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Posts posted by rossislider

  1. I ordered bunch of 1 pound canisters on back order a few months ago from on online place before they stopped taking backorders. I followed up with them a week or so ago and they seemed to think it wouldn't be to much longer before they would be able to fill my order. Since hazmat and shipping fees from this place usually combine to be $75+, I bought a bunch of extra to sell. This helps to distribute these fees and makes it pretty comparable to local store prices. The extra I will have for anyone interested is:


    20 - 1lb canisters of Retumbo

    6 - 1lb canisters of H335

    4 - 1lb canisters of IMR 4350


    I will ask $30 per canister (about $5 per canister less than Bruno's)


    I DO NOT HAVE THEM YET, but given what the supplier told me I hope to have them within a month.


    If you are interested send me a PM and I'll let you know when they are on there way.

  2. I won't go into detail, but my experiences with the archery department at Bear Mountain have all been terrible. The guy is a rude condescending jerk who treats anyone with the audacity to ask him a question like they just burned down an orphanage and then celebrated by kicking puppies and kittens. Several years ago when I was first thinking about getting into archery I stopped by there to ask a few questions about finding a bow and getting started in the sport. The guy made me feel like such an idiot that I walked away and didn't get into archery until a couple of years later. The rest of the staff is only slight better . I still shop Bear Mountain on occasion because of convenience or supply shortages, but only if I know exactly what I am looking for and never for archery equipment. I also go in fully expecting to be treated poorly which is why I go in, get my stuff, and get out.


    Fortunately, every other archery shop/department I have gone to has been the complete opposite. I work right by Bass Pro an spend a lot of my lunch breaks there browsing. Stan, who I beliive is their department manager, always greets me when he sees me, shares stories, tips, etc and is a great guy. Tom at Sportsman's is just as friendly and helpful. I've never been to AHQ because they are a bit out of my way, but I've heard great things. Next time I'm looking for a bow I'm also definitely going to check out Broken Arrow Archery because of all the great stuff I've heard on here.


    Most archers are great guys and always willing and eager to help out a fellow archer. Shame Bear Mountain still hasn't figured this out

  3. />Man I guess I should have got on here sooner. Talk about a joke gone wrong! Oops. Sorry Tommy just trying to have a little fun so I put your trail cam in a lock box to see if u were smart enough to notice.i will give u a key when I come for supper Friday night. I bet the menu for dinner Friday has changed from some nice Porter Houses to wild Donkey roast with a little bit of tire tread on the side. Then for desert those yummy marble sized chocolate balls. It's weird how your whole family is allergic to chocolate but you go out of your way to make them for me and my family. They smell terrible but taste pretty dang good. They are a lot better than those stinky prickly pear berry chocolate pecan logs you made that one time. Those seeds got stuck in my teeth and my breath smelled like crap for two weeks. See u Friday bud and I won't forget a key.

    This might be worthy of an a$$ whoopen.

    • Like 1

  4. />

    I had a Black girl call me a craker mo fo today at the store!

    I had a Hispanic guy call me a cracker yesterday. But I really don't find the term cracker to be all that offensive, and certainly less offensive than most curse words. I have never understood why certain ethnicities allow such simple stupid word to have so much power over them?

    • Like 1

  5. Sweet Mesquite Jerky

    You are correct that I used a jerky gun. It makes the whole process much easier. This particular recipe is by far the easiest one I have come up with because it makes use of a good store bought rub. It will also cover up a lot of the gamey flavor if you have people who don’t appreciate high quality game meat. My other popular jerky is one I make with fresh fire roaster Hatch green chilies, when in season.

    Sweet Mesquite Jerky

    Thoroughly combine these ingredients together in the following proportions:

    • 1 pound of ground meat
    • 2 Tablespoons of Sweet Mesquite Seasoning
    • 2 Tablespoons of brown sugar
    • 2 Tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce

    I have found that the Sweet Mesquite Seasoning can vary in the level of spice. I love spicy food but my wife and kids don’t so I suggest doing the following. The proportions listed above will usually make a mild jerky. But I don’t like to make a big batch without testing the spice level first, so once everything is combined I will make a thin quarter size patty and fry it in a pan, then taste. From there you can add more or less seasoning, brown sugar, etc. to suite your taste. Continue testing before throwing it all into the dehydrator. Use a jerky gun to squirt it onto dehydrator trays. I then put it into my Nesco dehydrator at 160 degrees for about five hours. I make one big spiral on each tray then cut it into 4-6 inch pieces.


    Since there are no preservatives in this, be sure to eat it right away, refrigerate, or freeze it.

