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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8

    Museum Fire

    The community meeting this evening said it's now 10% contained. Also, they were pretty positive with the rain and increased humidity, that they feel this fire won't grow much more than what it already is. They stated this a couple times tonight, so they're confident in the fire's behavior. The biggest threat now, according to them, is flash flooding.
  2. AZ8

    Military surplus cases

    That first picture shows them for $80.
  3. AZ8

    Leftover tags Tucson office

    July 29
  4. AZ8

    Any recent velvet pics?

    Makes it worse not having a tag. I gotta stop opening this thread!
  5. AZ8

    Wtb 19a flatline map

    Although I use a GPS, I prefer paper maps. Mid morning break under a shady tree, I can open up the map and look at the big picture. Just can’t do that with a 4” screen constantly scrolling left to right, up and down.
  6. AZ8

    Where Am I? And What Was I?

    A real life Otis Campbell of Mayberry.
  7. Yeah, those roadrunners are a very efficient baby quail predator.
  8. AZ8

    Popcorn thread

    Only if you kill a city deer and drag it to the powerlines into 23.
  9. AZ8

    Whatcha Lissnin to?

  10. AZ8

    Window Replacement

    😲 wow!
  11. AZ8


  12. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    After the Yarnell Fire, they’re not going to send guys in willy nilly into a wilderness area chock-full of heavy fuels, box canyons and steep drainages, along with erratic winds, without assessing firefighter safety first. As others have mentioned, not calling planes sooner, I believe they were already committed to the Mountain fire burning near Bartlett lake. By that time, the Woodbury fire took off and was too late. Since there were no ground crews actively working the fire line in the Woodbury fire, they couldn’t use the planes since they work together. Just a perfect storm for that wilderness to go up in flames. It'll come back. Gotta keep guys safe first.
  13. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    Interesting graphic. Pushing into the top 5.
  14. AZ8

    Where Am I?

    Dobson Ranch area? Dobson and Guadalupe.
  15. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    16% Using public info @ roughly 780 total square miles for 24B.
  16. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    Started at the Badger Springs trailhead. Just like the Woodbury fire started at the Woodbury trailhead. Makes you wonder. Either there are a bunch of stupid hikers....or...........
  17. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    Not alot of pictures posted from the agencies, but the few they've posted show the drainages completely moonscaped. Once the rains start, wouldn't be surprised if they shut down alot of the wilderness to avoid another situation like what happened at Bushnell tanks.
  18. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    There’s going to be some serious soil erosion in some of those drainages once the monsoons kick in.
  19. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    Yeah, heck of smoke plume now. Its really cooking this afternoon. Getting closer to Roosevelt. Pictures from ADOT:
  20. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    The second aftermath picture I posted above shows the orchard.
  21. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    Just read on the Tonto Twitter page that the work done around the Reavis Ranch area was successful. They released the following pictures. Looks like the orchard is ok. “....personnel are happy to report that mitigation efforts in the Reavis Ranch area, including the "Medusa Mother Tree", historic homestead foundation, old orchard, and Mexican spotted owl habitat were successful..”
  22. AZ8

    Woodbury Fire

    Reading the morning report from inciweb, sounds like they're putting resources in to protect the orchard.