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Everything posted by TOBY

  1. TOBY

    Water Catchment Map

    the "dot to dot " book.
  2. TOBY


    Karen and Nancy must be on vacation. I figured the FJB would do it.
  3. TOBY

    Frustrated By Potential Buyers

    If someone had dibs on it thru you and you sold it out from underneath them then yes you deserve to be bashed. If no deal was made no harm. I had a verbal deal on a sxs and some dick sold it out from under me as i was driving to get it from a long ways away. Dick move and not a real man.
  4. TOBY

    Auction tags

    Yet they ask for volunteers to haul water in the summer to the trick tanks? Yeah that money is being spent wisely
  5. TOBY

    Pinched nerve - Cant draw bow

    I think you should require a documented archery history of 10 years minumum to be able to qualify for a xbow permit. Hope you get better soon.
  6. TOBY

    Still ISO outdoorsman panhead

    look at tricer head
  7. he sits in a control tower directing trains for 100k from mon thru friday gig. Sorry your job sucked.
  8. BNSF . My nephew started 9 years ago at 60k and now makes 100k. He has to live in minot north dakota but a a great union career for someone who doesnt want the college route.
  9. TOBY

    Elk meat

    Hot italian sausage, chorizo, bratwursts, snack sticks, summer sausage. Elkl brats are my favorite in natural sheep casings not the fake ones. Plus bacon is ground into all burger when processing. All done at home. If you are talking about recipes for meat someone else can chime in for that.
  10. TOBY


    It was a joke....hence the just kidding. If you cant take a little ribbing you came to the wrong sight.
  11. TOBY


    If I shot a 50 inch buck with a 10,000 dollar clickety click rifle I would hide too. Just kidding congrats on your kill.
  12. TOBY

    Bull found 5BS

    Bad shots happen to all of us eventually. Wait til the rifle cow hunts in a couple weeks when the lead starts flying....
  13. TOBY

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    not a backpackers special but a solid tripod for the coin. I have beat the piss out of mine. go plenty high for a tall person. great for the claw or whatever rail system you have.
  14. TOBY

    A thank you to AZGFD

    Well he happens to know I was busting his balls in fun. Why would I know what he needed to fix it? Think about it....some people have friends here and some are just dicks.. I happen to be both. Some are just dicks.
  15. TOBY

    A thank you to AZGFD

    You want a medal or a chest to pin it on? 1-1/2 slippy slide coupling and a male adapter and some red hot glue. And channel locks.
  16. TOBY

    Electric supplier ISO

    City Electric Supply?
  17. TOBY


  18. TOBY

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    Bullshit was not edited.... Note to self bullshit is not edited.
  19. TOBY

    Conservation First Super Raffle Taxes

    So was the raffle organization tax exempt when they purchased the optics package? Cuz Swaro aint donating this package to nobody. If they are not tax exempt then taxes were paid already when purchased?
  20. TOBY

    Poaching ring busted

    Anybody see any public info on the poachers busted in 20c. I have heard all the transplant sheep were killed, hundreds of deer and cattle poached. The 300 tags this year hopefully will help the unit rebound. All being sold to black market meat shops. Been going on for years. Just thought I would ask.
  21. TOBY

    Poaching ring busted

    You need help if Bob makes your day lol. I am going to watch soccer all weekend now just cuz Bob hates it so much With my Mexican wife just to make it more offensive to him
  22. TOBY

    Poaching ring busted

    https://www.facebook.com/azgfd/photos/a.178084410677/10158152951195678/?type=3 this goes back at least this far.
  23. TOBY

    Poaching ring busted

    It has been going on for a few years so possibly.
  24. TOBY

    Poaching ring busted

    I have heard that with the possibilities LEOs involved as well. Its not all brown.
  25. Nothing but scammers online. Anyone willing to give up their man card and give me a lead here? PM me please. Thanks