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Posts posted by rkv09

  1. That's a very nice blacktail! A lot bigger then the ones I hunted on Sullivan Island! I do miss those six deer tags a year and not having to be draw for anything! I grew up north of Juneau, in Haines. If only I get my wife to move up there but at least I am planning a trip up there next year.

  2. I have beed interested in picking up a pair of these new Ziess conquest but after looking throught them I noticed there wasn't an tripod adptor on the binos. I am leery on using one of those universal rubber strap tripod mounts. Has anybody have any experince using those kind of tripod mounts?

  3. I did recover the bullet in the opposite shoulder or what was left of it. The bullet had turned into shrapnel instead of expanding and retaining its mass like the accubonds are suppose to do. What was left looked like the hornaday sst I use on deer. If I can find the bullet I will post a pic. Not too sure where I put it but the bullet dropped the elk on its tracks so what else could you ask for?

  4. Glassed some bulls up opening morning and put a stock on them but they feed over the ridge by the time I got into range. I found some more bulls on another ridge. Worked my way over the them and jump one out of his bed. I ran after him and saw him running up the next ridge over. I pulled up my 7mm and dropped him in his tracks at 3 pm. I started working on him and my hunting party(packers really) showed up around 5pm. We got him quartered up and packed out a some meat that night, got back to camp at 10pm, headed back up to him Saturday morning, boned him and packed him out. It was my first elk hunt and my first bull and I am very happy with him. I want to thank Adam (Big Browns) for meeting up with me and showing me some spots in the unit and I hope to help him with his Dec coues hunt down here.


    This is the only pic I took because I want to get as much done before it got dark on me. He was a 5x5 but one point is broke off.
