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Posts posted by couesdeerhntr

  1. So the past ten years or so i am normally a bow hunting freak for coues deer during august and have been very successful the past few years. With that said i decided to find some new areas and when i did i started getting lots of bears on cam. It hooked me! Sense june of this year i have been on a mission to shoot me a bear and put bow hunting coues on the back burner. Hunted the heck out of august in a couple different units and even glassed up a decent bear in the pears. I then realized two things. I need to invest in a long range rifle because when i glassed up the bears all i could do is watch due to distance and canyons in front of me and i knew there was no way i would make it close. Always bow hunted never took up hunting with rifle. Second thing i learned is u really cant hunt bears along.or u better have a good buddy to call and help u. My questions is about the later bear hunts and how you guys hunt them during this time of year in october.In higher elevation what are the bears eating? Do they roam or have a core area? Should i stick with an area i have seen bear but last month? I really have no clue what i am doing but i am puttin in the miles just need a little advice on what to do next. And maybe some food that is in bloom this time of year that the bears are eating? And i love glassing so i will be doing alot of that. Thanks guys for any info. Anything will help

  2. I spent seven years chasing coues deer around the desert with a bow and took a bunch of shots at them but like u said something always went wrong from a branch to even my camel pack hose getting in my bow string tell i finally decided i was going to sit a blind right in the middle of the deer instead of sitting on a hill and glassing and stalking. First year i sat a blind i was sucessful. I spent many hours in a blind and it is very hard but it seems to have its advantages.

  3. So i planing on bear hunting this august and sitting a treestand or ground blind and everyone i have talked to says good luck u will prob not see any bears cuz the dogs will be chasing them all over and u have a better chance glassing them up in the pears. I want to shoot one with my bow not from 300plus yards out. What have you guys experienced? Is there alot of hunters with dogs up in the woods at that time? Any units to recommend where i wont have as much of a problem with that? Are they in the northern units? Been putting a lot of time scouting and found some good areas and was going to buy a treestand but dot want to if hunt is going to be a bust. Never really hunted bears so i dont know how many people are really out. Is it common to run into dogs?

  4. Thank you guys for reply i am hunting them like deer but wanted to see if i am missing something. Was wondering sense heat rises our scent would it be better for a treestand or ground blind and i think that was answered. During my past experiences deer hunting in ground blind is no matter how much scent killer you use and tried to do everything right those deer will smell you know matter what. And u just got to have wind right. Sense i am having bear comin in from different directions i think i would rather start with my scent higher and give me a better shot at them not winding me. Yes?no?

  5. Thank you guys for input. I allready have a ground blind and i have never shot from or owned a tree stand so if i do go with that i will have to practice some shooting out of it. I do agree in my spot it will give me a more shooting lanes. as for scent control the wind is usually blowing up this canyon and the bears are coming in from downhill and uphill what would work better? Would iy be better to already get my scent up in air in tree stand or try and keep it to minimum with ground blind because i know there is no real complete scent control. I am huntin them like i would deer but not sure how much i am over thinking this.

  6. So i will have ten points going into the spring turkey draw and i found the regs about the bonus point pass but to be honest i really dont undestand it. I guess i am not the brightest in the bunch lol. So my question is do i still have some points to go before i hit the 20percent pass for goulds turkey

  7. I have been wanting to hunt bear for some time now but i have never really known where to start. Pretty much the only game plan i would have is to glass the canyons and try and pick one up.any other advice as to what they are looking for to eat and areas to concentrate on during morning or evening would really help. And would the higher or lower elevation bears be more active this time of year? Or should i just wAit and hunt the bears in the pears? Thanks for the info!

  8. my cousin has had a tough few years with me putting him on eight different bucks and nine misses he finally made the 10th shot count and got it done. my cousin is a great shot with a bow but when the deer came into shooting distance buck fever just took over. He has had some nice deer to shoot at and finally got to put a notch in his belt with this buck and his first big game archery kill. We actually started off the day hunting mule deer with no success except for seeing a big herd of javelina. We decided to go to a spot where we always see a good number of deer not always a lot of bucks but they are there. started glassing at around noon with not much moving except seeing some more javelina. at around 2 pm the deer started moving and we started picking up a bunch of deer. my cousin and i always make it a competition to see who spots the most deer and who will pick up the first buck. i was picking up all the does and he was finding nothing and was getting frustrated. he then turns to me in frustration and says you might be finding all the does but i am going to find the first buck which i laughed and said i hope so because that is what we are here for. no more then two minutes later he says "I found a buck!" I didn't believe him at first since he had just said that but sure enough there he was. i pulled out the spotting scope to get a better look and to my amazement there were actually two other bucks with the one we had spotted. we made a game plan and decided to make a stalk on them. we get to to where we had last seen the bucks and got to fifty yards of them but there was no way we could get a shot due to the thick brush so we tried to wait them out but the good old wind decided to swirl and we got busted. happy we had stalked in so close we chalked it up as a good experience and decided to walk a ridge line for the last few hours. got on top of ridge line a glassed for a while and decided to call it a day. as we were heading down hill into wash to head back to vehicle i looked across the wash and on the other side at about 150 yards i saw a deer bedded and picked up the glass and saw it was a buck. he had spotted us but didn't seem to worried about us. i decided to head down in wash a different direction out of the bucks view to get to bottom of wash to make a stalk. got to the bottom and had my cousin and i take our shoes of for the stalk. got to 70 yards of the buck and he was still bedded and we could only see his head. he had no clue we were there and we closed the distance to 50 yards. had my cousin get ready for the shot and i was going to try and stand him up but before i did anything the buck stood up and gave my cousin a broadside shot. my cousin drew his bow back and let the arrow fly. as arrow was in flight i heard it clip a branch but then i heard the great sound of the arrow hitting its mark. since my cousin has had so many misses he was not confident he had made a hit on the deer but i was sure he did. we got to the spot where the deer was and sure enough we had good blood with lots of bubbles in it so i thought he had made a great shot. We decided to wait a while until we only had a little light and went looking for deer. followed blood and after about 50 yards of following blood we bumped him and deer took off. i was shocked. decided to come back next morning to find deer. came back the next morning and found deer about 150 yards from where we bumped him and it turns out that the branch the arrow hit deflected to arrow and hit deer in neck. that why so many bubbles in blood. but man were we excited that we had found the deer and i was so happy for my cousin for finally getting his first archery kill and hopefully there will be many more to follow. the deer was a three by one. the deer was shot on saturday december 14 2013


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