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Posts posted by bowhunter4life

  1. have to agree with the 100 grain muzzy.fly great,hold up awesome.have used them for close to 10 years.would not shoot anything else.they are about $5 each and well worth it. steel force are great too.but very costly compared to others on market.good news is only need 1 arrow to do the job,as long as your putting in the time in the off season.good luck mike

  2. thank you all.it is soo good to be home.thank you Jesus for giving me stama to get through this.I cannot tell you the pain that I felt I did not think it was possible.the drugs mess up your mind,its not good.never relized how much our lungs are needed,to breath air is awesome.doc said if I had smoked with open heart surgery that I had instead of 5 days probley would of been in there 2 weeks .It is a renewed spirit to be home..God bless you all mike ornoski

  3. thank you all,words can not say the feeling inside.I've just turned 32 years old.in december the doctors found a mass in my chest.It is an enlarged thimas gland.It sits on top of my lungs @ heart.They will be basically doing open heart surgery on me.thanks for all the prayers expecially for my wife 10 years this april @ my 7 @ 8 year old childern.this will be the first time since I was around 10 years old I will not be able to shoot my bow.I thank God becouse he has blessed me with enough havested animals to last a life time.it's amazing how hunting can override your ever thought,action and kind of own you.this has made me understand that we are not all invincible.that we should have balance in our daily lifes.Jesus first.our families then bowhunting.a little different then hunting,family then God.I hope all here will understand this now before trouble comes to pass in you lives.god bless you all.by Gods grace I will be back on this awesome forem in 3 weeks. bowhunter4life mike Ornoski

  4. just reading the last post.stated he new were to hunt due to seeing bowsnipers buck while he was cleaning it.what happend to people scouting on their own.doing some homework to find a good place to hunt.I've seen this before. now during hunting hours,these guys will be road hunting our trucks when they find them they will park 100' away and tromp through the forest and blow our set ups.then they have the nerve to come up and ask have you seen anything???
