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Everything posted by chico

  1. chico

    Recent Success

    Holy Cow ! Big congratulations -- good job staying the course .
  2. chico

    Bugle Fest

    Good for you and your son on having an outdoor experience that very few get to enjoy , just for the fact that you can and did on public land . Keep on keeping on man !
  3. chico


    IMHO-- As long as public land is public land , any and all who choose to go and recreate on said land have a right to do so . Whether a hunt is going on or not the folks that are aware of it--hunt is on-- will tend to respect that fact . The flip side of the coin is folks are going to be out at any given time enjoying public land wherever and whenever they so choose being it is public land . The further away you get from easy access will most certainly give you the --I am here and hunting it -- feeling . But at the end of the day it is still public land .
  4. chico

    Sidearm while backpacking

    Oh how the times have changed--never know who or what you will run into while out and about . Better to have a means to defend-- protect your loved ones than not . A holster clipped on my belt is what works for me , be safe .
  5. chico

    A Walk In The Park!

    Wow ! Huge congratulations to both of you guys on some very nice bulls . Good job by everyone involved . Thanks for sharing your adventure with us all .
  6. chico


    Well want to wish all you lucky tag holders --women and men-- good hunting . May your arrows fly true . Bullets reach out there and get the job done . Be safe and enjoy your time outdoors .
  7. Impressive harvest---look at the skull plate on that thing huge !!!!
  8. chico

    Unit 23 Question

    Your belongings will walk if left unattended--sad to say but it has come to that .
  9. chico


    Depends on what you call ethical--hypothetically your out and about and you find ground blinds-cameras and no one around on water holes on public land . Yet signage indicating hunter sitting water hole please respect on a public road -yet not all users of public land are hunting- What would you do if you have a tag , pursuing on foot and legal on public land and are closing the distance on said animal--walk away or keep on keeping on ?
  10. chico

    Vinyl seat repair

    Give Gabe a call--Urbina Upholstery 602-538-9459 does all my fleet work. Top quality work and quick turn around.
  11. chico

    RV parking

    Saw a few this past weekend parked out in 5BS--all set up nobody home . No forest service folks driving around where i was at , must of had the day off .
  12. chico

    Last minute advice...

    Your tag----
  13. chico

    Job Opportunity Posted

    FYI--for those of you looking for Journeyman Mechanic work--APS has posted a position external . You will need a Class A CDL to apply . No CDL don't waste your time application will go file 13.
  14. chico

    Mayweather vs. McGregor

    Let the circus begin I say !
  15. chico

    Opening Day buck

    Well done , very nice man !
  16. chico

    Holy trail cams batman!

    ^^^^^ If you put a camera out it will be messed with no doubt . Will turn up missing or no card....Just the way things are now. No respect for anything or anyone -- sad that public land hunting or recreating has gone by the wayside .
  17. chico

    Holy trail cams batman!

    Have bolt cutters will travel. Bolt cutters old school--battery powered tools being carried now , found a battery pack out in the field away from roads . Makes you wonder.....
  18. chico

    Poor ol'e guy.

    Per the news media--in the future when his name is googled info will come up as being convicted--what a legacy .
  19. chico

    Coues population in 37B?

    If you get out enough you will be surprised on where you can find them in unit 37b.
  20. Obtaining a CDL will certainly create more opportunity for him . Utility industry currently having a few folks retiring . Both of the major players in the valley will be looking to go external hire soon if not filled internally .
  21. chico

    Lucky or Blessed?

    Congratulations on your successful draw ! Go have fun and enjoy your time outdoors . Nothing like it .
  22. chico

    Safe Travel

    Want to extend a heads up on travels this weekend , please keep your mind on the task at hand while driving on the highways , have some patience if you do happen to encounter travel backups . Especially on the rural roads . Which will happen , seems to always be something going on . For those of you heading out to the North Country and happen to be towing please secure your safety chains properly to prevent dragging and creating sparks , we have a lot going on as far as fires go. Enjoy your weekend . God Bless Us All .
  23. chico

    Marriage Retreat this weekend

    IMHO--if you don't have a good lady in your life you are missing out. Been blessed with good kids that stay out of trouble, go to college and work to get spending money . Yea I take care of them they are my kids . I took my lady on a retreat--a week in Cancun works wonders . Don't get me wrong we are god fearing , church going folks and you all that participate in them kind of things God Bless You ! World needs more of that .
  24. chico


    Good Morning All, A reminder to get your applications submitted or dropped in the mail. Good Luck All !
  25. chico


    Well i cut out the middle man and dropped it inside the can at Game and Fish office . Saved on postage.