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Posts posted by chico

  1. IMHO---- theft is theft .

    Hypothetically speaking ---if a person were to come to your door ring the bell and no one answers . Said person thinks -- Cool I will help myself to these nice planters in the front yard since they are very easily moved and loaded into vehicle .

    See Ya ---Bye Bye Chiles---

  2. ^^^ IMHO I utilize materials that the area I am planning to hunt provides to build a blind . I don't believe in using anything but what is natural habitat . Have been up and about before hunts and built ground blinds--- on different occasions have come back to find some of the blinds have been spruced up a bit --all good . Realizing that someone else had the same plan as I , I arrived earlier to use said blind-- saw light in blind --was occupied , again all good . Left without even making contact with the hunter . Don't even know if said hunter even saw me .

    Went to blind in the middle of the day and took my turn sitting . Hunter showed up in the afternoon stood and let him see me , a waive and I sat back down . Hunter turned and left . All good .

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  3. IMHO-- Per Mr. Woody's reply---public land is public land . Anyone and everybody has the right to be where they want to be .

    Respect for other's is a whole different ball of wax . The only way to hunt with others around is to have respect for whomever showed up first---In a perfect world so to speak----

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  4. For those of us who grew up in the day when in school and you were out of line a trip to the office was a few swats . You then respected the teacher and all that came with it . Got home and got it again .

    Same thing went when outdoors --out of line and dad was handy with the switch....


    Them days are gone----I try and pass those life lessons on to my brood---also camp off the beaten path to avoid the very same thing .

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  5. Remember last year when the guy on the news told people to stay home and not come up on the mountain.........man he caught alot of grief from the businsses....


    Have watched the local stations this morning--all have reported on the fire dangers , restrictions and closures .

    Good to see that--- hopefully the folk's traveling up on the Rim for this weekend will also get a clue .


    Take a minute and say a prayer for all that gave the ultimate sacrifice .

    Have a good weekend stay safe .

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  6. To Mr. Forlorn's point---I hope that prediction is wrong , but you are on point to the fact that someone is bound to have a fire thinking that it will be ok . If the LEO's are out enforcing as they say ---get them all .

    Citations and Fine's for any and all who don't follow the rules . Just one fire to get away and then it's all gone----


    At least the rim lakes are still open. Bear Canyon is holding on.

    I cant even imagine how crowded that area is going to be. Gonna be a mess.



    Yes it is . Most folks think that the garbage pickup crew is going to roll in on Tuesday morning and pick up what was left behind . Stuff get's left where it sits , sure hope Forest Service has plenty of roll offs around for usage .

  8. The few folks who adhere to policy--Fire Restrictions--should not have an issue being out and about on our public lands . It is the select few moron's-- for lack of better wording--that will change our public lands for our kid's and whomever just for the fact that they are moron's .

    Done venting ----if you are a moron stay the heck home !!!
