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Everything posted by KGAINES


    Arizona Wildlife Federation awards

    Congrats to your husband Amanda, great job.


    Waterdogs, carp, bluegill all work, as well as the small baits. I would try under Horseshoe before going below Bartlett though, we have always had better luck between the lakes with the big flatheads, below Bartlett they have always been smaller. Good Luck

    Arizona Deer Assoc. HELP

    The magazine does what it can with the stories it gets, and if the majority of the stories are about kids then I guess that is what will be in the magazine, it also shows that the ones that are involved with the youth activities are more likely going to submit stories. I think the ADA spends a decent amount on youth stuff, others would say not enough and then there are those that say too much, I like where were at and I am a part of the board, I attend the meetings and give my input, and I really don't see it changing, but if you don't like the way it supports the youth you are more than welcome to show up at a meeting and give your opinion, let us know how the ADA can better support deer in AZ, and tell me why kids don't mean a thing when it comes to deer in AZ.

    Arizona Deer Assoc. HELP

    Thanks Allen, there are a lot of ways to help out even if you can't be there the for the meetings every month. The youth camps can always use help, the banquet is another, not to mention the projects and volunteer work that we are a part of around the state. Join the group and be a member, send stories and pictures for the magazine, show up at the AZGFD meetings and voice your concerns to the department or just say you stand with the ADA. I do very little compared to some of our board members and volunteers and the work they have done over the years is starting to pay off with the studies, the projects, and the AZGFD. How many of the coueswhitetail group are members of the ADA, but they are limited with their involvement because of location, or they are not members because of location. It is something the ADA might need to think about in the future if it would get more members and more people involved with all that we have going on.

    A prayer and a thank you.

    God bless our troops.
  6. A Russian arrives in New York City as a new immigrant to the United States. He stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says, "Thank you Mr. American for letting me into this country, giving me housing, food stamps, free medical care, and a free education!" The passerby says, "You are mistaken, I am a Mexican." The man goes on and encounters another passerby.. "Thank you for having such a beautiful country here in America." The person says, "I not American, I Vietnamese." The new arrival walks farther, and the next person he sees he stops, shakes his hand, and says, "Thank you for wonderful America!" That person puts up his hand and says, "I am from Middle East. I am not American." He finally sees a nice lady and asks, "Are you an American?" She says, "No, I am from Africa." Puzzled, he asks her, "Where are all the Americans?" The African lady checks her watch and says, "Probably at work."

    Been brought to my attention...

    Congratulations Casey

    Barlett Reservior

    http://www.srpwater.com/dwr/ This will give you an idea of water levels.

    mormons and big love

    Dang I didn't know about the years worth of food thing, but I think I have that taken care of, problem is it is stored in my gut.

    atv street legal ticket

    Great idea, if someone could start a new thread with the rules for legal ohv use Amanda could pin it and everyone would be a step ahead.

    you've GOTTA watch this!!

    I hate heights, that video was cool though.

    Please, Just Pray...

    Prayers sent for your friend and his family. Take care and God bless

    atv street legal ticket

    I don't know what happened since I wasn't there and I have only heard one side of the story, but if you feel wronged file a complaint, it sounds like you did all the fixing needed and are now legal so hopefully you won't have the problem again. Good luck in court.

    Any Ideas

    Just caught in my yard and was wondering if someone can tell me what it is. Maybe a patch nosed snake

    Head Lamps

    I have had that same light for four years now, it has four led's white and two red, it has multiple switch settings, two led's, four led's, or the red, battery life seems to be pretty good to me. Just a few weeks ago one of my kids was using it and left it sitting out and one of our dogs got it, chewed the switch cover off and put teeth marks all over the thing, but it still comes on, I have to shake it a bit to get one of the led lights to come on, but it still works. I was impressed with the cheap little light. I do carry a mag light in my pack and a small hat clip style light too.
  16. I have received several responses from our Reps. and From Senator Kyl on this and not one of them seems to think it has a chance or shows support for it. Though Grijalva seemed to double speak a bit in his response to me on this, I will try and find it. This is one of the responses from a rep and you can see it was in March when I sent it, by all means we all need to send letters to our Representatives and Senators on issues, let them know what we are thinking as individuals.

    Any Ideas

    Nope I had to let it go, my son wanted it, my nephew wanted it, and my neighbor wanted it, I let it go. My pictures didn't show the color like I wanted it to, seemed like the red stripes were really faded in the pics.

    Any Ideas

    That was what I thought too, but I live just north of Sun City/Sun City west, maybe it was going to retire. When three boys come running in the house yelling snaaaake, and the oldest is 9, I had to hurry and take a look, no rattles and no rings, we caught it, it was a tree climbing sucker too, that is where we caught it, took a few pictures lat the kids check it out. We did let it go.

    Any Ideas


    Thieves suck!!!

    I doubt the person will return your camera or the pictures, but stranger things have happened. Good Luck to you Mike and I really hope it works out for you and you get the camera back.

    Any suggestions?

    I have several suggestions I will be sending to the department.

    Thieves suck!!!

    Chances are the thief that broke into your truck is a crackhead, but he might sell it to a hunter which sucks. Does anyone know what the law is on this. Say he posts the pic and someone knows the guy, can the evidence then be taken to the police and have a warrant served on the guy, a few of the thieves start getting caught and paying fines and jail time they might quit doing it. Then again a good old fashion butt whoopin would prevent some thefts too.

    Arizona Deer Association

    All of the groups out there could use volunteers and support not just the ADA, but since this is Coueswhitetail.com I left it at that, this site has over 2500 members now and I wondered how many of us are part of the ADA.
  24. I have been a part of the ADA for a few years now and have seen the effort they put into helping the deer in Arizona with projects, donations, volunteer work, and issues with AZGFD. My question is how many of us on Coueswhitetail.com are members of the ADA.

    Thieves suck!!!

    I can see why he won't if it involves, pipe, powder, and a triggering device.