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Everything posted by lonne

  1. lonne

    Deer Leftovers

    It is pretty depressing!!! Unless hunting population decreases due to NK getting an ICBM, some natural disaster, or... (I believe in vaccinations, at least currently :-) Pardon the joke...)
  2. lonne

    Any backpackers on CWT hike the AZT?

    It doesn't answer your question exactly...I have not conquered it. I've done some segments and one of the longest segments of it (~35 miles due to a couple of wrong turns near the end when I got tired:-) ). PM if any particular info you might be looking for; a friend of mine has near conquered it and I could pass along the question to him.
  3. lonne

    *Update*Cold Springs flood

    Yah, sad...
  4. lonne

    *Update*Cold Springs flood

    Another crazy video.
  5. lonne

    *Update*Cold Springs flood

    Lot of ash from the Highline Fire looks like...
  6. lonne

    Suspicious Person/Arsonist

    I thought the same. Looks like completely different guys.
  7. lonne

    A few more to share

  8. lonne

    Where am I?

    I second I don't know, but that's awesome LOL
  9. lonne

    Cedar board Sockeye salmon

    Salmon snobs. But it's so necessary. Yum. I love it. LOL Farm raised...yuck
  10. I like the Outdoor Research Advanced Bivy and have been in a both sleet/heavy rain and a couple light snow storms with it. The Bug Bivy is definitely excellent if you are not concerned about rain or snow (June). I also like the Big Agnes Seedhouse SL1, I don't think they sell it anymore and replaced it with the Fly Creek. Their customer service is great. I have put a few holes in the tent and they repaired it quickly and speedily with minimal or free charge (can't remember). If you want a serious 4-season packable winter proof tent, Black Diamond and North Face I believe have some good options but they are not cheap.
  11. lonne

    Here kitty kitty..

    WOW. Lol.
  12. lonne

    sheep mount

    very nice! Funny my dog seems to have the same worry. He also thinks the animals are still alive and smells them every once in awhile or gives them a stare down
  13. Man that sucks...I seen some friends that had absolutely huge potential get involved with drugs, super bad news, and watched their lives go downhill as much as I tried to intervene...very tough to watch and see
  14. lonne

    Hunting Dilemma

  15. lonne

    Suspicious Person/Arsonist

    New Photos Released http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2017/07/08/manhunt-northern-arizona-more-photos-released-arsonist-shooter/460080001/
  16. lonne

    Canyon Point Shooter Manhunt Updates

    New Photos Released http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2017/07/08/manhunt-northern-arizona-more-photos-released-arsonist-shooter/460080001/
  17. lonne

    Forest service shot at

  18. lonne

    Goodwin Fire

    Two of my favorite hunting spots were eaten by fires. I hike into those places now and it looks like a war zone and tanks went through. Sorry to hear, it's not a good feeling for sure.
  19. lonne


    That's a cool find. Someone will be happy for sure if they realize this was found!
  20. lonne

    I would like to say where am I but

    Sad, I've driven by the Grand Canyon and seen this many times. Last year when I drove up to the Grand Canyon, I saw the most amazing bull just like this standing just off the road feeding. I knew that bull had a limited time for sure. On the way home from the Grand Canyon just a couple days later, that bull was dead on the side of the road from some car that hit it.
  21. Looks like 2 green tags and 1 red tag. What do the green and red represent? Hope a worthy hunter gets him before he gets a human or azgfd destroys him...
  22. lonne

    A few to share

    Thanks for sharing Dan
  23. lonne

    2017 AZ Bear

    And the bear is even prettier when I click on the pic and see the pic in full resolution. Wow beautiful. This bear makes my weekend and sure makes me want to get the heck out there ! Nice one!!!!