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Everything posted by JACK

  1. JACK

    Utah draw

    Jack have you ever been to the Unit or hunted there before. Do you know anyone who has. If you don't drop me a line. I grew up hunting that unit before it became a limited entry unit and we have hunted it off an on since. Good luck there are a lot of decent bucks and some very nice ones killed there every year. Thanks! P.M. sent
  2. JACK

    Utah draw

    They prob are...I just checked today, but my card got hit on the 16th ...in the regs it said the order of the draw LE Deer was first then LE Elk and so on...
  3. JACK

    Utah draw

    It's for sure the West Desert, Vernon hunt...only 4 non resident tags for both hunts...my first choice was the archery hunt so I am hoping its that...I wanna chase some fuzzy horned deer around
  4. JACK

    Antelope Fever?

    ]Here is some video I have put together from the last several years...From what I have seen so far, it looks like a few bucks already have some decent horn growth this year and it's only april Come on August! It is going to be an awesome season! Good Luck and Enjoy the time with family and friends! [media] [/media
  5. There is a map for sure! Can't seem to find the one I had or I would make a copy and send it...I would try getting ahold of the WM not the Main Office...
  6. JACK

    Antelope Fever?

    Yeah...the buck at the 4:45 mark in the video was coming in and got in a low spot where he couldn't see him...then this buck came running out...it was just one of those deals of buck fever and mistaken identity he was bummed to say the least... but I still think its a great video
  7. JACK

    Antelope Fever?

    Most are from 17...18...19 and a few from NM.... The video of that big buck never gets old...not sure what he would have score but it would have been enough I heard someone ended up poaching him
  8. JACK

    lets pretend

    Can't go wrong with that set up...My brother just got the EVO it is a sweet shooting bow for sure! smooth, fast, quiet, no vibration...But if it were me I would get the Omen
  9. JACK

    09 PSE Xforce GX

    Proven killer for sale...'09 PSE Xforce GX, digital camo, Draw: 26"-30" 70# 75% let off...selling JUST THE BOW...$450.00 OBO Contact Jack 602-448-1314
  10. JACK

    Draw results are out!

    Whoohoo! They gave me another Antelope tag second one in four years...archery hunt this time...Definitely stoked! Goat with a bow...something I want to get checked off on the bucket list!
  11. JACK

    big buck

    I thought they looked an awful lot alike...Kinda funny...Guess thats why I posted it...My buck was only like 98"...So thats why I say the buck in the pic isn't much over 100" if he even makes 100" Just my opinion...Great buck regardless and you gotta love seeing those 4 point genes in your spot
  12. JACK

    big buck

    I KILLED HIM!! I KILLED HIM!!... Just kidding... I shot this buck a few years ago and thought that I had killed a 110-115 buck...walked up and realized he was just a baby Buck in the pic looks a little heavier he may go 100" but not much more...great buck with awesome potential
  13. I would shoot the deer If they are looking at you or me...It's VERY SAD to me that THEY aren't the ones that are SCARED!...Guess that is exactly why this kinda stuff is going on down there
  14. JACK

    dad not letting me hunt

    Non-Typical Solutions What can I say...I was the best homonym I could come up with! Good job you get to go hunting!
  15. JACK

    dad not letting me hunt

    There are a lot of things about this statement that I agree with. I am an educator and teach a vocational course, my degree is vocational education. I think college is pushed way too hard. Most of the meetings I end up in on behalf of failing students end up with the final same conclusion. LACK OF PARENT INVOLVMENT!!! In education we know that if we have 30 kids in a classroom, we have 30 different individuals, none of them learning the same, none of them hearing what we are saying the same and not all of them getting the same answer to the question. Many kids really need a dad to take them hunting but that is not happening. Many kids really need a dad and a mom to help them get through the educational system, but that doesn't always happen. In this case, you have a dad wanting to hold his kid responsible because he knows just how tough it is out there if you don't learn responsibility. Jack, in this case the kid needs to think outside the box and realize that his dad is dad and is calling the shots until he gets old enough to leave the house. After he leaves the house he can go ahead and set up his own plan for when he gets to go hunting or not. This parent holding a kid responsible has nothing to do with being stupid, slacker or bad work ethic, just a dad teaching his kid. Now if he is not stupid, a slacker or bad work ethic he will put 2 and 2 together and get 4 and realize what he has to do to go hunting So....You are an educator and you misspelled INVOLVEMENT? Just teasing...Guess that was kinda my point...Personally, I wasn't just TOLD you have to do this...I was TAUGHT! how to have a good work ethic, how to be responsible, how to be a man, and the importance of those things from being around my dad and his friends on hunting trips...I was fortunately and had a great roll model to follow. And by NO means was I saying to disrespect his dads rules of him having to get good grades...just read this thread the majority seem to believe that if you don't get good grades and go to college then you aren't going to amount to much...and thats just not true...thats all I was trying to say
  16. JACK

    dad not letting me hunt

    I learned WAY more about life and such being around my dad and his friends on hunting trips than I ever did in school...Just because you don't have good grades doesn't mean you are stupid, or a slacker, or have a bad work ethic, or poor values, nor do you have to have a college degree to be successful in life...it's ok to think outside the box too kid
  17. JACK

    More hunters ???

    +1 And then it becomes combat hunting...too many hunters, everybody jockeying for position and everybody is pissed off at everybody else...bad for the sport IMO
  18. JACK

    Catching a camera thief on camera

    Ruutt-rooww Gotta feeling this thread is about to get really interesting...
  19. JACK

    What am I doing wrong???

    Getting pic of Illegals and BP on existing trails?...Get your cams off the beaten path...so to speak I feel your pain! Took me a few years to figure it out down there. I ended up moving my "set up" closer to the bedding areas...I was just trying to get away from the traffic using the trails and water...it worked for me....just my .02 Good luck!
  20. JACK

    2010 Arizona Archery Bull

    Awesome bull!
  21. JACK

    Dad's Muzzleloader Bull

    It was a good year for my dad, he drew a rifle antelope tag and an early muzzleloader bull tag...he waited a while for both but...you don't even have to say it...WOW! I know right! What are the chances? Anyhow we spent way more time scouting for the antelope hunt than we did for the elk hunt...We knew where we were going to hunt and figured the elk would be scattered after the archery hunt anyhow...We went up the weekend before and looked around and didn't see or hear an elk...Yikes...This is an area we have hunted...not recently but many times in the past and it wasn't uncommon to see a 100+ elk a day...Guess the "hunter opportunity" is catching to the herd VERY SAD! Needless to say we ended up finding one of the biggest rubs I have ever seen...literally there were branches broke and rubbed at least ten foot high wish I took a picture...we kept looking around and found some rather large milk duds scattered around and some pretty big tracks around a tank...and being the rocket scientist that we are we figured big rubs, big duds, big tracks equals big bull...It seemed reasonable to us anyhow. So opening morning we get between tank and bedding area just waiting to hear a screaming bull...nada...zip...zilch...all morning nothing but silence...Oakie-doakie...Well we decided to sit on water that evening with the same results...opening day of an early bull hunt and we don't even hear or see an elk...Oh man are we bummed...Saturday we decided to start at the at tank and just after it was light enough to see four spikes showed up then pretty soon we heard our first bugle...WooHoo!...he never came to water but there were 10-12 cows a rag horn 5x5 and I know its an oxymoron but a big 5x5...Hey at least we saw an elk! Our spirits were lifted and then they shut up and drifted off...the rest of the day, nothing again...Sunday started same as the day before at the tank except this time...No bugles and only two spikes came in...What the heck is going on? We know there are at least 20 elk in the general area and as hot as it was we knew they had to be watering and wallowing somewhere...For four days we were checking six different waterholes to see where it looked like a "herd" had been watering...all of them had a few...one or two sets of tracks on them but nothing overwhelming...We went back to camp to regroup and we all decided that there had to be another water source somewhere...So we spent that afternoon hunting water and ended up finding another tank with NO tree stands or ground blinds...that was WIERD!...and it had some ginormous sized wallows...Bingo! we were back in business...built a ground blind and waited...at around 4:00 we heard a couple distance bugles...they got closer and closer and it got darker and darker...they never made it before dark but at least they were bugling again!...hindsight being 20/20 we should've went to them...coulda shoulda woulda...we were frustrated. We were headed back to camp and a friend of my dads called and said the bulls around his place were screaming and thought we should come give them a try. So we decided to go and check out some new real estate...After a warm shower and dinner we made a plan for the morning...Monday morning it was a little cooler, the wind was perfect, bulls were screaming as it began breaking day...it was one of those mornings when you have that feeling...finally things feel right...Soon as it was light enough to see the stalk was on...the herd was headed up a ridge into the wind and kept we paralleling them until we could see them...then we crossed a little draw and were right in the middle of them...wind was perfect three bull bugling and carrying on...and had no clue we were there...it was awesome. The cows were 40-50 yards in front of us feeding, we got in some oaks and sat down...less than a minute later the bull was screaming and peeing all over himself...doing the stuff that makes every hair on your body stand up...70 yards up the ridge...all we could see was his head and neck couldn't see how good he was...he turned and I could see he had some extras..."What do you think?" "He has some junk looks good to me" I said...BOOM and SMOKE EVERYWHERE! seems like it takes forever for it clear...he is down...deja vu just like his antelope his back is broke and quick (that is a relative term in muzzleloading) follow up shot it was all over...except for the celebrating! Still want to see the bull that was making those huge rubs and wallows...Guess thats the stuff that keeps us wondering dreaming and hunting for next year!
  22. JACK

    Antelope hunt unit 10

    +1 I do admire your choice and dedication to hunt for one buck...but who's fault is it that you weren't able to find and harvest the buck the first five days of the season? Or the last four?...to assume you would've harvested that buck no matter what if it weren't for the G&F...I don't know...its kinda like counting your chicken before they hatch...Again the timing of what happened sucks and is unfortunate no doubt about it...but personally I think there was plenty of time before and after the incident to find and harvest the buck and to put all the blame on the G&F that you didn't is...well a little ridiculous...just my opinion 35 years of waiting...10 day hunt...and a 10-15 minute bad experience...disappointing sure. But is that all you will remember? Hope not...
  23. JACK

    Antelope hunt unit 10

    Guess the cats are out of the bag eh?... I honestly do think there is probably a better time for the G&F to do their fly byes...but man I am really hoping all the law suits happen so that next time my hunt doesn't quite go according to the way I had planned I can sue somebody for doing their job...Border Patrol, Ranchers, Forest Service, Surveyors, Guides, Game and Fish, anybody who is out there and doesn't think the world should stop because I have a tag will be subject...SERIOUSLY? Come on people stop the insanity and quit whining...It's not a perfect world, $hit happens, its called hunting and not killing...We have all been disappointed and had bad luck while in the field...it sucks...Get over it, be happy that at least you HAVE a tag, and keep on hunting because it is WAY better than working! Ok Im over it...Lets see some pictures of your goat
  24. JACK

    Dad's Antelope

    1975 was the last year my Dad drew an AZ rifle antelope tag...needless to say he was pretty excited when he found out he had finally drawn one! We spent most of the summer weekends scouting...looked at a bunch of bucks...after much discussion of how big, how long, how heavy, all that blah blah blah...he decided he liked the way this buck looked and liked him the best...Opening morning we were headed to where this buck hung out all summer. We didn't even make it to our glassing spot and had him located...I kinda laughed and told him if that is the buck you want there he is...it was barely light enough to see...The buck feed over a little ridge "Let's go" he said and the stalk was on...we got with in 350 yards and he had joined up with another buck and they fed around our way...at 250 yards they knew something was up but the sun was just coming up and they were looking right into it...they were doing that head up, neck stretched out, curiosity walk...but it was too late...we were already set up...BOOM...and he dropped in his tracks...broke his back, one follow up shot and 35 years of waiting was over in 35 minutes...Gotta love it when a plan comes together!
  25. JACK

    one last scouting trip

    IMO antelope are very hard to judge...depends on what you are looking for AZ antelope tags are hard to come by...score wise I would say first buck low 70s second buck high 70s maybe a little better...if you like them shoot em...good luck on your hunt!