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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. Swhacker just posted their buy one get one free offer again...no personal experience with blinds but they claim to shoot thru mesh without opening. I've had similar issues with fixed blades and switched to mechanicals.
  2. bigorange

    Looking for...

    Now that's some Cash we could all use...
  3. bigorange

    Trail camera thiefs

    Are there particular units or areas that are more susceptible to theft? Obviously high-traffic areas and waterholes, but besides that? Thinking specifically of Unit 27...heading up to scout in a couple weeks and putting out at least one camera. Just wondering if that's a common unit for thefts. Thanks!
  4. bigorange

    AES Elk Clinic 7/28

    Anyone else heading to the AZ Elk Society Elk Clinic this Saturday? I'll be there along with my hunting partner...we drew early archery cow this year. Looking forward to learning some new pointers and techniques...should work well to really get the itch going. And of course a side trip to Cabela's afterward. Bradley
  5. bigorange

    Results Are Out!

    35a Nov 30-dec 9. Second choice.
  6. bigorange

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    That would be nice...I usually get an archery tag to overlap deer in Jan, and this would extend my season by allowing a leftover rifle or HAM tag...
  7. bigorange

    AES Elk Clinic 7/28

    9-4 at he FOP Lodge on N 19th and Cactus in Phoenix. Info on the website http://www.arizonaelksociety.org/
  8. bigorange

    G&F Updating Website

    Noticed the same thing on the elk/antelope draw but I can't remember how long it lasted. Ever notice he nice elderly lady sounds kind of like Marge Simpson's sisters?
  9. bigorange

    Badlands Binoc Cases - Good deal on Amazon

    A buddy uses these with Viper 15x50's...seem to fit nicely with extra room. Not sure the difference in size between those and the Swaro's though...
  10. bigorange

    elk calling

    In my opinion the worst thing you can do is call too much. If they're bugling you won't have to call much...just locate them and get ahead of them if you can. Last year we saw a lot of bulls being pushed out by overuse of both bugles and cow calls which were obviously hunters. Bugling can help locate them if they're not making much noise but use sparingly.
  11. bigorange

    Swacker Broadheads

    I've been researching these a lot myself and just ordered them for my upcoming cow elk and of course Aug deer. I love the fact that they're locally developed here in Tucson and also very impressed with the design and video I've found online...especially the quartering shot info. How many shots are perfectly broadside anyway? There was apparently a buy one get one free offer on the Swhacker website that just ended...here's the best deal I've found. $26.25 for 3 with free shipping on eBay...seller is actually Bowhunters Superstore and they're $25.99 on their site but no free shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Swhacker-100gr-Broadhead-2-Cut-3Pk-/221073448008?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3379011c48
  12. bigorange

    Tripod mount for Vortex Viper

    I have the same vortex adapter. It's a pain with the old 15x50 vipers too. Thanks to a buddy's suggestion, I made a tool for tightening it out of a dowel. Cut a slot in the end and works well. I generally leave the adapter on them since I carry them in my pack and usually only use on tripod so it works for me.
  13. bigorange

    Arm Strength

    Lots of good ideas here. If it seems to be holding the weight of the bow up that fatigues your arm, try dumbbell or bands and do front and side raises for the shoulder. Repetitive raises, raise and hold, and slowly lower...mix it up. If it's fatigue from staying at full draw then use a band and hold full draw for a minute or so at a time. You can even do this watching tv or whenever.
  14. bigorange

    Where will you be huntin Elk?

    27 archery cow sept..
  15. bigorange

    2012 Goals

    #1 goal is getting out more, having fun, and being safe...and hopefully get my first bow kill which will hopefully be my first elk or first AZ deer...also have 4 buddies that I'd love to help get their first deer with rifle or bow...
  16. bigorange

    Card got hit today!

    Yep...$139 for my party of 4...now have to wait and see what we drew...
  17. bigorange

    CC Hits?

    Yep...me too.
  18. Hunting early archery cow this year...I can only hunt one of the weeks due to work (I know ideally I'd take off plenty of time and hunt both weeks, but it is what it is and I have to deal with it...at least I have a choice of which week I can get vacation time and hunt this year) Wondering if anyone has any recommendations. Looking at solunar information and hunt/fish predictors, the first weekend has the best rating (for what that's worth) but what concerns me most is that the moon is mostly full for most of the second week. I know in the past I've been told the second week is generally better for bulls due to decreased pressure and the rut seems to get going better that week. I know scouting and just getting out there is most important, and I've seen much of the discussion about hunting during full moons but given the choice I'm just curious what others would do... Thanks! Bradley
  19. You're out there hunting Steve, and enjoying it...and you've had more success around here with your bow than I have so far! Hope this year is more fruitful for you and work doens't keep getting in the way. Maybe we can get out after them together again this year...although I don't know how much I'll be hunting before December this year. Bradley
  20. bigorange

    AZGFD giving out draw lists?

    Yep....pretty sure it's a freedom of information thing. I got a bunch when I drew archery bull in 27. This year I drew cow and haven't gotten a single solicitation!
  21. bigorange

    Not what I hoped for, but I'll take it!

    Nice video...thanks for sharing!
  22. bigorange

    Awesome Muley Hunt

    Nice video and an awesome buck! Love the silhouette shots..
  23. bigorange

    Locked gate on state trust land

    I recognize that gate...I had to take that one off the hinges one time to get OUT of that land.
  24. bigorange

    Long range accuracy from fixed blade heads???

    4 blade wack ems or 4 blade slick tricks kill elk and fly great. I like to paper tune my bow first with field points, then put on the broadheads and see what happens. They may group a little different than your field points, but paper tuning it first dramatically reduces that. +1 on both...