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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    Pre-made camp meals

    Lately I've been eating big pots of tag soup. Nobody else in camp seems to want any of it though! Seriously though, I like anything that's pre-made from home and all you have to do is heat it up in camp. I enjoy cooking in camp, especially cast iron dutch oven cooking...but after a long day hunting I'd much rather heat something up pretty quick and easy. I have a couple of favorites...a beans, corn, tomatoes, and rice dish my wife makes that does well in a ziploc until time to heat it up. The other is chili made at home and ziploc'd. Serve over fritos or tortilla chips. I also like beef/venison and green chile burritos made at home and frozen. Throw one in the pack and it's usually thawed in time for lunch or snack.
  2. bigorange

    Glassing Mule Deer

    Congrats on the buck. Glad everyone's advice paid off. Have you posted photos and story of the hunt?
  3. bigorange

    Late November Buck

    Nice buck and great that you could share it with your son. Nice hat too!
  4. bigorange

    My Sons Coues

    Great buck and a heck of a shot! Congrats!
  5. bigorange

    36a Got One

    Congrats...any coues is a trophy!
  6. bigorange

    Day after Thanksgiving buck

    Nice! I'm taking my Viper 15x50s to 34A tomorrow to help a friend with his tag...hopefully we'll have similar luck!
  7. bigorange

    Let's Hear It For The 35's!

    Nice buck...especially on a leftover tag!
  8. bigorange

    Draw reaults

    Got my usual...36abc archery to overlap archery deer. Just in case we see piggies while glassing for deer. Only 660 leftovers!
  9. bigorange

    Kaibab 12AW late

    Awesome buck! Agree with Lark...bells palsy is rough. I've known a couple of folks with it. Can't imagine trying to glass with it. Congrats!
  10. bigorange


    Awesome first buck! Congrats! Agree it will be tough convincing her to shoot anything smaller next year!
  11. bigorange

    Son's First Buck

    Great first buck and awesome story. Congrats Dakota!
  12. bigorange

    Waiting at Cabelas on BlackFriday

    +1...my idea of Black Friday is staying home with the kids and eating leftovers!
  13. bigorange

    Trophy Tags out of Leftover Tags

    Awesome buck and great write-up. Thanks for sharing it.
  14. bigorange

    Draw Process Changing?

    It was nice...applying online (even bought my 2012 license online and printed it on the spot) and didn't get charged for the tag until actually drawn. The pig hunt I drew has 660 leftovers even for dumb rednecks like me. I really like the new display page that shows the dates, unit, etc and not just the hunt number. Very helpful. My understanding is the update payment feature is there in case your CC expires after you apply but before the draw. Be careful because it does say that if your CC is expired when they charge it after the draw you're screwed no matter what draw results get posted.
  15. bigorange

    Found a Pack

    To save weight, I'd sign your tag before the hunt and leave the pen at home. In all seriousness, a tag isnt valid until it is signed, so why not sign it before the hunt just to avoid a problem? I sign mine the day I get it in the mail. Not to hijack the thread, but that's actually a really good idea...never thought about doing that!
  16. bigorange

    tags filled

    Nice...way to go with the leftover tags!
  17. bigorange

    Very Nice non typical Coues

    WOW! Awesome buck...
  18. bigorange

    Colorado Was Good To Me!, 5x6 191" Mule Deer

    Awesome buck. Congrats! All that work definitely paid off for you.
  19. bigorange

    Good Ol CHIP

    Nice bucks. Congrats! Cool skull too.
  20. bigorange

    Ripcord Code Red rest

    Ripcord Code Red rest for sale...like new except a couple rust spots on the screws. Used one season. $70...send me a PM.
  21. bigorange

    Dads First Deer

    Congrats to you and your dad on a nice buck and what sounds like a great hunt. Glad you finally got to hunt together...
  22. bigorange

    Unit 36A Lets do our part

    +1 on giving away a quarter of your deer to the rancher and keeping up good relations. In some areas if the ranchers decide to restrict public access the hunting possibilities will go way down. All it takes is a couple bad apples to ruin it for all of us and positive gestures can go a long way. Nice buck too...I'll say again that to me any coues is a trophy!
  23. bigorange

    Let's Hear It For The 35's!

    I agree Jim...that was a rough hunt with all the wind. Had every type of precipitation possible too. Would have been okay with the cold and wet, but the wind was hard to deal with. We glassed up a few deer and only a couple of bucks...couldn't get a shot though. Had a great time with good friends. We'll see if we go back to 35A again next year or branch out and try another one of the border units. And agree with bobbyo...let's see some pics! Any buck on that hunt is a trophy!
  24. bigorange

    Bill Armstrong's 131 1/8th October Coues

    Awesome buck...
  25. bigorange

    Got my first buck.

    Congrats on your first buck. Any coues is a trophy!