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Eagle mountain ranch

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Everything posted by Eagle mountain ranch

  1. Eagle mountain ranch


    chew and wind indicator
  2. Eagle mountain ranch


    sh!t paper ..meaning mountain money and baby wipes . Lmao !
  3. Eagle mountain ranch

    Help us find the criminals!

    ^^^^This^^^^ ....
  4. Eagle mountain ranch

    Thoughts and opinions needed / wanted

    Don't forget the high end archery equipment as well as what others have suggested all are great ideas. IMO
  5. Eagle mountain ranch

    Lifetime of waiting!!!

    Good for you guys that is a stand up act for sure.Congrat to the hunter I'm sure he will always cherish it.Well done !!
  6. Eagle mountain ranch

    rifle coues

  7. Eagle mountain ranch

    First coues is a stud!!! 103 4/8

    congrats on a great deer no matter the score. good for you !!!
  8. Eagle mountain ranch

    10 year olds first buck 3x3

    Congrats.. nice shooting young man.Practice sure does pay off when it counts good for you.
  9. Eagle mountain ranch

    Ferguson, Missouri

  10. Eagle mountain ranch


  11. Eagle mountain ranch

    One more late bull

    very nice bull .. congrats
  12. Eagle mountain ranch

    Ferguson, Missouri

    Time to breakout the fire hoses and dogs tonight.Like in the good ole days.
  13. Eagle mountain ranch

    Ferguson, Missouri

    Thats weird .. Lmao !!!!
  14. Eagle mountain ranch

    Ferguson, Missouri

    well then I say let the shooting begin,if they get out of hand put them down like the animals they are!!!!!
  15. Eagle mountain ranch

    Spring draw results are up!

    21 archery pig for me.. good luck everyone
  16. Eagle mountain ranch

    Finally got it done late season bull

    Heck yeah great job Kevin way to stick it out congrats !!!!!!
  17. Eagle mountain ranch

    5 of 7 tags filled in 21

    congrats to you and your crew. got r done
  18. Eagle mountain ranch

    Political Discussions request

    Better not bring your gun to California.. woops never mind my bad.Shhh! hahah!
  19. Eagle mountain ranch

    Political Discussions request

    Unless you can read minds, I really don't think you are in a position to call BS on this. At the risk of being flamed by the more recent negative toned responses that have become common place on this site, I am one of the people who contacted Amanda and voiced my concerns. First in that the Politics have been dominating the board, second for the negative attitude that it has generated in all threads and for what I found deeply hateful and offensive discussion you started. Yes I didn't need to read any of them but so often the members of this board espouse the principles of Family, Faith and Friends how could I not when a third of my family is Christian, a third Bahi'a and yes a third Muslim. Although none of us are what would be called active practitioners we do identify our selves by our born into faiths. What you were advocating for is essentially the extermination of a third of my family. Further, the political topics and negative / confrontational responses associated with them along with an overall increased level of negativity towards Members, Game and Fish Department and many other entities this site has diminished in not only my eyes but in many others. I've been a member for 8 years. For years this was the only forum I ever visited and it was the first thing I checked in the morning and the last thing I checked evening. I was more interested in checking the new active posts then I was my own email. There was a day where I read every post now I hardly read 20%. Additionally, I now frequent two other forums and CWT.com has become the last one I check. On those other forums there are no political discussions and the tone of those forums are nothing but positive - kinda like CWT.com use to be. Now I fully expect to be flamed for this but I speak the truth as I and many others see it. I'm sure I will be called a whiner, a liberal and I'm sure much worse but know this I don't care what is said because I know where I stand, I know who I am and I know I live my life in accordance with with my faith and in doing that I had an obligation to register my concerns and complaint. Flame away! Larry Hahah.. I hear ya bud, but it's like anything else if you don't want too see it don't click on it.It's like a scary a$$ movie you don't want to watch it but once you start,you can't stop As I wish we were still able to discuss politics, "it is what it is I guess" I for one will miss it.But it's Amanda's toys her rules..
  20. Eagle mountain ranch

    Political Discussions request

    Well chit now what are we gonna do during the week until hunting season gets into full swing.See you guys on the mountain.It was fun while it lasted.
  21. Shoot ,Leave and shut up (SLS) I like this better less work same results ^^
  22. Eagle mountain ranch

    Mady's Bull

    Awesome bull right there.Congrats too the young hunter,to the proud Dad,and to all involved
  23. Eagle mountain ranch

    Item found in Unit 27

    You my friend are a class act.You are welcome at my campfire "ANYTIME". Beers on me !
  24. Eagle mountain ranch

    Letter to the Infidels

    Don't apologize for what you believe in Keep them coming brother.Hopefuly the world will see these cockroaches as they are.. Get the "Raid" exterminate them ALL !!
  25. Eagle mountain ranch

    Obama air at it's finest!

    Or maybe fire up that middle engine let that intake work overtime..