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Eagle mountain ranch

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Posts posted by Eagle mountain ranch

  1. #1 Quality time in the outdoors with friends and family. Some good exercise and great memories.


    #3 For thousands of years humans were a major predator in whatever ecosystem they inhabited. There are are scientific studies that conclude that the removal of a main predator will result in an overpopulation of the prey species. They then run short of food and water causing a large die off. By raising their "game" in captivity at an ever increasing rate humans are removing themselves from the historic role as a primary predator.


    #4 Populations can be maintained at a healthy level by controlling the human predator. The North American model has a proven track record of accomplishing this. We are also putting animals back into historic areas where they had been hunted to extinction long ago.


    #5 Families who hunt together share a bonding experience of a basic human need of going out and obtaining food in the manner their ancestors did. If they are successful they are rewarded with a freezer full of meat and a lower grocery bill. If they fail they still have the experience and quality time together away from all the distractions of modern life. Their licence and tag fees go to support the wildlife they hunt. How many animal rights activists make donations to support wildlife?


    #7 It would become a tax. Last I knew AZGFD received no tax dollars from state income or sales tax. Their funding comes from licence and tag fees along with what they get from Pittman-Robertson and possibly some lottery funds. How dose funding from animal watchers or animal rights activists compare to what is provided by hunters.


    #8 Is it free range? What condition was the supermarket animal raised in compares to wow the wild game animal lives?


    #14 We are going to kill and eat animals. If we do not hunt more animals will need to be raised and butchered to replace the loss of the meat obtained through hunting. Which life would you rather live as an animal, wild and free or on death row?


    #15 Give me the choice of beef steak or an elk steak to eat and I will choose the elk. Give me the choice of a domestic chicken or a few quail and I will take the quail. It is my opinion that I often obtain a better quality product hunting than I do at the grocery store. For starters the hunted animal is organic free range. What exactly does the list of the artificial ingredients in much of the grocery store meat look like? What is the additional cost to obtain free range organic at the grocery store compared to the standard death row animal?


    Well, I often struggle to hold my own on whatever pissing match of the week I get myself involved in on CWT. If I had the monumental task you face those are some of the thoughts I would research and try to expand on.


    Hit hard with Science and facts but also let some emotion that reveals your love for the sport and the animals show.


    Good luck Taylor.

    Great post I can’t type that much ..... what he said !!!
    • Like 1


    Mine tells me I do not exist: No hunting license and no bonus points, and I have never participated in a draw. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.


    Bill Quimby

    Most likely entered some info wrong or emails aren't matching up
    I’m sure it’s just server updates do to the draw , relax friend this happens all the time with our new world we unfortunately live in.

  3. Cutco. Best knives I’ve ever used but felt like buying Swaros...

    Thanks , I also see they are made in the U.S.A. which is always a factor I look at before purchasing. Looks like momma might be getting a set of these . Thanks fellas
    • Like 1

  4. werent you the 51 bucks an hour guy? Buy the 1200 dollar set!! But seriously, I use a few that a friend of mine made and I use fish filet knives. 10-15 dollar filet knife lasts 6 months of veggies and meat then buy another.

    Making money and spending money wisely are 2 different things.I do like your thinking though with buying and replacing.We usually eat out every night, but she’s been into the whole “hello fresh” thing where they send you meals and you prep and cook them.
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  5. So I was wondering with all you chefs, and good cooks if you could recommend a good set for the wife. While looking around on the net there are sets anywhere between 30-1200 $ , and she isnt getting the 1200 set Ill tell you that . Thanks

  6. Thank God for great dad's and for those of you who have been able to survive bad dad's!


    I remember one day........I was probably 10, my mom was trying to give me a swat with a fly swatter and I kept catching it with my hand before it hit my rear.


    Dad comes home and I find myself laid over a bed with my dad pulling his belt off............I had a great dad, what a great example for me and this story just made me sad to think that someone would do that to their dad. That things had gotten so bassackwards it had come to that.

    reminds me of the time I did something wrong, and the old wait till your dad gets home . Oh the anxiety waiting well he got home I came out of the room . She told him the situation and he at first laughed, that’s when old mom bent a cookie sheet over his head. I then got my butt kicked . Good times , these kids nowadays have no respect .