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Eagle mountain ranch

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Everything posted by Eagle mountain ranch

  1. Eagle mountain ranch

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    Time too start the boycott train ..... I'm so sick of the pantywaist society we live in no wonder other countries are laughing at us all the time.Times sure have changed for the worst folks
  2. Eagle mountain ranch

    .300 Win Mag on Javelina...

    Dead is dead I suppose never used a 300 win for pigs but each to his own. Do you reload ?
  3. Eagle mountain ranch


  4. Eagle mountain ranch

    my cousins 2013 archery coues deer

    Heck ya a deer with a bow .. Congratulations !!!!
  5. Eagle mountain ranch

    What's in your pack?

    It got tested on my leg back in 1976. Got nailed by a Diamondback in the Superstitions. It was Feb. and I wasn't smart enough to realize snakes go by temperature and NOT the calendar! It worked good that time so I still carry it! Wow that's scary stuff well apparently everything turned out ok thanks for sharing, I guess that kinda stuff really does happen. It Definately makes my butt pucker just thinking about it ..
  6. Eagle mountain ranch

    Opinions on Phil Roberston suspension from A&E

    I'm sure a&e stands to lose a lot of money..good they should this society is so sensitive it kills me thats what's wrong with the good ole USA today.. Good for you Phil
  7. Eagle mountain ranch

    My late dec hunt

    nice one .. congrats
  8. Eagle mountain ranch

    Worlds fastest archer

    dang.. that's Incredible cool video ...thanks for sharing
  9. Eagle mountain ranch

    Got my Unit 7 Antelope back

    Very quick turn around ..looks good
  10. Eagle mountain ranch

    Worlds fastest archer

    I'm not able to pull it up either
  11. Eagle mountain ranch

    What's in your pack?

    Mocha, can you elaborate on the only used once snakebite kit ???
  12. Eagle mountain ranch

    Another prime example of just how great CWT forum really is.

    I was just thinking this the other day while over at archerytalk looking around.Everyone is negative for the most part,here it's different for sure, but I've always said,"coues deer hunters are true sportsman". Definitely a cut above the rest Heres too the best site out there
  13. Eagle mountain ranch

    Sweet little palmated buck

    wow that right side is a trip ... congrats
  14. Eagle mountain ranch

    Dad got him one!

    The deer gods always repay I believe for unselfishness .. congrats to your dad
  15. Eagle mountain ranch

    My first Arizona whitetail hunt- 36C

    Nice write up...welcome to the uncurable addiction.......
  16. Eagle mountain ranch

    100"+ DEADHEAD

    dam lions why can't they take the small ones.. leave the big ones for us .. nice find
  17. Eagle mountain ranch

    need some help

  18. Eagle mountain ranch

    6 day hunting - 4 Coues Tags Filled

    Sounds like it's defiantly time too fire up the grill in your household...Congrats on a successful year
  19. Eagle mountain ranch

    A moron and his money are soon parted

    I can't stand California.. what a dumb@$$
  20. Eagle mountain ranch

    What to do... what to do

  21. Eagle mountain ranch

    unit 21 fatboy

    congrats.. nothing like packing extra weight out in the dark,good job
  22. Eagle mountain ranch

    First day out and first time deer hunter

    grooming yourself a little guide right there... priceless
  23. Eagle mountain ranch

    friday the 13 buck

    very nice .. congrats
  24. Eagle mountain ranch

    what happened to the site

    Yep you know the old saying," You don't know how much you miss something until it's gone".Thanks Amanda for the best hunting site out there and to all the web administrators as well as the sponsors .. Thank You
  25. Eagle mountain ranch

    Xmas wish/want list

    I guess mine would be a new bow...