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Everything posted by chico

  1. chico


    Duck Denisty !!
  2. chico

    How bout them Devils!

    I know about the education dilemma --have family and friends in the education field-- The State of Arizona has become an unfriendly place for educators , hard to understand not supporting the folks trying to help our youth in these trying times . I give an open --Thank You-- to the individuals that are still plugging away in their chosen profession .
  3. chico

    Elk backstrap

    I would venture to say that you will make your dad proud , looks good man .
  4. chico

    How bout them Devils!

    Intense game went down to the wire--them college kids played as they should--like college kids .
  5. chico

    How bout them Devils!

    Pretty soon coaches won't be able to coach , disagree with officiating or engage their athletes to correct or change how their play is for the fact that it is hurting their feelings or the observer . Grow up --let the game flow -- the outcome will be what it will be .
  6. chico

    36-C Late Rifle Hunt

    Well let me be the first to congratulate you on a very nice buck . Not everyone can get out and enjoy our public lands and harvest a deer --which you did . A very well placed shot also . Again congrats on your trophy--that is all that matters really--your deer .
  7. That blows man-- your normal routine of operating was interrupted --. This happens a lot , a tool that is hammered on us at the work place seems to help in situations like that . A 2 minute drill of reassessing what you were doing before you were interrupted probably would have had a different outcome . This has been a helpful tool for me at work and at home . Hopefully someone will see your post and do the right thing .
  8. Sad to hear . Thoughts and prayers with his family . May he rest in peace and enjoy the happy hunting grounds .
  9. chico


    Have to hand it to the Cats they were the better team at the end of the game . Made for an exciting evening . The wheel keeps rolling -- Devils keep on keeping on and so will the Cats .
  10. chico

    Determination Pays off

    Congratulations to the young lady , good job staying with it . A dandy buck indeed .
  11. chico

    No rut behavior

    Same here--out in 24B with a mess of does alll Mulies and no bucks around them . Traveled up higher in elevation and encountered a small buck Whitetail---by himself . Day started out cold and temps just went up . Can't complain though-- was a great day to be out enjoying our public lands . Best of luck to all .
  12. chico

    Terrible Hunter Etiquette times 2

    When you are on public land everyone has the right to traverse said road if it is on a public map . Whether hunting ,taking the in laws out to see birds or just out enjoying our public lands here in Arizona . You have the right to do so . IMHO--I have been out and interacted with folks out and about and they have no clue whether a hunt is on or not . They are just out and enjoying our great state of AZ . Be thankful that we are still able to go and do what we want when we want for the fact that it is public land . Don't get me wrong --I purchase a combo hunt fish license --lion tag and archery deer tag every year--just so that I can be out and about because I choose to . My choice , my money , my public lands--get out and enjoy . Be safe --introduce a child to this wonderful pastime --being outdoors--nothing like it .
  13. chico


    Have not had any issues--show CCW card and I am asked --" how do you want to pay " cash or credit .
  14. chico

    You guys in Phoenix see this

    It's not what you think --so don't think it = Fake News--
  15. chico

    Nothing is Sacred anymore

    IMHO---This is all about the choices you make for your children's lives . What you expose them to as they are learning and developing as young ladies or men is totally up to the the parents . How you mold them as youngsters is going to develop behaviors and actions down the road . Eventually they will be exposed to all the stuff in this world --whether good or bad in a parents eyes--all the more with todays technologies at there finger tips . I hope all parents make good sound choices in the upbringing of their children and the end result is reflected as they mature . Merry Christmas !!!
  16. chico

    Archery Deer

    Well It's Go Time---Best Of Luck To All . Be Safe And Treat All Your Encounters Be it With Your Quarry Or Other Hunters With Respect . Enjoy Your time Out On Our Public Lands .
  17. chico

    Archery Deer

    Well have to say today was a great day out on our public lands --saw a few deer and a few folks . All went well - good interaction with the characters flying by on the roads with their racers {side by sides } . I would hate to have one run into me as I travel the roads but it is what it is . A full size vehicle and one of them is not a good mix . Stay vigilant and observant of your surroundings . Wish all the best of luck and a very good time out -- be safe and enjoy our public lands .
  18. chico

    San Carlos Rocky Mtn Bighorn 2017

    Congratulations--that is a dandy Ram !!
  19. chico

    WTF is up with some hunters

    Public Land = Access to anyone , whether hunting , recreating or plain just enjoying being out .
  20. chico


    Graham was just fired-----
  21. chico

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

    ^^^ Hat's off to you sir , visiting pop is the bomb . Everything else is just called life . Hope life gives you all that you want and then some ---
  22. chico

    Christmas Lights

    Good to see that some guys still have priorities connecting with family ( the girls ) , -- Out of here , Going hunting works for me all the time --
  23. chico

    Huge Bobcat

    good vittles out there for them predators-- If you own a yapper keep them close --
  24. LOL--you best be careful the folks out here might think you be pimping-- Best of luck to you --A good dog is hard to find--- Every good dog needs a good kid ! Hope it works out for you .
  25. Now that there is stand up man ! Good to see a hunting brother helping another !