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Everything posted by Brian27

  1. Brian27


    So I boiled out the skull. It took longer than I thought it would but I am happy with the results.
  2. Brian27

    my best buck. SO FAR...

    Great Job. I know its a coues but it's horns look muley. could it be a hybrid?
  3. Brian27


    My family was on the other side of the canyon watching me come down. when I saw the buck on their side I shot him. Saw him do a back flip in my scop and I yealled.. WHoooHooooo!!!!!. I knew he was down and down hard. The second thing I yelled was "did I shoot him in the head?" THe last 2 bucks I shot was in the head.... I jumped 1 and it went in the knek and out the eye. the other buck I missed and shot his jaw....before I downed him with a second shot also in the head and not on purpose..... I think my scope was off hard up and to the left
  4. Brian27


    Furthest south part of unit 27. The canyons were wicked. had to be a nice buck to start thinking of shooting.
  5. Brian27

    Unit 27 is CLOSED

    ahh..... Ill save my 30 bucks then.
  6. Brian27

    2012 Arizona Desert Bear

    I am thinking about buying a tag for my 27 hunt this weekend. Last year we saw lots..... of sign but I havent seen the bear yet. Maybe i will run into him or glass him up.
  7. Brian27

    Who's ready?

    I can't wait to be on the mountain. I can leave till tomorrow night. I will get to my spot at about 2 in the morning Friday and will sleep a few hours in the seat of my truck before the big weekend.
  8. Brian27

    Unit 10 Elk - 2012

    Nice Job!!! I hope you left one in there for the late hunt for me. Are they all busted up again this year?
  9. Brian27

    Busted Fronts Bull Pass? - video

    Thanks for the video.
  10. Brian27

    Busted Fronts Bull Pass? - video

    Find another bull to stick?
  11. Brian27

    Found a lost hunter this weekend.

    IN 5BN on Andersons Mesa I alwasy seem to get turned around. the first time I went up there for a cow hunt my dad gave me his gps and told me to keep it with me, I used it too. you know your backwards when you dont really trust the gps and then find yourself back at camp before you know it.... Gps said go left but i was sure i was supposed to go right good thing i listened.
  12. Ok, I got a tag for Coues this year in 27. We have hunted this unit about 4 times and I have yet to come up with a decent Coues. I have shot 2 bucks but they were lucky to have eye guards... Any advice on location?
  13. Brian27

    Unit 27 Info.

    Thanks for the info. I wish I had time this year to spend a few more days scouting and check out a few of those spots. If I am lucky I will be out this weekend but My wife is feeling like crud "she’s pregnant" so its harder to leave her with my girls. My Brother-in-laws are going up on the 26th and me that night after class and will be hunting on the 27th. We are going in on 3 quads and going to get about as deep as we can get going north from Martinez ranch road. We have taken several bucks out of there maybe I can get my new scope on a mature buck. My brother-in-laws are after their first bucks so they won’t be so picky they will shoot any buck they get the chance at. Last year I took my little brother in-law in there for the Jr. hunt and saw lots of mule deer to shoot at but he couldn't quite get it done. this year I am going to bring some shooting sticks or something to help him hold the gun steady. Me and my older Brother-in-law had the 27 Coues and hardly got the chance to hunt. the arctic cat prowler kept shorting out fuses then a wheel fell off and crippled us. So I will leave that piece of junk with my brother... the 3 quads should give us a better chance to hunt this year. Its going to be fun I cant wait to start hunting.
  14. Brian27

    2012 Jr. 23 tag

    We used to hunt 23 a lot and my dad pulled some nice coues out of 23. We used to hunt south east of Punkin Center in a range my Dad always called the Haystacks. We could alwasy find coues.
  15. Brian27

    Mule deer or Coues deer?

    Coues. Bang Bang...
  16. Brian27

    Who's ready?

    Cant wait for the 27th. Just have to dial in the rifle with the new scope.
  17. Brian27

    140 2/8" AZ Coues Buck!

    Only see deer that big in my dreams. Congrats.
  18. I could read this post all night. Congrats everyone!!! I hope I can find one in November.
  19. Brian27


    Thank you all I was able to trade it for the scope I wanted. It had dust in side so it got traded in at cabellas for a new one before He traded me.
  20. Brian27


    Sold. Thank you
  21. Brian27


    I am looking to get a Leupold Scope before Deer and Elk seasons. I have a tag for unit 10 bull and 27 coues and dont want to have my scope ruin a shot for me again.... any way I would love to work out a trade for a VXIII or VXII with cash depending on values. or I want to buy a scope when this sells. let me know if you have one.
  22. Brian27

    Great Find!!

    I love it. Thanks for Sharing
  23. Brian27

    2012 Results

    I got the 27-28 hunt again this year as well. 4th choice...tag 502 of 600.... I have to have more luck than last year. the prowler broke down on me twice and couldnt get where i wanted to go. taking the quad/ truck in this year. maybe i wont have to spend 2 days working on equipment or walking when i could be hunting. we have taken some nice bucks from this unit in the past but my personal best is a small 3 x3. havent drwn here for mule deer yet.
  24. Brian27

    5B North mule deer?

    I found this freak antler in 5BN on Anderson Mesa during a cow hunt. not the best pics. It is hard to show the mass.