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Eagle mountain ranch

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Posts posted by Eagle mountain ranch

  1. 5 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    dang dude that sucks!

    I guess that's the upside to being broke right now because I don't have any investments. 

    “Is what it is”. I suppose. This too will pass. Save your money as best as you can. We all gotta suffer because of the slant eyes cant eat just normal food. Little bast$ds 

  2. 3 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    How big was the bag of coke?

    They are only doing small bags , enough to put you on the sh!tter , with no sh!t paper and only mild numbness. This is such a joke but, causing a lot of problems for people invested into the stock market. I worked 8 today but lost 10 grand apparently..... go figure is what it is , but people need to chill the f$uck out ... this to will pass .... 

    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, lionhunter said:

    PRDATR did a pretty good job giving some good info.  Approach your stand quietly, cant walk too far from a vehicle, but a min of a 1/4 is my rule.  set up with sun at your back if possible, in the shade if possible, and always with a bush/ tree breaking up your outline.  Mouth or e caller, start very low volume for the first 2-4 min, then increase volume.  Mess around with different sounds and different calls.  get out and have some fun.  you will mess up more than you don't, but when it all comes together it is a blast.

    Limit your motion in the stand as well.  Move slowly and move your eyes more than your head.  stop frequently for a min or two; keep their attention but make them look for you.  Lastly, always try to stop a running dog before you shoot ….. not always possible but try.


    Good replies, take note to the last one. It's tough but wait till he/she stops.The last thing you want to do is educate a coyote with a rushed miss .They remember I'm convinced. 

  4. 19 minutes ago, NOTAGS said:

    dang it to heck.  I just put down one of my two last night.  This seems tooooo coincidental.  By March we may be past the rough part and interested. I can't take this to the Mrs. yet, its still  pretty raw here. I'll circle back with you.

    Sucks man. Nothing like man's best friend.
