab - Almost Time

    Get a Giant, Good Luck!....................BOB!
  5. I have that Book Tony. Very imformative..................BOB!
  6. naturebob


    Always carry a Lion tag , seen 6-7 over the years all glassing but out of range. Maybe someday.....................Congrats.....................BOB!
  7. naturebob

    Early Kaibab Rifle Reports???

    My late tag 2 years ago was drawn withh 11 points at age 62. Don't know if I will ever get another one!...................BOB!
  8. naturebob

    Draw results

    We still can my Friend ,I will be up there early.......................BOB!
  9. naturebob

    Draw results

    My turkey tag was # 23 I thought it was 1st hunt . turns out 2nd hunt in Unit 1 . I will have to coax em after the first hunters played with em..........BOB
  10. naturebob

    $$$ REDUCED Signed 1985 edition -- BOWHUNTING IN ARIZONA

    As You get older and don't have anyone to pass these books onto ,ya may as well sell em. I am only 64 but quit buying and collect hunting books like these and Arizona wildlife trophy's. I have 2 sons that dont' hunt and they don't mean anything to me anymore............BOB!
  11. naturebob

    Early Kaibab Rifle Reports???

    Everything You do .no matter what now days people have an opinion against Ya on social media!.......................BOB!
  12. naturebob

    Old coaches

    Lute Olsen Died a few months back , Ex Arizona Basketball coach and now the Guy that beat Him in the 1988 final four Billy Tubbs has passed. He coached a Great Oklahoma team then. Other longtime great coaches to Die this year , Eddie Sutton, John Thompson ,and Lou Henson .Prob. missed a few more. Getting old I guess. Seems like yesterday they were all coaching big Time Games.. Add Rollie Massimino too!................BOB!
  13. naturebob

    Biggest Buck To Date

    NICE . Congrats...................BOB!
  14. naturebob

    Spring draw

    Seeing that I got tag #24 I guess I got My first choice Turkey , First hunt in my playground of Unit 1. for the umpteenth time. My favorite hunt. That makes this old man Happy. Hopefully I will have been in Florida and back with My royal Slam by then. Last year it got cancelled cause of this pandemic thing at the last minute, and there were some on here that called me selfish cause I was willing to travel cross country. Well I just got done travelling 20 plus States for a month and I am still OK and the Pandemic is still the same, so I say shame on those that Bad mouthed me then. This year I will drive .Airllne won't cancel me this time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Good Luck all .....................BOB!
  15. naturebob

    Early Kaibab Rifle Reports???

    He must of had alot of Hunters Cause He runs the best operation. And Hunter can bring a friend for a Fee. On My hunt we ran into 3 guys glassing the same point we were , and they didn't have a hunter with them. I won't say who they were working for. It's an easy guess though!.............BOB!
  16. naturebob

    Early Kaibab Rifle Reports???

    When I went 2 years ago He had about 7-8 hunters and 1 guide for each only. After some of us Killed the other guides helped out the other hunters then . But I didn't see him ganging up guides for every hunter from the start like some do!.......................BOB!
  17. naturebob

    Early Kaibab Rifle Reports???

    Thats right! give me any Gun ! thats why they call me one shot BOB!...........................BOB!
  18. Everyone allready knows that ,Thats Why I won't go no more. Been there 5 times thats enough. not worth it to me....................BOB!
  19. naturebob

    Gray wolf removed from endangered list

    They were all over the place in N. Mexico Turkey hunting this last Spring . Don't fool yourself!...............BOB!
  20. naturebob

    Early Kaibab Rifle Reports???

    Money well spent!. In Duwanes camp everything including the hunt is first class on the Kaibab , couldn't aimagine a better experience anywhere...........................BOB!
  21. naturebob

    Way to go Amanda!!! Thank you

    I saw that on another Site. She gets Person of the Month Award !..................BOB!
  22. naturebob

    2021 Goulds Tag or NOT!

    Tub ,I can't complain either . in 33 years of hunting here I have had 2 early Rifle Bull tags, A late Kaibab tag , a Goulds tag a couple late whitetail tags, and only 1 Lope tag. 28 points for sheep and 15 for Lope now. I have been the King of Spring Turkey Tags with 25 years of putting in for Spring I bet I have had about 20-21 tags. All in unit 1 or 27.........................BOB!
  23. naturebob

    2021 Goulds Tag or NOT!

    Tub, You drew a Sheep tag ,Quit Bitching, LOL I would trade that in for My Goulds tag any day,......................BOB!
  24. naturebob

    2021 Goulds Tag or NOT!

    I drew that same tag 4 years ago. Its a walk in the Park. Congrats to Him!..................BOB!
  25. naturebob

    Vacation done.

    Got home at 1:00am today from a 28 day 16 State trip with Girlfriend. Saw Friends and family all over the Country. Big Cities and Hillbilly towns in the South Good time. Got some Great pictures of Fall colors in Pennsylvania. Went to PA . to see Girlfriends best friend She and I both Grew up with as tiny kids, She is battling brain Cancer. Kinda Sad. Saw many old Friends and relatives all over the Country. Saw my Youngest son 28 in Ill. that I haven't seen in 5 + years. Stopped in Cinncinati at a nieces house that had no Idea I was coming,, and just rang her doorbell . She was shocked. We are Blessed to have the warm Weather we have. I only saw warmth in Atlanta for 2 days then got cold as we left. Blue plastic covered roofs along the Gulf in Beaumont Texas and other areas and alot of destruction and bad from Hurricane Sally ,then they got it again yesterday. Got to visit My Dads grave for first time since He passed 18 months ago. next to moms.. That was touching. Saw them starting to tear down my 100+ year old red Brick Junior high School 1 block fro where I grew up and played Basketball 12 hours a day for many years. That hurt. I guess when You get older like Me you will see change from Your child hood. Will post some pics when I get with it ! Thanks for reading all . Did I miss anything here?.........................BOB!