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Posts posted by Zim

  1. Anybody know of someone with horses for elk services in unit 1? My last two day resort is to hunt a dependable water source in the Mount Baldy Wilderness, but I'd need help with that as it's 3 miles in. Mild terrain open pastures/old forest service road.


    I got a card from an AJ's Big Game Retrieval but he won't quote me a price. What up with that? Route is on a known distance paved road, then 2.6 miles in. Not rocket science. Just want a price in advance. Thanks.

  2. I just got married last year and negotiated a totally different arrangement. She is Chinese and actually still lives there until she retires in December. There really is no hunting in China. They have no concept of it. But my wife accepted my hobby. She wanted to retain her condo there and live there 3 months/year. So I asked how Sept/Oct/Nov works for her and she loved those months as the climate is best there then. So I'll have a 3 month hunting hall pass every year. I prefer this as Im pretty serious about my hunting time, and I have 336 total points in many states so I never know when I'll draw what. I would not want to wait 24 years for a tag then be influenced by my wife in some way during the hunt. During that three month period, when I don't have a tag I will go to China to visit there. I enjoy it there very much.


    She does not want to big game hunt with me, but will try turkey when she arrives. In Sichuan they don't have chickens at grocery stores. You buy live ones at the street market, and keep them tied up on your patio until you are ready to cook. So this is why she is curious and wants to go with me. She wants to cook the turkey fresh immediately, no freezing. That is what she is familiar with.


    We have been together for four years and are both VERY happy. Certainly unconventional but works for us!


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  3. Unit 1 early archery for us. Last time we drew was 2002. My body is not what it was back then. But this was by far the most mild terrain I've ever elk hunted. Should be just the ticket, but I'll still bring a climbing tree stand to maybe sit a few water holes we found back then.

  4. Last ditch application effort hit paydirt with likely a Kaibab archery tag. Needed it bad. Ended a three year tag drought. I read results will post Wednesday. Jeez that would leave only 30 days advance notice to archery opener.

  5. "Another thing to note is that surrendered tags don't necessarily need to go back to the department, but any of the approved 501c3 organizations. Such as the ones we are all familiar with that assist wounded military, terminally ill youth, and others. One would get their bonus points reinstated and get a tax write off in the process this way."


    Any process like this needs to be VERY carefully controlled. What if an approved 501C3 had the same intentions as the backers of HB2072 that was (thankfully) defeated?


    OK, here is a scenario for the tag return. Say I've got max points for elk. With those I can get drawn for a trophy rifle hunt any year. I get an early unit 10 bull tag. Mr. X pays me $5000 cash under the table to "donate" the tag to a specific 501C3. Said 501C3 sells the tag to Mr. X or his wife or son or ??? for another $5000. I get my bonus points back plus the point as if I was not drawn. Next year, by definition I'm at the top of the heap again so I get an early rifle bull tag in unit 23. Wash rinse and repeat, over and over for years.


    The rules need to be VERY tightly written to prevent all kinds of unforeseen abuse.

    This is the first thing I thought of when I read this proposal. I have no problem with a tag surrender policy, as long as it is available to everyone, and any surrendered tags went to the next guy in line ONLY. Allowing someone to turn it over to a so called "nonprofit" org, while retaining their points, is outrageous, and should be TOTALLY out of the question. All points should be lost. Anything less would be a way for corruption to work it's way in. Such a policy would grossly cheapen everyone else's points, and cheat those next in line.

    • Like 1

  6. Finally picked up my 2012 DIY New Hampshire moose from the taxidermist. He kind of looks funny with virtually no bell, but that's the way he was. I was told some bulls break them off in winter due to snow/ice?


    Looking forward to my first return hunting trip to AZ since 2002. Just booked flight into Vegas for my Kaibab deer hunt.



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  7. I am a nonresident who drew a deer tag for 12AW late this year. I noticed deer tag holders have the option of buying a bison tag in the unit for reductions. I know bison numbers are low there, but just want to poke around and get confirmation if it's worth looking into further. Thanks.

  8. Thanks I thought about that the last few years. If I lived nearby and could put in some serious scouting, I would go that route. If I had the money to hire an outfitter I would also consider that. However, I do not. The archery success rate is not very high there. Also I prefer to hunt with my buddy who did not want to do the archery hunt. So we opted to apply for the 12AW late hunt. Should draw.

  9. My buddy and I are one point below max for AZ deer and seriously considering burning points this year, as we have drawn only one other tag for a Sept elk hunt. Dates seem a little later than typical? Curious to get some thoughts. We are thinking of maybe 12B. Anyone been on any of the 12 late hunts lately? We are nonresidents. Thanks.

  10. We decided to just do points in Arizona this year. Reason is we found out my buddy missed a year applying in Wyoming so it knocked us out of the max point pool. Another buddy has a son playing college baseball but freshman year so he won't play as much, so he wants to draw somewhere this year. So we picked a WY archery unit that we should draw 100% with 6 2/3rds points.


    This strategy also should make the next couple years more predictable. Should be a lock for AZ unit 1 with 12 points next year. And then year after should be a lock to burn my 16 Oregon points. These two are important for me to plan around because neither can be returned with points reinstated should I draw conflicting hunts..


    Although I am not wild about the quality drop that will occur in unit 1 by the time we draw.

  11. Welcome Umpqua, It's a great site for anything to do with AZ hunting.


    After studying things I may have to hold off on AZ lope this year because I have max points in WY and should have a good chance of drawing both lope & elk there. Neither state allows tags to be returned, so I hesitate to apply for lope in both.

  12. maximus,


    Ya last year I got a free trial issue of Elk Hunter magazine and commented in another thread on OYOA about Denham. I did not criticize the magazine, just that I could not bring myself to open it due to the Denham name showing up as a contributor. Well the editor or someone got all pissed off about it and sent me PM's, but what am I supposed to say? I think you will find several of the AZSFW names popping up as associated with anti-SFW orgs, but they coexist due to business. Still have not opened my trial issue. Not speaking negatively about it. Just the way I feel.
