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Everything posted by kazpilot25

  1. kazpilot25

    Tripod mount for Vortex Viper

    Sweet I'll check it out. Thanks!
  2. kazpilot25

    7 WEST BULL PHOTOS updated monthly

    Totally Cool.
  3. kazpilot25

    Nikon Binocular Warranty

    Wow that's great!
  4. kazpilot25

    Vortex Diamondback 10x50 used once

  5. I have a like new pair of vortex 10x50 diamondbacks I need to sell. I'm looking at upgrading to a pair of 15's. These binos are awesome and crystal clear. I've used them once, and that was for last years hunt. If you know vortex, you also know the no hassle VIP lifetime warranty that comes with these things. I'm looking to get $225. They're in perfect condition.
  6. Thursday: We leave work at 10am, pack the truck and head down to 36B to scout out a couple areas before opening morning comes. We get out there and hike down in to an area we have been checking out, see 1 doe and a fawn. We don't see any bucks but we see deer so that's a good sign that they're in there. We hike out after sunset and begin to plan for the morning. We decide that a friend and I going to stay in one specific area and send my dad and brother over to another area on the other side of the unit. Friday: My friend and I make our way to a nice little glassing spot that overlooks a big cut and several rolling hills. Set up the Vortex binoculars and start glassing the area right before sunrise. About 15 minutes later I spot about 4 deer eating on a hillside about 500 yards in to the area. One spike, 2 doe, and a fawn. We decide to wait them out since it was just a spike and see where they bed down. That turned out to be a bad idea because they crest the top of the hill and vanish into the morning sunrise. After about 2 hours of glassing we decide to make our way in to the area and get a better view of the areas back side where the deer disappeared to as well as some hills surrounding a tank down in there. After getting to our glassing hill down in the area we set up again. After about another 2 hours, right at 11:00am we see about 8 deer jogging across a hill to the north. We get them in the binos to see that it's just a bunch of doe and a fawn. Then out of nowhere a monster 4x4 buck comes running full speed across the bottom of the same hill at about 400 yards. I'm guessing they were all spooked by someone a little further to the northeast. We had our scope sights set on the monster buck but he never slowed his pace and quickly disappeared into the cut at the bottom of the hill. Bummer. Come sunset we are setup in the same spot glassing the area and glass up another 6 doe and 2 fawn, no more bucks though. Once we get out of the area we make a call to my brother and dad to see if they had any luck on the other side of the unit. As the story goes, they start glassing the area from a nice hill into a canyon at sunrise. About an hour later my brother hikes onto a hill across the canyon, spots 2 bucks on the adjacent hill. He quickly sets up his rifle on his shooting sticks sights in on the larger of the two bucks and shoots one off from about 300 yards (measured it on google earth ). He hits him in the high neck and he drops instantly. SUCCESS! It was a nice 2x3 and he was so excited and it made the entire hunt well worth it! I just wish I could've been there with him. Saturday: We drive back out to our original spot as we had seen plenty of deer, and just hoped we would glass up the monster buck again or maybe some others as well. About a half mile from our spot driving down the road we spot 3 3x3 bucks grazing on a hill side. We stop and watch them for a minute and make a plan of attack. We park, quickly grab our gear and head out. We hike in about a mile, following them and getting into position to make a shot. At about 350 yards one of the bucks turns broadside to us and I'm on the glass spotting for my friend who takes the shot. Hits the buck in the upper middle of his back, the other 2 bucks immediately run off. The hit buck freezes, and we're just waiting for him to drop, about 3 seconds later he turns and runs over the backside of the hill. We think he can't get to far as he was definitely hit with a solid 150 gr. 30-06 round. We hike up to the hill where we last saw him and fully expect to see him on the other side, no luck. So for the next 10 hours we hike and hike and hike and hike glassing, searching, and having no luck. While searching we glass up 2 other doe and 1 spike down in a cut but didn't have a shot at the spike. Come sunset we're losing confidence that we will ever find the buck and decide to take a hike into the area and glass from a high hill. We decided to hike the north side of the hills in and crest the hill at the top and glass down the south side and the north facing hills to the south. The plan worked to perfection and as I crest the hill near a tree I hear a doe, so I slow down and start to setup under the tree. As soon as I look up thee are 2 doe and a 2x3 buck headed right for me up the hill at about a hundred yards. I grab my gun and put the sights on the jogging buck headed my way. As I raise my gun, they notice me and turn to the north/northwest and pick up the speed of their jog a bit. I squeeze one off at the buck just before he goes out of view on the run, high. dangit! He freaks, turns right to me and runs full speed in my direction. I reload my rifle and pull it up to my shoulder, as I look through the scope I see a blur as the buck runs in front of me at about 5 yards. So I turn and run up the hill in pursuit. I see hime run and crest the next hill and make a b-line straight for the cut and disappeared before I could get another good shot at him. Blew my chance. So we sit and glass for another hour, then hike through the area in an attempt to find the buck shot earlier that morning. Still no luck! The sun sets and we can't find the buck. We go back to the spot he was shot and don't even see a blood trail, no spots of blood anywhere. Nothing. We assume it must've been a clean through and through, but then again, with that size bullet on that size deer, we can't imagine it got too far. Sunday: We had to get back to Phoenix early Sunday but we wanted to give it one last chance at finding that downed buck. So we head out Sunday morning into the area he was shot. We hike around for about 4 hours in the same area, meticulously scouring the area in and around where he was shot but still couldn't find him. It's that time that we have to go and couldn't be more disappointed. Not only did we shoot the guy and lose him, but he may still be out there suffering somewhere. It is such an awful feeling taking that shot and knowing that you hit him but not being able to find the deer. After about 16 hours of searching for the deer we had shot Saturday morning, it was time to pack up and go home. If anyone down in 36B sees a nice 3x3 downed with a shot in the upper part of his middle back please let me know. We are going to try and head out again this week for a day or two and find him again. This was the first deer my friend has ever shot so I would really like for hime to have that rack. All and all it was a successful hunt. 1 out of 4 is not too bad. Should've been 3 out of 4 but what can you do? I've fallen in love with coues deer hunting and unit 36B. I will more than likely be back next year to try again. Also, I now know why they are called grey ghost's. These little coues deer disappear like magicians! Any estimates on the score of this buck?
  7. kazpilot25

    36B 11/4 Coues Hunt

    Tommygun: In the area we were hunting we didn't see too much sign of illegals, we saw some trash in the ravines and deep cuts but otherwise, nothing. As far as border patrol, they are all over down there. We saw them parked, driving, and also some scope trucks throughout the day. Was I ever worried once for my safety while down there? No. Well at least not from illegals. ha. A couple times we hiked down in to an area pretty far and after sitting for a couple hours glassing we heard several gun shots from all around us within a short time frame. Got a little scary as we were fully camo but it was fun none the less. Ernesto: Thanks! We really did try to find that buck ALL DAY. Also, my buddy who shot it decided he wasn't going to take another shot at another deer if he had the chance just in case we found the first. I'm pretty sure it was a clean through and through shot. With no blood or any trail, also the way he took off, he just didn't seem to be too affected by it.
  8. kazpilot25

    36B 11/4 Coues Hunt

    Thanks guys. The rack is pretty cool with the wrap the way it is. I like snoop dog but my brother has already named him Kevin Couesdale. ha.
  9. Heading down to 36B tomorrow around noon. Do some afternoon scouting of my first day areas and prepare for Friday! Time is pretty much at a stand still for me right now!
  10. kazpilot25

    The Billy Coues

    Great Buck! Thanks for sharing, I can't wait for Friday when I get my change.
  11. kazpilot25

    Unit 27 Buck

    Great buck you got there. Congrats!
  12. kazpilot25

    He not Huge but still 82"

    Awesome man! Congrats on the buck. He's a nice one.
  13. Ok guys, so I've been out 2 times in the last couple weeks down in unit 36B. I have the middle hunt which is Nov. 4-10. In my couple times out I have gone to some areas that I've found on topos that looked pretty promising (lots of water, tanks, hills, washes, etc.) but when I check them out in the field I don't see much sign, track or anything. I spend about 6 hours out in the field each of the times I've gone and have hiked miles and miles deep into the unit and off roads. I have so far been focusing down near the border south of ruby and also a bit further west, but again not seeing too much. If anyone has some pointers to help get me in the right direction/area that would be greatly appreciated. I don't need anyone to give up their honey holes or anything, just looking for general guidance for the unit. It's my first time being down there and any help would be great. I'm planning on going out again Saturday so we will see what I can find. Thanks for the help in advance.
  14. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Well at least you had fun and saw plenty of deer! I'm hoping to see the same come next weekend.
  15. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Holy cow VegasJeep that's awesome! I would die to see that many deer. Sounds like a blast for sure. Were all pulling for you to get a bigger one. Good luck tomorrow!
  16. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    13 Bucks, Wow, that's awesome. Good 'ole road hunters, they crack me up. I hope they don't come interfere with my couple spots I'm planning on trying out. Hopefully VegasJeep finds the trophy he's after. Great pics! Hopefully we start seeing some bucks coming out of 36B this year.
  17. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Well no rack for me this season... Couldn't stay out till Tuesday so, a 2 day hunt is all I could do....VegasJeep is still out there Bummer SndRdnk. Did you guys see any bucks at all? Was it pretty crowded down there?
  18. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Good luck to VegasJeep, SndRdnk, and everyone else heading out this Friday. My hunt isn't 'til Nov. 4 so I've got to control myself until then. Good luck guys, seems like you already know where you're going based on the pictures I saw from you guys. Let us know how it goes.
  19. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Thanks winmag, good to know the entire unit becomes a zoo, packed with hunters. Time to hike in a mile or 2.
  20. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Scooter, That's very true. Lots of grass all over down there. You can tell the fire burned up some of the oaks but otherwise looks like it never happened. Found a couple great glassing spots and some pointers from a guide down there as to some other spots to check out. Anybody know of the areas in the unit that become crowded come opening day?
  21. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Well guys, after a terrible start to my weekend (2 flat tires Friday night while getting ready to leave), I finally made it out there early Saturday morning to check out some new areas and try to find a couple good spots. Heading out we took ruby road off the 19 and headed West into the unit. Checked out the Neuvo Corral area and saw a couple deer (1 fork, a couple doe, and a fawn). The country all around there is very thick and seems like it would be very well suited for archery. I didn't see too many spots in that area where you could get high and glass. Just a couple little hills that could work if need be. I talked with a couple border patrol agents while I was down there and they all said they see deer everywhere all day everyday down there. Also, the BP guys told me the spots to avoid due to high illegal traffic and drug trafficking. Those areas to avoid for those interested are as follows: South of Ruby Rd. between mile marker 5-7, South of Bear Valley Ranch Rd., and the drug traffickers always go from the border to Montaña Peak. All and all it was a good trip, I was hoping to see some more deer and check out a couple more areas, but such is life. I forgot to take pictures as I was too worried about covering as much ground as possible and checking different areas for good glassing points and proper terrain and vegetation. Still open to some pointers as I'm not sure yet where I'll be heading come opening morning.
  22. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    VegasJeep That'd be great. I sent you a PM.
  23. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Lee, thanks for the pointers. This is actually my first hunt for comes and I'm excited. I've read a lot about them and the main thing I've taken away is that this is an animal you have to just sit and glass. I got a new pair of Vortex Diamondback 10x50 with a tripod and adapter so I can sit and glass the day away. I plan on finding a couple spots this weekend to sit out for a couple hours and glass. WinMag, Thanks for the heads up. With the fire, has anything (grass) started growing back yet? With all the moisture down there I'd assume it would grow back pretty quickly. Last year I had to deal with burn areas up in 7 for mule deer and where the burn was, the grass was fresh and tall coming in quickly after the fire. Lot's of deer in there.
  24. kazpilot25

    36B Coues Scouting

    Thanks for the pointers guys. I'm heading down tomorrow after work and will be scouting tomorrow night and all day saturday. I'll try out some different glassing techniques and the different areas mentioned. I'll look into Nuevo Corral and try to find some other spots further north of the border. Thanks guys. I'll post some pics if I find anything.
  25. kazpilot25

    Hotels near Arivaca or 36B

    I was thinking about staying at the wyndam in green valley. Looks nice but is pricey. about $100 a night.