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Eagle mountain ranch

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Everything posted by Eagle mountain ranch

  1. Eagle mountain ranch

    Day One Results

    I drew 2 bonus points, but I already knew that , good luck to those that have drawn. I’m sitting out this year ....
  2. Eagle mountain ranch

    Is the Game and Fish meeting in secret?

    I'd rather shave my nuts smear them with honey and sit on a red ant hill than hear what these idiots have to say ... buncha crap anyhow!!!
  3. Eagle mountain ranch

    APS Prize Winner!!!! FRAGILE

    Nothings free, seems kinda fishy?
  4. And: Firearms Speech Assembly Petition Vote Privacy Unreasonable search and seizure Silence to prevent self incrimination Big Gulp drinks Animal products Fossil fuels Cover scents Camouflage Scent eliminating clothing Telescopic sights Self-contained metallic cartridges Compound bows Outlawing "x" is not the answer, especially for as something as benign as a trail camera or as fundamental as firearms. just don’t take my Copenhagen that would really pi$$ me off .... unbelievable this crap
  5. Eagle mountain ranch

    From field to the kitchen!

    Heck yeah , that’s awesome congrats!
  6. I’m in the school of I don’t give a fu@k of what anybody else does , you wanna sit I a lawn chair off the road 5 feet fine you wanna pack in 8 miles and stay overnight fine ... who gives a fu@k we should all be on the same team as outdoorsman and mind our own business. Sorry for the rant but geez !!!!
  7. Eagle mountain ranch

    Here we go again! Dicks Sporting goods and others

    My AR has been sitting in the safe for years hasn’t spoke a word or killed anyone... Wtf ... this world we live in, I’m getting feed up !!!!!
  8. Eagle mountain ranch

    Maybe it is time

    I wouldn’t buy a firearm from Dicks , Sports Authority , Big 5 ... etc even if my a$$ was on fire.
  9. Eagle mountain ranch

    Short Fake Hunt

    Awesome deal, congrats
  10. Eagle mountain ranch

    Friends first Javelina

    Nice job friend , congrats
  11. Eagle mountain ranch

    Maybe it is time

    Wonder what “Chubb Insurance “ is ... wth
  12. Eagle mountain ranch

    Short Hunt

    Dam dude that rifle looks mean as fu@k . Nice congrats!
  13. Eagle mountain ranch


    Yeah , his old lady was prolly pi$&ed at him and told him to get rid of that sh! T , maybe he woke up and put her back in the kitchen, time will tell , nice items but for someone wanting to sell stuff , he’s ??) been pretty unresponsive..??
  14. Eagle mountain ranch

    Where and What am I, amigos?

    Depends on what your definition of Down, is. we I consider past Picacho peak down south ?Me too, but not this time.well sh!t ...casa grade area ?or more north ?
  15. Eagle mountain ranch

    Where and What am I, amigos?

    Depends on what your definition of Down, is. we I consider past Picacho peak down south ?
  16. Eagle mountain ranch

    Where and What am I, amigos?

    Looks like a good place to take a dump... after a few small rearrangements... who knows is the down south ?
  17. Opinions.... pros/cons ? Getting ready to pull the trigger on a new door.
  18. Eagle mountain ranch

    1987 Suzuki Samurai JX Tin Top

    I had a special hole cut out in mine on the shifter boot too get rid of empty beer cans , one night I reached in a little far and my finger nail hit the driveline . Got me good went and fished Alamo that night with a rubber glove on to keep the bleeding down , that nail has never grown back right... good times but the fishing was awesome.... I miss that Jeep ... 23 yrs ago
  19. Eagle mountain ranch

    1987 Suzuki Samurai JX Tin Top

    I had one of these in high school that was a long time ago ... Trust me and I mean trust me fellas this this will go pretty much go anywhere even on 2 wheels... not kidding.. good luck with the sale ....
  20. Eagle mountain ranch

    Looking to upgrade my optics...

    I hadn't considered the 12's. I was worried since I have been using my 15's for the past couple years that I might miss the little extra power. To the ones carrying the 12's, are you also carrying a spotter or just the 12's? My hunting partner carries the spotting scope it’s a Lica , I bought it he packs it ... good deal for sure ... LOL
  21. Eagle mountain ranch

    Thieves suck...guess I got lucky

    Sounds like tweeker thief’s to me that sucks.
  22. Eagle mountain ranch

    Garage doors insulated / non insulated? Gauge ? Etc .

    If you don't mind me asking, who did you buy through? I'll be in the market soon. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&source=hp&ei=SoaIWsS3JdDojwO21I-ICw&q=brothers+garage+door&oq=brothers+garag&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.1.0l5.8491.18654.0.19659.,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:5467820634711341706,rc_q:Brother%2520Garage%2520Doors%2520LLC%2520-%2520Reputable%2520Garage%2520Door%2520Springs%2520Repair%2520%257C%2520Replacement%2520Avondale%2520AZ,ru_q:Brother%2520Garage%2520Doors%2520LLC%2520-%2520Reputable%2520Garage%2520Door%2520Springs%2520Repair%2520%257C%2520Replacement%2520Avondale%2520AZ
  23. Eagle mountain ranch

    New pup

    Sweet , she sure is a good looking pup.
  24. Eagle mountain ranch

    Looking to upgrade my optics...

    If you can spring it , and this comes from a guy the uses 15x56 sworos , I would get the 12 el’s and be done . Trust me
  25. Eagle mountain ranch

    Savage 12FV?

    Don’t have or owned the model you mentioned, but most savages I’ve come across shoot lights out right out of the box . Not the prettiest but they shoot. I got an old 110 in 22-250 that is ridiculously accurate no matter what you feed it.