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Everything posted by TOBY

  1. TOBY

    Rossislider is a liar and coward

    If I read Bruh one more time...... That should put any thread in the dungeon...
  2. After counting JJs 30 plus dudes whoring over his bull I am totally for this. No penis envy needed for that to disgust any hunter.
  3. They will find loopholes and grey areas just like the camera whores here in Az . If money is involved cheating will be.
  4. TOBY

    Who is raising beef

    Call Bob Thrush. 928 685 BEEF he raises and processes and knows all the ranchers who do as well in the west valley. Unless you get free food and water it costs way more to go on your own.
  5. TOBY

    When never meets now.

    Get a good lawyer and dont settle with a half butt settlement cuz you just wanna be done with it.
  6. TOBY

    RIP Madden

    Or the opposite.
  7. TOBY

    Knife what you guys using?

    https://www.amazon.com/Victorinox-8-Inch-Curved-Breaking-Rosewood/dp/B0019WUL8Y/ref=asc_df_B0019WUL8Y/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198060092138&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11364484812158120677&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030162&hvtargid=pla-318309871806&th=1 or something close.
  8. TOBY

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    I know some guides wife got the deer tag......
  9. TOBY

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    No one is going to throw away bonus points for an archery draw other than strip and kaibab. Just put a cap on tags sold.
  10. TOBY

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    No draw just set numbers of tags per unit. Open to purchase in december. Tag is good for said unit only. If you hunt multiple units buy multiple tags. Once sold out you are sol. buy a different unit. Each tag allows one hunter and 2 helpers. Any more helpers have to purchase a posse hunting permit that and requires you to wear a posse permit orange vest over your matching kuiu costumes. I think this would work as long as the tag numbers issued are not stupid high to make more money.
  11. TOBY

    New Draw

    Don't need a draw. Just a tag cap. A unit specific tag. When sold out too bad. Hunt multiple units buy multiple tags. Each tag allows 2 members to accompany you that do not already possess a tag.Posse hunting is an additional fee (an expensive one.) first come first serve. Not affecting bonus points. my .02 on avoiding straight draws for archery.
  12. TOBY

    Flag Poles

    for home use they work. I prefer one with the rope mounted inside the pole. Az sun will rot that rope in a few years. Plus a light.. Dont want th flag police on your tail.
  13. TOBY

    Let’s talk youth Camo Clothing

    Hard to beat Walmart max1 camo for the price.
  14. TOBY

    ATV hunters running in prohibited areas

    If there isn't a sign on the road that says closed or no trespassing it's fair game. The little white forest map means nothing. My onx or flatline says nothing so I'm good. That's the answers I get from all you... so if u can't beat them.........
  15. TOBY

    Petition - Stop Paying Influencers

    you could of had a million signatures to keep trail cams and they still would of banned them....Oh wait they did......
  16. Buy used slc 15s Swarovski and cheap 10s.
  17. TOBY

    Good Guy Seller List

    millerpe1327 Good seller
  18. TOBY


    Are you really in Nevada?
  19. TOBY

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    Are you on the left or right?
  20. TOBY

    Anybody know these thieves

    abandoned property. helping out the forest service... but seriously leave shoot alone.
  21. TOBY

    Good News

    USA plays Mexico in the gold cup final. Bob invited me over to his house to watch.
  22. TOBY

    How about them suns

    I only bring it up cuz Bob hates it. ))))
  23. TOBY

    New Tucson processor?

    If you want no life in game season you can make bank doing this as a family business. So easy to do yourself.
  24. TOBY

    How about them suns

    Bob I posted just for you....))) I know you are a fan down deep...lol
  25. TOBY

    How about them suns

    Almost like there is money involved for more games....I was watching soccer..