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Everything posted by ichiban43

  1. With NapaloRENO leaving next year and Brewer taking over--I don't think you'll see it happen very soon. If we can keep conservative control of AZ, I don't think you'll see it come from the State level. I am really afraid of the new Socialist government we will have in place at the Federal level come 1/20/09. He has already lied to his radical left wing base and has moved to the middle somewhat--but what will stop him from treating the right wingers any different?
  2. > > It has already started! > > Just another way of accomplishing the same end. The Bill in SC is the easiest to read, but they all say basically the same. They want to know exactly who owns weapons and how much ammo they have. > > Remember, the 2nd Amendment is not about hunting, it's about the citizens ability to defend themselves. This scares the heck out of me. It is sure to pass in at least a few states and then spread over time if the people allow it by doing nothing. > > > Subject: It has already started! > > Remember how Obama said that he wasn't going to take your guns? Well, it > seems that his minions and allies in the anti-gun world have no problem > with taking your ammo! > > The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and > Indiana) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture a data > base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what > calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the > ammunition is coded. > Any privately held un coded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011. > (Including hand loaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every > round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more! > > If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun! > > This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama, Arizona, > California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, > Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, > South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington. > > To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation > and the specific legislation for each state, go to: > http://ammunitionaccountability.org/Legislation.htm > > >
  3. I just found out that the bill here in AZ died--Woo Hoo!!!!
  4. ichiban43

    A good ending.

    I'll try and make a long story short. An acquaintance of mine pulled a left over tag for the unit I drew--Nov-36B. We opted to meet down in Arivaca. He had his Motorhome in the shop and it became a real cluster. When he picked it up, it was running terrible--clogged fuel pump (in the tank type). The dumb mechanic (2nd one), instead of dropping the tank and doing it right--jury rigged it--now get this--the new pump was sucking through the old pump--DUH!!! Well--they (his nephew & 18 yr old son came for just the weekend) did get to Arivaca in the early AM on Sat morn. And in all the confusion my friend forgot his tag. They gotten up late and I left a note about an area to hunt. I saw an OK buck and a few doe's on opening morn--no bucks--only doe's on Sat morn. Met them back at camp and they were a little down about how the trip was shaping up. They only had the evening hunt and the morning hunt and had to head back to Mesa. Ralph had gone into Tucson to Wal-mart to get a duplicate tag and called on the way back-- and was--yes--you guessed it--having Motorhome problems. So-I opted to stay and wait and see if Ralph made it back from Tucson OK and in a rare moment of kindness (HAHA!!!), I gave them directions to my spot. Ralph made it back at close to dark--at about 30 mph. we went down to the RV Park bar to have a cool one and about 7 here comes the guy and his son--bloody hands and all. The boy nailed the 3 x 3 I had seen on the opener and his Dad killed a little forky, while standing almost shoulder to shoulder. I went the rest of the season seeing nada. Too teel you the truth-at my age and having hunted all my life, I get greater pleasure in putting younger hunters like these on to game than I do when I bag one myself.
  5. ichiban43

    Draw results out

    37B HAM Javelina 12A Turkey--will take the wife--she loves Jacob Lake--she'll sew while I hunt cooks too--works for me!!!
  6. ichiban43


    If you reload--you can get a Sierra HPBT in 107 gr--somebody used to make a 105 also--might still do. But I have had excellent success with the 100 gr on Mule deer & WT. On large animals--shot placement is a must--but they can be tack drivers. I have a M99E savage and the 1st 2 quick shots are great--but the 3rd one goes where it wants to--light barrel, I think is the problem. Wants to whip.
  7. ichiban43

    Rv place in 36a?

    I wore out Google trying to find a place around there. Finally nailed that place. In case anybody ever wants to stay in 31/32 there is a place that doesn't much advertise just south of Dudleyville on Highway 77 right by the Aravaipa Campus of Central AU-on the way into the Wilderness area at Aravaipa Rd. 11 mi S of Winkleman. Aravaipa Villa Mobile Home Park. He has an RV section. 520-357-7053. The guy (Bob) that owns it is super nice--he used to hunt, but is too stoved up anymore. He said his Son-in-law is a huntin' fool. BOB
  8. ichiban43

    Unit 29 Success!

    All the AZDFG stuff I read said to go high--but I killed one not too many years back not too far past the Cave Creek Center for Conservation & Biodiversity--Doesn't get much lower than that. We went high 1st and saw zilch.
  9. ichiban43

    State Trust Land

    your hunting licenes is your permit A word of caution--on another forum, the concensus was that you must be hunting--just having the license is only part of it. They apparently can cite you if you aren't hunting. So--always carry a gun and you can say you are hunting 'yotes or something. That is what I got out of the posts--you might best check. BOB
  10. ichiban43

    Accident in 36B

    Probably not--Portal is way over in 29 if I recall corrrectly.
  11. ichiban43

    Rv place in 36a?

    Was it Caballo Loco?? If it was--how is it? It sounds good to me.--BOB http://www.freewebs.com/wildhorsecc/
  12. I see "O" has gone to HA because his Grandmother is ill. After the laying of the hands and she miracuosly recovers--he will walk back to SF to distribute loaves and fishes to the homeless there. He needs to learn about teaching a man to fish!!! I do wish his Grandmother well!!
  13. ichiban43


    Hey VJ-- Don't know if you recall--but we had a dialogue about the 4 dr Jeeps awhile back--My wife is now the proud owner of a Sahara Unlimited and we love it.--It is the "Red Rock" red. But I'll be in my Silver Silverado in Arivaca come the 5th. Thanx for the info on the "Heap" BTW--BOB
  14. ichiban43

    Colin Powell

    Doesn't surprise me one bit--He--Rummy & GW had a problem over the conduct of the war and he feels he was set up on the WMD thing and lost face before the UN. There could be a racial aspect too--just MHO.
  15. ichiban43

    Palin's Look.... ;-)

    They do spend that much on Hillary--you should see what she looked like before they did!!!! The camera got destroyed tring to take a pic!!!
  16. ichiban43


    Tie one up for me--99" is OK--doesn't need to be 100. Good luck to all of you--be safe. I have the early Nov hunt--BOB
  17. ichiban43

    ISRA Letter on Obama

    It is an outright lie, IMHO. I saw 2 interviews with "O" about the DC gun ban. In one--before the Supremes overturned it, he stated that he believed it was constitutional. In the 2nd--after the ruling--he said he has always believed in the right to own a firearm. If there was a 3rd choice--he'd take it too. There are other issues-including the abortion issue you mentioned where he has taken both sides of the issue. Whatever is politically expedient at the time. BOB
  18. ichiban43

    Final Debate

    He is not in the cut of Sharpton or Jackson--didn't Biden call him "clean and articulate"?--So, he is one Black that they can accept. Does the word "reparations" come to mind? People voted for JFK because he was pretty too and an eloquent speaker--and Nixon sweated too much. Some people vote with their heart--not their brain. BOB
  19. ichiban43

    Final Debate

    Truer words were never spoken-don't forget that Biden is almost as much a leftist a "O" and Pelosi is a Socialist through & through. Reid amazes me--how did a man who is dumber than the box the rocks came in get into his position? Welcome to the Socialist Republic of North America!!! We'll annex Mexico--maybe Canada and adopt their sorry Socialized health plan --they have more poor people in Mexico to redistribute the wealth to. But maybe the price of Tequila will come down. A lady asked me the other day why the word doesn't get out about "O". I researched the TV media rankings. ABC,NBC and CBS lead the way with over 22 mil viewers. FNC has 2.6 mil--toss in CNN and MessNBC and it gives the liberals over 24 mil. FNC barely garners a little over 10%. That doesn't include the print media who predominatly are leftist too. BOB
  20. ichiban43

    Trailor park, Arivaca area

    This place is called Caballo Loco RV Ranch and is South of Three Points. I have never stayed there, but the people were friendly when I Emailed them. I stayed at Universal Ranch once, and it is fine. But don't believe the ad--the store wasn't running yet and the bar plans had been scrapped. I'd call 1st. I have an early Nov 36B tag and will most likely stay there. Without somebody to stay in camp--I wouldn't risk bonnie camping. http://www.freewebs.com/wildhorsecc/
  21. ichiban43

    Photo Radar

    The laws need to be enforced and this is another tool--welcome to the world of technology. But--they should never be used to replace the DPS. The trouble is--at least with the fixed cameras--people do 90--slow down when they approach the location--and then speed back up--so, anybody who gets caught didn't know the area--or is just plain dumb. They just provide an income for the state--and the contractor who operates the system. Remember--the statewide use of these was to help Janet balance the budget. But nothing will slow you down more, at least for awhile, than getting written up by a real live cop. So--they might help some--people don't like getting hit in the wallet with both a fine and rise in insurance premiums. At least when a cop tickets you--you will slow down right now--with the camera--most likely not--at least until you get it in the mail.
  22. Well--They passed & signed it and at 10:12 AM on 10/6 it is down 525.
  23. ichiban43

    camping area 36B

    A decent place to stay is this little park in Aravaca. But don't believe the ad totally--there was no bar when I stayed there 2 yrs ago and the caretaker said they had scrapped the idea. The store wasn't done either--but they said it would be open soon. I have the early Nov hunt and may stay there. An unattended camp is a problem down there. WWW.universalranch.com/index.html (you'll have to copy & paste the link--couldn't get it to work--sorry) Good luck--BOB
  24. ichiban43


    I never look at one at all--ever--the only thing good at a Micky D's are the shake's & fries--give me a Double Big Whopper w/cheese any day--or a Wendy's--basically--ANYTHING but a Big Mac--I'll starve first!--HAHA!!--BOB
  25. ichiban43


    I belong to PETA--People Eating Tasty Animals, that is.