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Everything posted by plang00

  1. plang00

    Time to learn unit 10

    My unit 10 antelope tip...........when they see the dust your truck is kicking up, they will start making their own. Leave your vehicle......and have good optics. Good luck to you. Let us know how you fare, that is a premier tag!
  2. plang00

    Just got my mount back 19A archery loper

    That is one heck of a buck!! Especially with a bow!! I tried hunting goats with my bow once.......Every time I made a stalk, I would get within about 100 to 90 yards and the buck would feed or trot off about 40 yards look at me.....and hand to god he would smile!! lol Some say a couse buck with a bow is the ultimate prize.......I disagree. It's an antelope. Congrats!!
  3. plang00


    I agree Greenback!! I showed her your comment.....she says watch it. She knows where you live. haha
  4. plang00


    He came from 6.....he's not as big as he looks. Dad is a good photographer. haha
  5. plang00


    Next year I'm using a money order! I know between myself, my wife and my dad that we have 2 bull tags.......just not who or where?? It's killing me. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since the card was charged.
  6. plang00

    Az Spring Gobblers! Almost Here!

    Here is my spring gobbler from 23 last year. No tag for me this year. Did get a bull tag though so can't complain....hoping it's in 23!! Good luck to all you spring turkey tag holders.
  7. plang00


    Here he is. I will plead the 5th on the controversy over where I aimed. HaHa His horn lengths were 20" and 19 4/8" Don, I will never forget that day. Like my father, I respect your ethics in the field and hold you in high regard. ~Paul Langford
  8. Rediculous in the modern day computer age that it takes so long. Checks have long been cashed and credit cards are charged....push the dang button and send the results!!!