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Posts posted by couesdeerhntr

  1. Wanted to bring this question back up. I actually went in there and found some sheds they were old and not the size i was expecting but those bulls are there. When i saw them in early august they were still in velvet and pretty dang big. They were still together and didnt break off yet for any rut like behavior . My question is now do u think there is a chance they will be there for late rifle season in December? Seem to be there august and then back shedding there antlers in march and thru august.i am guessing i have a chance just want to see what you guys think

    • Like 1

  2. On 11/4/2022 at 3:16 PM, zackcarp said:

    So the past year has been a real roller coaster. Last year my daughter was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and it has been super tough on my daughter and family in general. We struck out on all youth tags, but picked up a 3rd choice general hunt coues tag. I wasn't sure my daughter was ready or could handle the challenge. Long story short, I'd like to thank Kev for his help. He found this buck for us opening morning, in a location my daughter would be capable to make a decent shot, and we were able to make it happen. Seeing my daughter being herself again made this one of the most memorable hunts I'll have.




    Awesome buck! Very inspiring and i cant wait to experience this with my daughter and son. Kev is a great guy and i have met him only once for my bufffalo hunt and he was over the top helpful with cameras and information. He trusted me with his gear and had never met him before that. I really don't know anyone who would help people like he does. Goes above and beyond. Good dude for sure. Hope to keep in touch and maybe hunt with him someday as well. Zac you seem like a good guy as well. Not many left but seems like you are doing great with your family. Keep up the good work. Love  seeing posts like this. Congrats again.

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  3. 20 hours ago, JLW said:

    went at 6:30 am, filled out ballot ran it through tabulator.... "NOT ACCEPTED"! they said run it through the other direction.... same. Flip it over an try again....same! Now I'm literally saying WTF!

    Guy says try this other tabulator..... "Accepted"  Definitely some shenanigans going on! They know R dominates in person voting.



    How is this post still alive. I posted a video of president saying this was going to happen and boom removed? The Post police must be at work? 

  4. My pack is older than dirt but could never get myself to spent the money they cost now but i think it is time. Looking for a multi day pack and frame that sits well on hips and will carry everything i need in with gear and out heavy with meat! Any thought or reviews would be great. Seen tons of reviews online but always feel like they are just selling the product they are getting paid to push. Whats your guys thoughts that are really out in the field and not being payed to hunt.
