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Posts posted by couesdeerhntr

  1. 520hunt of course i went to look it up and i cant find the info now. I just requested info on baiting from fs so hopefully i can get more info. The only reason why i know you cant bait on the coronado is i hunt it alot and use to throw bait out for deet until i found out it wasnt allow dont have anything against baiting and would love to do it in the coranado for some pig and deer.

  2. Music is not for everyone there is a mute button. The music combine with my experience from hunt gets my adrenaline going thats why i chose it. But thanks for comment eagle eye about video took a little while to put it together so i hope everyone enjoys and if its the music thats bothers anyone maybe i will chose a different song in future if i get oppurtunity to catch my hunt on film again

  3. Hoe much is it to hunt turkey on the white mountain apache reservation? And when do u have to put in for turkey tags from san carlos reservation and where do u have to go?

  4. It sucks that i am twenty eight years old and have been putting in for eight years now and i have never been drawn for a bull elk rut hunt. Thats the only thing i put in for but dang when is it going to be my turn when u get two rut bull elk tags in a row f me i must be doing something wrong here.

  5. A few years back i was with my buddy derick and we were hunting the august archery deer hunt. Glassed all morning only to see some does . Returned back to same spot that evening and glassed up two bucks working down the side of a hill into a creek bottom. Only had maybe about thirty minutes of light left so we knew we had to hall balls. We watched the bucks for just a few more minutes and i knew were they were headed. Put my backpack on with my bladder for a litle hydration cuz i knew i was going to be tired and thirsty. Got 3/4 of the way there an we busted threw a heard of javalina and i thought i had blew the stock because the pigs were right where i thought the bucks would be. Decided to go right to the edge of creek were there was an elevated spot and looked around for the bucks. after about five minutes Cought movement just below me and it was the spike at 45 yards right in open below me and just behind him at 55 yards was a big 3x3 coues. The spike had saw me but didnt no what i was and alerted the big boy in the back decided i was goin to try an shoot the spike so i drew my bow back put my fourty yard pin a little hi and my arrow went knowhere near the deer. Turns out my hose from bladder got in way of string and cause me to miss . Just my luck had it going for me even got to take a shot from a spot and stalk coues and i blew it oh well i am sure i will have many more of those

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  6. Good luck tomgobbler with your clients.let me know how the are acting the first weekend of the hunt. Hopefully they are in full swing by then an they are just running in. Was it pretty dry up there? I hope not. Wish i could get up there but got work and i am down in gilbert,az so that trip for just some scouting just wont cut it for me. But got five days off to figure it out

  7. Just wondering if anyone was going to be heading out to new mexico for spring turkey this year.i will be heading out thursday the nineteenth and staying for five days. Going to be hunting out of reserve nm. Got skunked last year but hopefully its a different story this year. Last year was really dry and all my spots were dry as a bone with no vegetation in meadows or water running anywhere. I think they got a litle more rain this year or at least better than last so hopefully it works out. Good luck to anyone who is heading out

  8. So i have never hunted bear before and and ihjave read the rules and regs about it but correct me i i am wrong so if i call on a wednesday and they say that a unit is still open and i go to an area that same day and am out of cell phone range and stay there thru weekend to hunt bear the unit is open tell the following wednesday? Just curious not sure if i am planning on hunting bear just a question i felt like asking

  9. I agree with most on the early hunts u will see lots of bucks together and have your pick at one. I like to try and draw the first hunt if possible because they havnt had high hunter pressure except from the junior hunts. It make for a fun hunt and will see lots of deer. Any hunts after the deer seem to wise up and not as many to be seen except for does. I always seem to see big numbers of deer in early hunts and when it comes to later hunt the deer change up there routine.

  10. I have tried a few different attractants with no effect. Always wanted to give the cmeer deer attractant powder a try but didnt want to pay the price for such a small amount of attractant. Finally broke down and bought some and it actually worked out really well got some good pics of deer feeding on it. Still i havnt bought some sense but it did work. Got a few natural salt licks that i Watch And dont got to pay money to get them to stop which is nice

  11. Was wondering if there is any way to get into4a/4b from the 260?have a place in heber and want to do some scouting before the turkey season hunt. main roads are usually closed. I think u can from the north end but not sure and i dont really want to have to drive to north side with the gas prices so high
