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Posts posted by chico

  1. Have to say it again--public land is public land--the right to recreate belongs to everyone . Looks like intent was to block road rather obvious to me and everyone else looking at this post .

    You know for all the comments on what to do , sometimes cooler heads prevail . With all the crazy crap going on , I would just as soon go hunt somewhere else and let karma play out the way it will .

    IMHO--- it is not worth getting into something that may not be able to be undone and have your life changed as well as that of your family .

    Good luck to all who have tags--stay safe .

    • Like 4

  2. Yup gone are the days when you went out the door to trick or treat with whatever your imagination could think of dressing you up as . Neighbors were neighbors and you went all over the neighborhood with not a care in the world other than filling your pillow case with candy .

    Non Typical hit the nail on the head---I to long for them years when being a kid was fun and full of adventure . My grandkids are experiencing a different way of life for sure .

  3. UPDATE--was out in unit this morning , glassed up a toad with about a dozen cows . Watched him feed and push them around for awhile , had cooler temps and a bit of wind this morning , kept waiting to see if some lucky hunter would lower the boom on him and never happened. He pushed them up the ridge and out of sight towards the 300 Road. For all the camps and vehicles out there sure hope someone can bag him , best of luck .
