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Posts posted by JVS

  1. 3 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

    Doesn’t matter, it’s not worth arguing over. 

    cash is king/ end thread 

    Sad but true. Sooo, my economics class taught me when supply is low and demand is high😏....looks like its time to jack the out of state prices if cash is king. I understand that the supply is not low on the OTC tags, but it should be. This hunting craze is creating a huge demand...and the supply will/should respond. These animals are not going to magically and exponentially reproduce every year we increase tag sales.

  2. Maybe I'm spewing crap, but would it be a good idea to not require a credit card up front? Let G&F do the drawing, send successful applicants a message showing a successful draw, give us 3 days to claim and purchase the tags online. If the tags are not claimed in 3 days, back into the pot to be reallocated to other hunters. That eliminates the whole card being updated issue, or card charge being denied by the bank for multiple suspicious charges, etc. Maybe a good idea, maybe terrible...dunno, just popped into my head and I started typing.

    • Like 2

  3. 32 minutes ago, ALEXB. said:

    Looks like we have another guy that can’t read. Game and fish doesn’t have a “window” you must have your app in before. They only don’t accept before the 20th. And yes if you want a tag you’d better be one of the first to have your app in the mail not because game and fish has a “window” but because they’re first come first serve like the regs say. So yeah read the regs.

    Welp- you gotta know how to read between the lines. Apps must be there Monday. Tags are all issued Monday. That equals a one day window.

  4. I think making the mail in window one day is a crock of crap. No one has a united States postal service crystal ball - especially anyone out of Maricopa county. I’ve asked a hundred times at the PO. They say 1-3 days. Good grief - that’s the difference between Getting a tag and 2 days late!.Why can’t AZGFD allow the application acceptance Window to be Monday-Thursday and the draw starts Friday? Just my 2 cents. Guys in rural areas share my frustration. 

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  5. Fishing reports in general are hard to find. AZGFD does a terrible job of updating the past few years. I think everyone in the past kinda counted on AZGFD to have updates on most lakes around the state - not the case anymore since they changed the format and only update any given lake once every 6 months or so.  Anyone know of a good source for general fishing reports for smaller lakes streams, etc?

  6. Update...I called G&F and the lady in the draw section said that if a license expires during the open application period and a new license is purchased online before the draw, the license information on the application automatically updates. Fhew! I was not looking forward to telling my 11-yr-old son that dad screwed up his application.

  7. Anyone know if the G&F will allow an application to be amended with a new license number? My son's old license number ended up on the application and the system accepted it. I realized after the fact the license I was looking at expired in February. Is there any hope that G&F will add the new license # for him if I call and ask nicely? Otherwise, my 11-yr-old might just disown me.

  8. I have heard this discussed in the past, but don't remember the details. The G&F website doesn't seem to have any specific information to answer my question. Anyhow, I finally have a daughter old enough to put in!!! What I want to know is...if I put her in for a youth hunt first choice, and a standard hunt second choice, of course I put in the full price to cover the standard tag. But...if she gets drawn for the youth tag, do I get the discounted price and will they send me a check for the difference between the standard tag cost and the youth tag cost?


    Take care, and good hunting.

  9. I took the minox out the other evening and found some deer (yay). One of which was just before dark at close to a mile (I know, I know. A mile off just before dark does me no good while hunting) but...I'm sure it would not have been spotted using the optics I have been using previous to the minox. I was impressed. My buddy uses the minox and I tried them and didn't like them the first time I looked through them. I tried them again this year an liked them alot. Anyhow, I definitely recommend the minox.


    Now, another question...does anyone know if any doublers will work with the minox 15x58? I hate changing out binos and spotters when I see a potential big buck. Sometimes seconds can mean everything as you are all aware. I've never used doublers, so I'm not sure of the drawbacks. I have heard that the quality of course is just not there as compared to a good spotter. I use a cabelas spotter. Anyhow, let me know if you have any information.



  10. Thanks for the input guys. I appreciate it. If you have read through the thread you can see that I am still torn between the two glasses. Some say the bruntons are great, others no...I have looked through the minox and really liked them, but never for an extended period. Anyway, any last words of wisdom? I'm leaning toward the minox, based on "you get what you pay for." Am I right on that, or do the bruntons give you an equal glass for half the $$? If I can't settle this, I might just have to fork out the cash and go with the swaros or liecas :rolleyes: Man, I jsut can't justify it.

  11. Sorry to hear about your truck...this is an outrage!!!! I had an f250 stolen, then, about a two years later sold it to a guy and he told me he had it stolen too!!! Both times recovered and no one to blame. Not sure why they steal them and dump em? Like Toby and Willy say..."Take all the rope in texas find a tall oak tree, round up all of them bad boys hang them high in the street, for all the people to see."

  12. I'm not sure about the BP, but I was impressed with the G&F response to a call in I made a few years ago. I called just about dark one evening and reported some yahoos riding their ATV's all over non-roaded ridgelines and hills, etc. Within 3 minutes I got a returned phone call from the local warden and he got the information, location and he nabbed those yahoos first thing the next day. Always report...if anyone is available, they will be show up. Law enforcement folks are usually willing to do what it takes. Don't think I am naive, I also know there is plenty of politics at play within law enforcement, but all in all I salute their work and dedication to such a dangerous job.

  13. In alot of cases a simple environmental assessment would be sufficient to cut in a road. An EA is usually pretty simple, depending on what is involved. Of course we have regulated ourselves to death, so what should be a simple procedure turns into a literal act of congress. IMO, it shouldn't take more than 3 months. We need to ride the local land agencies to get those done and find alternative routes if these people continue to lock the public out. As a matter of fact, I think the best solution is to have other landowners upstream from tapia, et al lock their gates between them and town on the main drag. Maybe that will open some eyes???

  14. The implementation of a program such as once you get drawn for a specific species, you have to sit out a few seasons...has been implemented in the past. I think it would increase opportunity for us unlucky guys in the draw. There are too many of the same guys getting drawn year after year. There has got to be an explanation... :ph34r: Do you guys put in with USO or what?


    This program of course only works for low draw odd hunts.

  15. I agree. That would piss me off to know a thousand deer hunters would ruin my parade "(if)" I had an elk tag. You hit the nail on the head sdr...drop the success, raise the # of tags, and bam...more revenue. You've got to be kidding me. What a circus.


    Oh, FYI---I was looking for out of state hunting opportunites...because the AZ opportunities are starting to suck...and we as Arizona residents can hunt deer and turkey in Arkansas CHEAPER than we can in Arizona. Go figure.

  16. If God had been a liberal, he wouldn't have established the Ten Commandments - we'd have the Ten Suggestions.


    Liberals are so out there. I enjoyed your dialouge between the terrorist and soldier, Kieth. That is exactly what a liberal would say!!! They think we are living in a fairyland with pixiedust and honest Abe's. If it looks like a skunk, acts like a skunk, smells like a skunk and walks like a skunk...it's probably a skunk! Blow 'em all to heck and let God sort 'em out! War is War! There isn't time for political correctness.


    And don't tell me about provocation...who blew up who first??? Those terrorists have the oh so famous Hitler attitude..."we're better than you, so we think you need to die!"...we're just lucky those terrorist psychos are not a superpower. Could you imagine if they had the power to invade us on our turf...? Oh..., wait. That already happened. And it will happen again if we don't nip it in the bud. Those guys are for real. They aren't WWF terrorists.
