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Everything posted by JACK

  1. JACK

    5BS Bull...Lost? or Found?

    oneshot...Start a new thread...since we aren't bashing lets not ASSume either....just some thoughts
  2. JACK

    Opening Weekend Video

    Was able to make it up for a few days and take some video of my buddy's elk hunt. One oops shot and a couple close calls but nothing on the ground yet....Came home to work a few days then headed back for the last three days.
  3. JACK

    Opening Weekend Video

    He didn't want to shoot that bull and bummed his trigger letting down...
  4. After 12 years of applying I finally drew a Utah Cougar tag. After a few months of juggling work, hunts, weather, etc..I was able to make it up and hunt with couple of great guys, hounds, mules, and horses in some spectacular country...long story short we had lion tracks going in every direction...We believe there was a female in heat with her two yearlings and two toms following them around...and fortunately we were able to catch the big tom on the first morning...
  5. JACK

    2013 Utah Cougar Hunt Video

    We didn't have a scale but were guesstimating around 130ish...little over 7'
  6. I hunted 7 full days and 2 half days. Experienced what many others did...saw lots of does and few bucks...I would say around 30:1 doe to buck ratio...maybe more...Craziness! but Hey, at least I had the opportunity Battled the wind, moon, other opportunity enthusiasts, and the warm temperatures...pushing the 80s in December? What's up with that? However, I was able to find a couple nice bucks...but I didn't want just a nice buck...I wanted one that made me say "Dayum" but wasn't able to find one of those...So I came home with tag soup. But regaurdless of all that I had a great hunt and was able to get some video of a few of the bucks I passed that are going to have a very busy rut ... A couple were 1000-1200 yards away...the heat waves and wind it didn't make for the best filming conditions but I put together a video of what I got...Hope you enjoy [media=] [/media]
  7. Thanks for the replies...I enjoy making them motoxno53...I use a Sony HDR-130 with a doubler shaynec...not spoiled...just selfish and greedy
  8. I was lucky enough to tag along on a hunt last week donated to Travis from "Outdoor Experience 4 All" Travis could only hunt a couple days after school and on the last day everything came together and he made a perfect 250 yard shot on a great buck! I would encourage anyone that has the opportunity to tag along or donate a tag to do so...here is a link to the video Enjoy! but just a Warning: there is unedited impact shots and blood... [media=] [/media]
  9. The 2012 season has started off with a bang...I haven't been able to get out bear hunting for several years. Honestly it is hard for me to get motivated to go hike around in 100 degree heat and get eaten up by bugs...Bears can be pretty easy to find but...a lot of work to get on the ground and pack out. But a few weeks ago a friend talked me to going and looking around and see if we could find some bears in the pears. We went to one of his spots and right at dark I glassed up a bear...right on. One bear wasn't overwhelming but at least we knew they were down or could potentially be down in the pears...Had a few spots of my own to go check out..I kinda got the fever...and it was on. We ended up taking three bears...one on the first hunt and two on the second...My friend Dave was able to take his first bear on the first hunt...then my other buddy Dave came down from Utah and was able to harvest his first bear...and a dandy at that. He killed a big boar thats looks like it is going to be just shy of 21"...first bear and almost B&C...I was/am a little jealous...Then I was able to connect on a decent bear...and the best part was I got it all on film...good friends and good times...it was awesome!! Enjoy! Congrats to all who were able to give chase successful or not!! Here is a link to the video... [media=] [/media]
  10. Headed up Saturday to help my brother on his elk hunt. Saturday night and Sunday morning we had a couple opportunities on some decent bulls but couldn't get a shot...Sunday morning we chased a couple bulls through one of my favorite areas which has a great wallow. The wallow was pretty tore up...There was a tree stand and a camera on the wallow...but we decided to refurbish a ground blind we had used in the past and sit there that night...We got to the blind around 3:00 and there was nobody in the tree stand and bulls were already bulging...Great! So after about 30 minutes we hear someone headed down the road...a guy stops in front of the blind walks by us about 10 feet away...checks his camera gets back in his RZR...checks his card for a few minutes...never sees or acts like he sees us and drives off...about an hour later the elk start filtering in...there was a herd of 40-50 elk cows calves bulls milling around us...some less than 20 yards for over an hour...the herd bull stayed out around 100 yards and never came to water...A little 5x5 came in and chased cows around for a little while...he came to the wallow but my brother decided to pass...good thing!!...I kept telling my brother I think there is elk coming in behind us...Just as the little bull starts splashing in the water I look over my shoulder and see his bull standing 10 yards away...my brother peeks over his shoulder and the bull sees him runs off about 40 yards...and I think because the little bull was in the water...He just calms down and heads right in...enjoy the video! [media=] [/media]
  11. JACK

    Video of My Brothers 2012 Elk Hunt

    Thanks for all the replies! Brandon thanks for posting that link...Saw it earlier at my dads's great video as well
  12. Thanks for the replies...To answer a few questions...I spent three days scouting and five days hunting. Guessing I saw around 10-15 bears from several different spots. I got over two hours of video...not sure if I like filming or shooting better...I really enjoy watching other people harvest stuff though...I wanted to shoot a bear with my bow...but I weakened ...maybe next year! I ended up shooting my bear with Daves 30-378...He just got it back from Gunwerks so we had to try it out...SWEET set up to say the least!
  13. JACK

    I've got the itch for some velvet!

    A few from the last couple years...
  14. Just curious if anyone else's loyalty points mysteriously disappeared...
  15. JACK

    Loyalty points?

    Flipping out?...Thats funny...It was merely a simple question...Personally, I've never had it happen...Silly me I should have a little more faith in the Government...
  16. JACK

    Swacker Broadheads

    This is the best Swhacker entrance hole pic I have...Shot this coyote quartering to me at about 30 yards...Greater than a 1" entrance hole for sure...
  17. JACK

    Loyalty points?

    Mine are back to normal as well
  18. JACK

    Card got hit today!

    Dunno what all the fuss is about my checks were cashed weeks ago...lately it seems like that has been a good way to save money...send off a couple hundred then a few weeks later they send it back... ...Congrats to all that got hits!
  19. JACK

    Swacker Broadheads

    I killed two deer and a coyote with them last year...one of the deer I made a less than perfect shot and he only went 75 yards ...the internal damage was tremendous...I'll be using them again
  20. JACK

    Couldn't stand

    Anything is possible I suppose...pretty sure its just a big male coyote though...
  21. JACK

    Couldn't stand

    I built little dams on the rocks with hydraulic cement so the water would pool up and then flow to one spot...the pools on the rocks hold around five gallons...then there is usually quite a bit of over flow pooled up
  22. I respect your opinions but I see it differently... The critter organizations trusted the AZSFW enough to donate/sponsor them...correct? Do the critter organizations call all its members/sponsors/donors when making decisions to ask all their opinions on every topic/waterhole project etc...Or do members of the organization make decisions that they see best at the time and get stuff done? And yes I say "maybe they made a mistake..." because I do not believe the Intent was to betray, insult, decide for everyone...Just how it is Perceived...In a nutshell I believe the Intent was to create another way to raise revenue in an effort to help and protect our way of life...right wrong or indifferent everybody has better opinions, ideas, and can do it better but who is doing it? We do not need someone who wants to control the G&F department...So the G&F (a few) decides whats best for everyone? Ironic...We do not need to control...but sportsmen need to have more influence than we do.., I do agree there needs to be transparency...having a representative from each critter group attend their meeting or vice versa...doesn't seem outta line or that hard to fix